Thursday, June 26, 2008


just wanna take a note...

Yesterday 25 June 2008, i went to KKR healing & prophetic by Ev Peter Kumar...
im totally speecless & amazed... God that i served is bigger than my imagination, bigger than evrything in this world....i saw His power yesterday when He used Ev Peter Kumar to give healing & prophetic for us....there's one ppl who got cancer was healed by HIM, and i saw it with my naked eyes, awesomee...

there was a lot of people who was attending this kkr. and No one got left behind, He pray and give a prophetic msg for every single one of us. He healed ppl, meet their needs.

* i received all the words that he said to me & my husband with faith* i believe it will happening in HIS time.... aminn..

im so proud to be His children, so proud to have a Father like Him, so proud to have a Friend like Him, so proud that i can Serve Him, so proud that i have a SAviour King like Him.

i WILL never ever worry about my problems, my situation, evrything, coz i know even though i walk in the shadow of valley, He is there. He watch me, and He wait for me till i fall so that He can raise me up again...raise up even more, even higher & higher...

"let Your words & will be done in my life", thank You.... :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

HIS shop, is my 2nd home...

my lil office :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

just too excited...:D

hii bloggerzzz!

yeyyyy finally i bought my hols ticket! thx to my husband who prepared evrythin for me ahhah!
actually that ticket was given by him as a gift for my bday + vday! hahahah...what a wonderful gift! and God is very good to me as well, my husband told me to book the ticket since few months ago, but i thought "mhmm i'll wait till a month before to book the ticket, i just felt this is not the time to book the ticket now" till yesterday, i asked him to book for me, and he done everythin online, and the priceee is a very good price! compared to few months ago! hahah! see what i mean by "everything will be beautiful in His time?" ehhehauh! i cant give enough Thanks to Him!

anyway, i will go to spore for few days to attend one of my best friend wedding! yay! im so excitedd! and after that, i will go back to my "kampoeng" and will meet my frenzz there! and of course shopping is the first row in my list! hahahha i think i deserve that after my hard workkk in the past few months :)

so, se-fu would u be able to come to visit me to jkt???!
i believe alvita will come from bandung- jkt just to see me! awas kalo gak! hahahah... let us just have a chit chat sessionk all day....

etc etc....

1 month to go and im countin de days! YIpPiiieeee!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

shop updated #1

shop updated after we painted by ourself.

before (when we took the shop for de first time)


Friday, June 06, 2008

my turning point

yuhuuuuu bloggerzz...

woww i mizz my blog! eheheh setelah beberpa waktu absenn...iya niii aku lagi sibukk buangettt sama tokoo...karna skarang im the only one who take control of the shop (yeayy) aku jadi baru bisa ngapa2in sesuka aku hehehhe... sebelumnya kan emang aku partneran...dan itu susahh banget buat aku mau improve-in nya....karna kebanyakan selalu apa yg png aku lakuin buat imrpove itu berbeda sama apa yg partnerku png lakuin....(maybe we have the same goal but we have a diffrent way to do it) akhirnya yah aku diem aja ga ngapa2in...dari pada ribut mulu (nambahin dosa) ahuehauhe....

tapi Tuhan tuh emang baek banget sama aku.....duluuu pas jaman2nya lagi bentrok mulu sama partnerku...aku bilang sama suamiku: "beb udah ambil aja de smuaa, jadi kita ga usa partner2 lagi" n my hubby said: "yah mana bisa gitu donk...itu kan tergantung dia juga.." trus aku cuma bisa diem....akhirnya aku cuma iseng2 doank padahal berdoa, aku bilang "Tuhan aku tau kayanya imposiible banget buat dia cabut dr toko, tapi aku berdoa aja spy KALO BOLEH, aku ga mau partneran, aku mau ngerjain sendiri"

uda aku cuma doa gitu donk (padahal saat itu aku yakin bangetttt dia ga akan mungkin mau "cabut") akhirnya emang bener "APA YG MUSTAHIL BAGI KITA TIDAK MUSTAHIL BAGI DIA" beberapa waktu setelah aku doa, tiba2 tanpa aku tanya sepatah katapun, malah partnerku sendiri yg nyeletuk kalo dia mau cabut (walaupun kliatannya waktu itu cuma bercanda), makanya aku ga ambil pusink, tapi lama2 eh benerannnn.....

