these are the wishes when we were getting married December 2006, Thx 4 all the wishes...i knows its a BASI things hahaha but i just remember i think i didnt had time to say Thank you 2 all of you....
Oh Iren sayangkoehh.. congratss yahh atas pertunanganmu ma Mike plus weddingnya skalian dehh.. hebat lu bisa membawa relationshipmu ma Mike sampe ke pelaminan... salut deh! Kalo udah nikah, be a good wife, mother and daughter-in-law yahh.. I knw you've grown up to be a matured young lady now! Mizz u here sayangkoehh.. Kapankah kita bisa bertemu lage??
11:45 am
Hiii Cantiik...akhirnya tunangan juga loe ya..(tHANK gOD)... sELAMAT...SELAMAT...When is that big Day???
Semoga persiapannya OK-OK aja n gak ada yg tiba-tiba nongol ngaku-ngakusuami loe hehehe atau ngaku istri michael hihi...
By the way makin Ok aja nih Neng..jangan-jangan gw juga mesti tunangan dulu baru bisa Ok huhu sedih ya gw...
Sekali lagi selamat.... God Bless U both...
anak ilang nih
11/12/2006 4:32 am
Fotonya bagus-bagus banget. Cantik deh.. Congrats yah buat engagementnya. A new journey of life and hope you two will have a blissful marriage.
Kapan nih wedding day-nya?
11/12/2006 3:17 pm
love the dress,
love the smile,
love the bride...
love the groom...(ups)
God bless the Buny family inc.
KeziaAnastasia11/12/2006 9:19 pm
apaan lo, katanya poto2nya jelek! buuuhhh.. boong abissshh
bagus2 bgt gitu koookkkk..
pede donk, pedeeeee... cantik kok :P heheehehe
11/12/2006 9:27 pm
Nyonkirennnn canteeek skaliii potonyaaaa..... :)
Congratulation mami n papi buni :p . C u sooon....
Fang Fang11/13/2006 7:54 am
Hey Irene...euheuhe bagus foto2nya...lucu ngebayangin si micky foto..HAHAH..:). Sorry bgt nih gw ma indra ntar gk bisa dateng pas loe merit, tp kita doain loe and mekel live happily ever after hehehe..btw, c u soon yah heheh..welcome back to perth. Love-Fang2
melanie11/15/2006 11:22 pm
surprise surprise !!!
congrats on ur engagement yaa...
kapan nih "the day" nya??
dun forget 2 lemme know lhoch!?! awassss kalo ga kasi tau!!! :D
i wish all d best 4 both of u, may JC always guide u through the new beginning of ur precious life.
NB: Nice pics gurL...
waiting 4 d invitation! :p
(pestanya dmn say??)
cipika - cipiki 4 yaaa
Eva11/17/2006 10:04 pm
Waa irene
long time no hear.. ternyata uda mo merit.. ^-^ congrat yah!!! Wish u the best and hev hepi family!! ^-^ kapan meritnya nih??
YoLaLaLa12/6/2006 5:30 pm
uuuaaaa... tanpa terasa beberapa hari lagi irene yg cantik akan bersanding di pelaminan.. ;p happy wedding yah..
bernadetha12/7/2006 2:48 pm
nyonk...tinggal semingguan lo =)
conRat yach, wisH you all tHe besT
punya kel yg Illahi dan yg pasti happy all the time
akhirnya nyonk....
sebulan lg lu udah ke ausie ya
susah de keTemuny
sama2 jkt aja susah keTemu :D
pesen g buat lu
jadi istri yg baik hehehehe
trus jadi ibu yg baik hihhiii
ya udah...
cuma mau bilang 'Selamet' aja...
ledea12/17/2006 5:16 pm
eraiinz chayankk =)
CONGRATULATIONS on YOUR WEDDING today! wow... time FLIES! Hiks hiks... I'm so sad that i couldnt be there to share this day with both of u =( But hey, I can still pray and ask for His blessings cuz even though i cant be there, GOD is there.. and He can give you my message =)
My message is this:
I pray that God above will bless you and Mike as you cherish this very day. I pray that the promise you make today will last a lifetime and the joy you share endures through the ages. I pray for blessings, love, hope and faith to be given to you both as you take this journey together. I pray that whatever you both set your hearts on, God will make everything successful. I pray for endless memories and laughters to color every page of your lives. I pray that God will always be the center of your mariage and your family. I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your every day as you walk hand in hand with each other.
I love you both so much =) CONGRATS yah! C ya here in Perth =D
SanSan12/17/2006 7:18 pm
Today is your wedding day so i would like to congratulation both of you and mike...Two thumbs up for you guys to make it till now..I'm sorry that i couldnt attend your wedding..May God bless you and mike abudantly...
