I was sittin down now at the shop, got nothin to do except chating with one of my best gal in HongKong! oh well, we chat almost evrydayyy just to talk talk and talk, sumtimes our chating session is useful, we encourage each other with our own life story, but sumtimes we just talked rubbish! hahahahahah talked nothing, just called each other names like this: Rennnnnnn and i answer: pennnnnnn....and what are u doing?? and....thats it hahahah
but lately our talking session is bermutuu hahah is that rite fen?? :P
alrite since i got nothin 2 do here, i just wait till my shop closed at 8pm (thats why i dont like daylight saving!)
i wanna talk about 2009! people belives and said 2009 is a year of blessings, breaktrough etc, and yess i believe that hhehe
2009! yeayyy! very excited with whats gonna happened in 2009.
we began 2009 with prayer & holy communion, we were at downsouth at that time, we were trying to hide from evryone hehehe coz its been 2 month since i leave my husband alone in perth :P so we wanna have sort of our Quality time together without any phone calls, or else.
if those of you who know my husband very well, yes he is a planner & thinker type of person, he likes to plan evrything, making schedules in excel, (o yeah he's an IT person, so evrything must be WRITTEN & done in COMPUTER!) pheww...
so the last day at downsouth, we sat and think and made plan together, what we have to improve, and what we have to achieve this year, what we failed to achieve last year, what we already achieve and so on and so on
until 10 to 12pm we watched new year count down in TV and yup 12pm! sharp, we begin to pray & do holy communion together, coz we wanna Start this 2009 with God for sure.
As we did the Holy communion, we remembered Jesus Sacrificed for us at The cross. and we believe, our sin had washed away & every sickness was gone in Jesus Name.
We gives thx 4 whatever He done for us in 2008, every blessings, evry problems that we face, evrythingg we Give Him thx & asked Him for forgiveness.
Not long ago after new year, early Jan, our pastor talked about Annointing oil at church,
He tought us about the power of annointing oil, (The power is not actually from the oil it self, but it just like a symbol for what Jesus did in the bible.)and he asked us to bring an oil, so that we can pray for the oil together.
so Michael bring 2 lt oils for both of us, and we pray for the oil together. after we got home from church, we start do the action. we annoint our house with that annointing oil that we just prayed before. so evry section every room, evry doors, window, we put anointing oil there.
not only our house, but we did anoint each other. the part of our sick body, we annoint them.
and u know what i feel? i felt the house is very warm now, full of peace & Joy, and our character was changed.
And i realized, after we do Holy communion together & anointing oil, my husband (yg tadinya tiap kali tidurrr pasti ngorokxx besarr) jadi ga ngorokzz lagii!! and i Thank God for that, i can sleep peacefully noww!! but its trueee! I believe God had fixed saluran pernafasan dia yg ga bener yg mengakibatkan dia suka ngorokxxx! hehehehehhe
And... Last week, there was a KKR at our church, and that Seminar blessed me so muchh!! Seminar with Ibu Yen2 and Ibu lili, they are just original ppl, housewife, but GOd use them tremendously to bless us, and our church. many ppl are blessed! received! believed! the supranatural things that holy spirit did to us.
Once sentence that bu Yen2 always said to us, and i like this sentence, coz it hits me so much ehheh
"Do Not Claim that you Know Jesus, IF you Hasnt read ur bible from genesis to revelation!" Do not claim that you are a child of God if you havent finish read your bible" if you Claim you Know Jesus, but you havent read your bible till finished, you are LIAR!
I totally AGREE with her! as a father and child, we have to know Our God's character, our God's heart, and where we know all those things? B I B L E!
so yup yup, i asked for His forgiveness i've been Christian since long time ago, but never read bible from gen-revelation.
But now im doin it. :D In fact reading bible is so seruuu just like reading novels ehheheh....
Baru ngerasain blessings from 3 days Seminar & KKr,
tepat tgl 1 feb which is my 26th Bday, i GOt another blessings, waktu itu tgl 1 tepat jatuh pada hari Minggu, and yg kotbah pdt dari luar pdt PETER KUMAR, yg dulu pernah dateng ngadain KKR juga di greja kita. Dia berkarunia Porphetic & healing.
Waktu dia maju buat kotbah, dia bilang : I dont know, but God told me today, "Peter Kumar preach about breaktrough, peter Kumar preach about breaktrough"
saya yg duduk di blakang bersama suami saya lngs: WOW! dari awal Jan 09 we've been praying & praying about breaktrhough!! and thats like a confirmation for us..
dan abis kebaktian kelar, yg mau didoain dia boleh didoain yg ga mau yah gpp, dan me & my husband org trakhir yg didoain.... kita bedua didoain and...AWESOME! heheheh *off the record*
We both believe, surrender & pegang janji Tuhan. so never worried, keep standing keep believing, stay JOY!
oh yah one more lessons that Bu Yen2 teach us
2. Pujian penyembahan
3. read bible
5. Lakukan dari 1-4
and yes we're in a process doin all of them no 1-4 and we're excited With What Would Jesus Do! Breakthrough???? *Amen*
problems alwyas come, tantangan jg selalu dateng ke kita pastinya! but yg menentukan bisa atau tidaknya kt overcome the problems, tergantung dari Respond kita menghadapi masalah tersebut?
DId u choose to let ur self down, or u choose to stand still, stay Joyful, and belives Our God is a BIG GOD Bigger than our problems?!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
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