Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jehovah Rafa

Kesaksian dari seorang anak yang tidak sempurna.
"Karena di dalam kelemahanku lah, KuasaMu nyata"

Dear diary,

hari minggu yang lalu, tepatnya hari sabtu setelah aku (bersama fam + fren) makan2 sate di rumah mama, tiba2 bagian perutku di sebelah kanan bawah terasa seperti nyuttttt nyutan.... tidak pernah aku merasakan hal seperti ini sebelunnya. sakitnya kadang hilang sebentar tapi kadang krasa nyuttt lagi... lalu papa cuma bilang "mungkin masuk angin kali" coba diminumkan ini... dia menuangkan aku obat, rasanya kaya minyakk anginnnnn! ewwww....

trus ya udah, aku juga berpikir bahwa sebentar lagi juga sembuh. sampe papa juga ngasih aku koyo dari jepang punya. akhirnya pas malem2 aku tidur aku tempelin koyo nya.... tapi terus masi *nyutt nyutttt* rasanya gimana aku tidak bisa menjelaskannya...susah untuk dijelaskan...

besok paginya aku bangun (hari minggu easter sun), rasanya udah agak mendingan, tapi kadang sesekali masih kerasa lagi rasa nyuttnya...aku bangun cuma ngucap syukur buat hari ini, buat kesehatan, nafas kehidupan yg masih Dia berikan dan minta pimpinannya sepanjang hari ini. Thats it. trus aku melakukan aktifitas2 yg laen sebelun ke greja bersama sang suami, sepanjang hari masihh sama rasanya "kadangg Ok kadang masi nyut nyutann" cuma heran sendiri..."knapa nih perut ya ga biasa2nya!?"

sampe di greja sore kebaktian jam 4 sore, yg kotbah namanya pdt Yusak. saya suka kotbah yg disampaikan! inti kotbahnya tng:
menemukan/merasakan/mempraktekan Hadirat/kuasa Tuhan

lalu dia ada bilang bahwa di dalam diri kita terdapat ROH yang lebih besar dari ROH2 yg ada dimanapun juga. karna Roh yang ada di diri kita itu adalah Roh yg sama yang membangkitkan Yesus 2000 taun yg lalu. jaman skarang hidup harus dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus, jaman Bapa sudah berlalu, Anak sudah berlalu, skarang jaman Roh Kudus.

jadi kalo ada org yg sakit, Tumpang tangan dan doakan! percayalah bahwa Tuhan (yang tangannya sudah terpaku di kayu salib) ingin memakai tangan2 kalian juga untuk melanjutkan perkejaanNYA. Jadi harus dipraktekan.

yah itu hanya cuplikan sebagian kecil dri apa yang Pdt Yusak ngomong pada waktu dia kotbah.
yang menurut saya relevant sama keadaan perut saya skarang... ehhehe
dalem hati "ok, kalo ampe nih perut masi ga sembuh2 juga. brarti emang saatnya musti mempraktekan"

bener aja, pas malem2nya dah mau bobo, my hubby udah nanyain terus "gimana perutnya masi sakit?" kmu ke dokter aje de besok, dr pada tar kenapa2, udah besok booking dokter ya!"(soalnya pikiran manusia udah yng enggak2, apa jng2 kena ginjal etc2)

pas dia uda tidur, saya msi blom bisa tidur karna rasa nyut2an itu....akhirnya saya mulai mepraktekan, saya angkat tangan saya dan taro di bagian perut yg sakit, lalu saya berdoa "aku percaya bahwa Roh yg ada di dalamku lebih besar dari Roh2 laen yg ada di dunia ini, Tuhan kuduskan tangan ini, dan aku berdoa untuk perutku spy di dalam nama Yesus, segala sakit penyakit yang ada dalam tubuhku Hilang! di dalam nama Yesus!, aku Terima kesembuhan dr padaMU Tuhan, dan aku percaya aku telah sembuh karna ENgkau yang menyembuhkanku! amin! thats it, itu aja doaku, lalu aku tidur....

besok paginya bangun masih ga nyadar, lama2 baru engeh, kok perut ku dah sama skali ga sakit lagi ya? ga ada nyut2an sedikitpunn sampe hari ini! dan aku tau bahwa semua itu hanya karna Iman dan Doa.
I Praise The Lord! He is Jehovah Rafa, Allah penyembuh.

cu diary....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A wife after God's own Heart Part I

I'm reading a book titled "A wife after God's own heart" its a really really good book for all wives out there. im gonna share this to you, hopefully this can change us to be a better wife, A wife after God's own heart.

im not a person who likes reading, a big no no! u can ask my husband how stubborned i am if he asked me to read. yeah im very different with him, he really likes to read books, (from spiritual books, leadership books, business books etc etc) evry books that can improve his knowledge and change him to be a better person, he will read it! *trust me* i know that reading a book is a good stuff (not comic or novel though heheh) but i just dont like it!

