Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Its more than enough for me

Jakarta, 10 Dec 08

Hi bloggerz peepz how r you doin? hehehe dah lama banget ga nulis blog lagih...memang akhir2 ini saya amat sangat disibukan dengan pekerjaan saya yg menyita pikiran saya...hehehe ternyata perjuangan saya untk menjadi hair & make up artist beratt juga... (bangun paling pagi tidur paling pagi juga) heheheh tp gpp untungnya i love doin it :)

tiap kali buka computer berjam2 kerjanya cuma update renzhair website, renzhair facebook, bikin2 sumthin di photoshop, or Chatting and video call with my hubby, thats it. ga kepikiran buka atao tulis blog sama skali haahhaa

Yup, saat ini saya emang lagi getol2nya mengejar impian saya yg slama ini tertunda.
Dari duluuuu saya uda png banget jadi hair & make up artist, cuma sekolahnya design (doenkkk) heheh tp membantu juga la...karna tiap bikin apa2 saya bs design sendiri tanpa harus bayar org laen.....kcuali minta tolong Se-fu gw yg setia hahha...

I feel God's blessing upon me dalam proses aku mengejar impianku... kayanya smua2nya dipermudah, dan inspirasii tuh dikasih trus ama Dia. hingga tiap harii ada aja ide ide baru yg bisa lngs aku kerjain saat itu juga.

Dan bukan cuma itu aja, tp belun apa2 aja, Dia uda ngirimin beberapa client2 (yg aku ga kenal) yg nge booking aku lewat e-mail, tapi sayangnya ada beberapa yg harus aku tolak karna aku belun nyampe perth tgl segitu :s, aku cuma mikir: "kok Tuhan baek banget sama aku ya?"

Tujuanku untuk membuka homebased salon di perth emang juga untuk mempersiapkan kalo nanti aku hamil & punya anak, aku bisa sambil kerja di rumah sendiri instead of doin nothing at home. Tapi kalo emang bisa jalan baguss dan bs sewa tempat, ga menutup kemungkinan juga. hahah (dream big). But i believe God's perfect timing for me, When im ready to have baby, my Renzhair juga uda ready & stabil, amin :D (thx God in advance)ehhee

saat ini aku masih di jkt dalam rangka menuntut ilmu dan memaximalkan apa yg bs aku lakukan dan aku beli2 slama aku disini.
Tpi sebulan aku disini aku bener2 blajarr banyak banget... dan dapat pengalaman2 berharga yg mungkin sangat amat susah untuk aku dapatkan di PERTH ahhaha.


kalo aku ketemu sama Tuhan face to face mungkin aku bakal bilang:

Me: Thank You Lord, its more than enough for me (a happy family, perfect husband with a perfect job, perfect skill & talent, etc)

but what would God say to you?
maybe....God will say:

God: I gave you all those perfect things in your life, but what you've done for me?
Did you save 1 soul for me?? Did you help poor kids & poor people out there? give them foods? if you say u are My child, you Love me, Did you Finished reading my Love letter from genesis - wahyu? Did you offer your self to serve Me in My church? or you often reject to serve Me when ppl offer u to serve?

then what would you say to answer Him?...err....

it easier for us to say "Thank God for this for that, for blessings, miracles" but we forget His commandmends. what we want is only a blessing, but not His commandmends.

What human think of Perfect: (when you grown up in a rich family, finished your school, got a good job, married, have baby, car, house etc)

God's want us to do a Greaterr thingss muchhh moreee than just all things in the list above.

Hopefully me & my husband can Grab clearly His greaterr vision for us, and so do you :)

-blessed & unperfect daughter-