doaku dijawab tanpa harus aku yg memaksa dia kluar, tapi dengan sendirinya dia yg png cabut....makanya aku seneng banget.... akhirnya skarnag aku dikasih tanggung jawab yg lebih besar ama Tuhan buat ngejalanin tokoNYA. aku sebenernya rada takut juga...cuma aku pikir kalo emang Tuhan uda mempercayakan tokoNYA ke aku sendiri, Tuhan tau aku mampu.

karna bayangin aja....aku sama sekali ga ada bekground ada yg mentorin aku ( kalo di indo mungkin ada papi mami yg bisa mentorin, tp disini?who?)....aku bener2 belajar sendiriii buat ngejalanin itu toko (trial n error), kalo aku pikir secara manusia...."MANA BISA?" tapi a very soft voice in my heart say "hey what are you afraid of? kalo kamu uda menempel sama pokok anggur, apa yg kamu takutin? Tuhan yg akan membantu kamu, Dia ga akan membiarkan tokoNYA sampai tergeletak, tugasmu yah menempel aja, be a good steward, do the best that you can do, and He'll do the rest!"

trus aku baru dikuatin lagi : "yesh! i can DO IT! i can DO ALL THINGS WITH HIM!" this is gonna be my turning point! i started feel the spirit! :D

makanya mulai dari beberapa waktu kmaren kita sibuk banget, kita sakrang lagi ngurusin cat toko, tembok2nya yg uda mayan bobrokk kita cat lagi sendiri.... aku dari kmarenan juga bersih2 smuanya....toko itu emang barang2nya uda rada tua, tapi pas aku bersihin lagi smuanya kmaren....jadi mayan kinclong least org masuk walaupun lantainya tua tapi barang2nya bersihhh....

aku dah kaya kuli beneran....bersih2 smua, nge cat iya, nglayanin customer, take order, stock up barang, ngurusin file2...sampe di rum masi ngurus rum (aku serasa wonder woman) aheuhauhea...dari pekerjaan ringan (nyuci piring) sampe berat (ngecat tembok, scrub paint) aku jalanin.... tapi diluar kecapean itu aku mikir..... "this is a good experience, yg belun tentu smua org bisa dapet" jadi aku bersyukur juga karna itu :D

dan ada kepuasan sendiri buat aku kalo kerjaan toko beres, kerjaan rumah beres, hubungan dng Tuhan, suami, family & friends beres. bener2 at the end of the day baru evrythingss gooddd!! life is good :) & God is GOodd! :D

yg aku bingung sekarang, "mau warnaa apaaaa ngecatnya yooo?? "memang goalku buat toko ini adalah buat jadiin coffeeshop. makanya aku kepikirannya cat nuansa2 coklat, tapi warna coklat aja banyakk macemnyaa jadi aku tambah pusink heheheh...

my planning:
- re-paint all the wall
- re-arrange the layout (floor plan)
- get a new bain marie (doesnt have to be new, but better from current bain marie)
- increase food range + coffe machine
- change the shelve
- change the old wood floor
- make a coffee table
- change the door become .... er...i dunno the name pintu lipet2 yg bisa ditarik yg kaya di cafe2
etc etc etccccc

hahahah pleasee pray 4 me bloggerzz, rite noww what i really really really need is lotttts lottts & lottss of prayerrrrr!

im tired, but again i say "im blessed! & always rejoice in the Lord!" :D

picture of the week:

before paint

after paint (baru warna offwhite dulu percobaan)

masak ditengah2 kesibukan (yg gampang2 heeh)

ada kejadian aneh pas aku nyiapin dough roti, kan tiap hari aku bake roti dari dough2 yg jadi es batu, biasanya kt semprotin jadi ngembang membesar trus baru besoknya di bake...nah ini dough harusnya jadinya panjangg dan lurusss karna buat yg kali ini pas disemprotin, ngembangnya jadi berlikuk2....sampe pas diliat2 jadinya kaya 2 bebek...lucu banget

nah setelah di baked jadinya gini....aku hias2 pake mayonaise hahahah....

sekiann dulu kawan2.......gotta bek 2 work again...JIA YOOOO!!
Gbu all have a nice weekend!