Anyway, i borrowed this book from my sis in law (calon hehhe) from long time ago, but i never touched it. and its funny how God woke me up in the mornin (4am) just 2 asked me to read this book and started to pray for my husband. thats when i began to read this book and pray for him.

Im not a perfect Human, not a perfect friend and not a perfect wife yet, but i want to LEARN n to TRY to be a better one by READing God's word, Read this book, etc and try to DO and ACT like what God's word has told me to do, and as well as this book. So... Please Be patient, God Is Not Finished With Me Yet :)

Hopefully all of you has the same thought as mine, enjoy! :)

How to become A Wife after God's own heart?

1. Growing in the Lord

Mat 6:33: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

A relationship with God is the key, the key to all of life, including your marriage. Growing in the Lord means learning what God, The Creator of all things and of marriage, has to say.

How do we grow in the Lord? The answer: By Putting God first. (thats how spiritual growth occurs) and the most tried and true way to put God first is to read His word, the Bible and OBEY it.

How's your heart? is your heart strong in faith, or weak? is it a Hot heart or perhaps one that's lossing its fire? A woman and A Wife after God own heart is someone who follows hard after Him and close behind Him (psalm63:8).

The key point #1: we as a wife should have a desire to grow in the Lord, by Putting God first (READ, DO and ACT what the bible say)

2. Little Things that Make a BIG Diffrence

A. Read your Bible everyday!

Keep in mind that something is better than nothing, so aim for at least 5 min a day of bible reading. thats abouth how long it takes to read one chapter in your bible.

B. Pray for your husband three times a day.
Pray before he wakes up, at noon, and right before he comes home from work.

The keypoint #2: it is good to have a bible reading together with your husband, and discuss it together. and of course dont forget to pray as well.

3. Working As a Team

Ecc 4:9 "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor"

A. A husband is to lead in his marriage and family.

When God created the first husband-wife team, the man and woman were told as a couple to "be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen1:28), However after their fall into sin, things changed. God then said to woman in Gen 3:16 "Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall Rule over you" ( or be your master)
and God also said "wives, submit to your own husband, as to the Lord, For the Husband is head of the wife", and "wives submit to your own husbands as fitting in the Lord. This means that in the same way you and i submit to the Lord, we are also willingly follow our husband Leadership.

(A tought): Its interesting to note that GOD DID NOT TELL HUSBAND TO LEAD, but His communication was WITH US AS WIVES, letting us know that WE SHOULD FOLLOW OUR HUSBAND LEADERSHIP.

B. A husband is to work and to Provide for his wife.

C. A husband is to love his wife.

"Husband, love your wife just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her" (eph 5:25)

This teaching mean that a Christian husband is to show the same kind of love toward his wife as Christ showed to the church when He died for her.

D. A Wife is to help her husband.

E. A wife is to Submit to her Husband.
This makes sense after learning that the husband is to lead in the marriage. If someone (God says the husband) is to lead, then someone (God says the wife) MUST follow. To repeat a bit, here's how God expresses it: "wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the fitting the Lord...BE SUBMISSIVE to your husbands"

This means wives MUST ADAPT themselves to their husband's leadership and their way of leading.

F. A wife us to respect her husband.
God instructs, "Let the wife see that she respects her husband" (eph5:33)

G. A wife is to Love her husband
In other words, we are to be affectionate and treat our husbands in a loving manner - to cherish and enjoy our husbands as a best friend!

What a winning combination! The husband leads, loves, works hard to provide, while the wife follows, loves, helps, and appreciates his efforts! :D

the key point: you and i should know what the bible teaches us about marriage. If we aware of our husbands' roles and responsibilities, we can be more understanding of the pressures on them and become a better *helpers*.

So we must again SEARCH our HEARTS. Instead of rating our husbands, lets check our own score in the Wife Departement.

How do you fare when it comes to following God's plan for a wife? are there any pitfalls in ur marriage that maybe directly attributed to negelecting to do things God's way? Is there any tension caused by a failure to adhere to God's recipe for a happy marriage, a recipe made up 4 basic ingredients: HELP, SUBMIT, RESPECT, and LOVE?

Warm up his life with your love
Improved his life as a helperf
Follow his leadership with a willing heart
Esteem him highly with utmost respect

to be continued...

GBU :)