Thursday, February 28, 2008

His Promises

I had a testimonial about my family, how God changed my parents 180˚
I thought I should share this to all of you.

His promises:
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.(mat 7:7)
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." (mat 21:22)

I still can’t believe that in the end, my parents will become a ‘real’ follower of Jesus. It was beyond my imagination.
From Long time ago, I always prayed for them and I only said this in my prayer: “Lord, I don’t know when the time comes, but I believe and I confessed that ONE DAY, in Your time, I will see, all my family member, will become Your children, and They will seek You, and serve You with all of their heart.”

I just repeat that sentence again and again every time I prayed. 1 year, 2 years, 3 years -5 years, He didn’t even answered my prayer, and I gave up, I thought, ok I think there’s no way my parents can change to a real Christian. So I stopped praying.
(But somehow God’s remind me, that His time is not my time. His plan is not my plan) maybe His time is 10 years n not 5 years?? The thing is I just had to be patient and keep praying for them till the time comes. So I continued to pray again for them. i've been waited for Years and years and years and…

Its start happening now…

to cut the story short,
I went back to Indo last December 2007, and I clearly see, how different my parent’s life now. The way they speak, the way they think, everything’s different. They go to church every Sunday, they do ministry there, they always turned on a spiritual song and sing wherever they are (in the car, in the shop, in the house), He spread the Gospel to all (Not all, but almost all) his customer @ the shop. (They owned jewelry shop @ senayan city). They read bible everyday @ the shop (he did 4 times bible reading from genesis – revelation in 2 years) and he told me miracles after miracles happened since he read bible. His sickness was gone after he read bible.
I never saw them fight against each other anymore like they used to.

They told me this story, they’ve planned to go to Israel, but they have a little bit problems with the finance. Some of their friend who has been to Israel kept encourages them to go and asked them not to worry about the financial. God will give it back to you! So with faith, she booked the ticket, etc2.

One day my sister said to my mum, “Mom if u need money to pay for your ticket, u can take out your money from the insurance (my sis work in an insurance company that time). And my father started to loose his faith, and said to my mom (with a grumpy face) “see, what did I say to you? This is not the time to go to Israel!”
But she just ignored what he said, and just keep praying and confesses.

Everywhere, anytime, in the bedroom, in the shop, in the toilet, or even when she blow dried her hair, I heard she said this “in the name of Jesus, the shop is gonna be busy today, in the name of Jesus, there will be a big transaction at the shop today” she kept make a confession like that. At home after worked, they locked their self in bedroom and prayed for an hour.

And Praise the Lord, in that Month (dec 07) they have the biggest transaction ever in the shop. And it covered all the tickets to Israel! They went to Israel last dec.

*it never been happier to see your family, or the people u love, become a “real” Son/daughter of Jesus Christ*

Kadang kala kita sebagai manusia and as a Christian, kita suka ga sabar menunggu janji Tuhan, kita maunya everything have to be express, kita berdoa, and we want God to answered our prayer saat itu juga. Kalo doa kita dijawab cepat, we’re happy and Praise God even more, tapi kalo doa kita ga dijawab2, kita mulai kehilangan iman kita dan mulai menyalahkan Tuhan, kecewa ama Tuhan, kita seringkali bilang “God, where are You? I pray day and nite everyday every minute, but u didn’t answer me, u didn’t open the way”

But friends, I just want to remind you, (and for my self as well), “God’s plan is not our plan, God’s time is not our time” and He’s the one who know what’s best for us. He knows when the best time to answer our prayer. Not us

if u pray and God didn't give what u want, maybe the best thing that we can do is to introspect ourself rather than angry to God.
God says in James 4:3: When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Apa yang kita pikir mustahil, itu tidak mustahil bagiNya.
Saya pikir org tua saya sudah Tidak mungkin bs diubahkan! Tapi saya baru lihat apa yang Tuhan sudah kerjakan buat mereka. Luar biasa.
Dan kalo itu bisa terjadi pada orang tua saya, saya percaya itu bisa terjadi pada siapapun juga, tanpa batasan apapun.
Just keep praying and have ur faith in Him. And you will see The best is yet to come :D