12/18/2006 2:24 am
Rin, congrats on your marriage. May you have a wonderful and blessful marriage life and may God bless you and your new family always.
12/19/2006 11:16 am
congrats on the wedding!!~ realli realli sorrie I couldn't make it...but I'll see you soon again in perth! ^^
12/19/2006 2:01 pm
Cangrats ya Reen.
hehe akhirnya irene married juga
sorry nee ga dateng ke wedding u..
but i pray from here may God bless your marriage and give this new family alot of happiness..
God Bless You my friend n Love u ..
12/19/2006 7:21 pm
hi beibbb..
here i am typing another testimo for you while you're enjoying yourself in Bali for your honeymoon. hehehehe.
congratulations, my dear mrs. buni :) it's official now (or as muti said "SAH!!!!" hehehhee) so happyyyy for both of you!! i know there'll be many wonderful blessings coming your way :) cepet2 punya little bunnies for me to play with! they'll be glad to have a funky aunt like me!!! wahahaha..
i'm so happy that we get to spend almost everyday with each other and our best friends during the week. it's been crazy and lotsa fun :) esp. on your wedding day. bwakakakakakkaa.
cepetan blk dr honeymoon!!!!!!!! hehehehhee.. i hope my present is enjoyable!!! (y'kno what i mean! *wink wink*)
love ya both lotsssss :)
12/19/2006 9:05 pm
irenz sayanggg...congrat atas new status nya yaaaa..
Wish...selalu di limpahi kasih dan berkat nya dalam mengarungi "dunia baru"
Salam untuk hubby...
Tuhan berkati selalu
12/20/2006 7:23 pm
WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY!! From now on your life will change from good to GREAT, its not about us anymore but its about our big Daddy above!
So happy for u both..never imagined this day was coming that fast! Well..Iren youre now officially my be good to my bratha, stay faithfull, share lots of love with him, be patient with him, help him in all things, stand beside him and most importantly...BE A PRAYER WARRIOR IN YOUR NEW FAMILY.
I will pray for you both day en night! May God Keeps you and protect and bless you in all things. This verse is for you both read yah - John 10:10-11
Enjoiiii yur HoneyMoon!!! kekekekeke..
GBU' Young Bratha
12/25/2006 8:54 am
Dearest Irene,
On this Christmas day I would like to wish the both of you a very very Merry Christmas... May you both feel the joy and love of Christmas not only today but for the rest of your lives. I'm SO happy for you, Ren =)
Congratulations again on your wedding..and let me know when the "juniors" are coming..hehehe...
12/25/2006 1:13 pm
Irene, wanna wish you and Mike a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the coming years.Congratz ya for your wedding, pengen liat ni foro2 weddingnya koq ga diupload si? He5..Ok enjoy your new life ya GBU both:)
12/28/2006 12:30 am
helo new sista in law!! how's bali? Gimana Mr. Buny? Performed well?? hehehehe.... okie dokie.. c u soon.
12/30/2006 9:47 pm
hEy ReNNnNN!!! *aka mRs buNi* CoNGraTs on uR weDDinG yaa!!! soRRy taT i can'T b thErE 2 cElebraTe wiF u ... buT waTs mosT importanT is TaT i aM sO vErY haPPY foR U boTh n im sO glaD taT u finalLY found 'd OnE' *iS he noT?* hOEehOEHoHE..jK kaLe mikE! *dGn naDa bEraT* ah weLL... alL d bEst yaa... i guEss ill c u sOOn heRe in pErTh huh??? iM waiTinG!!! ^___^ muaChhh
01/17/2007 11:29 am
Ren, Congratulation on your wedding. May Joy n Happiness surround you both. Wish both of you all d best in everything and you live happily ever after wif Mr Mike hehhehehe. sorry gw gak bisa dateng yah ren....
and still more...but am too lazy to copy paste all of em HAHHA...
hanya untuk kenang2an :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
cemara family
aku mau kesaksian sedikit gimana baeknya Tuhan sama aku...
Aku sebenernya tuh lebih pengen memilih untuk tinggal di jkt ketimbang di Perth...satu alesan yg png buat aku tinggal di jkt cuma karna aku png lebih deket ama kluarga....
aku sekeluarga ber lima... cw 4 satu cowo masih skolah di San fransico. kebayang ga si kalo smua lgi ngumpul....rameee bangett apalagi kalo semua ada pasangannya masing2...ajdi bersepuluh ahhahaha....asik abishh....
kalo di perthhh aku rasanya sepiiii ...apalagi kalo suamiku lagi ga ada di rumah....
yg jelas aku tuh pengen deket sama kluarga aku...itu aja.
dulu sebelun org tuaku bertobat...aku ga deket sama mreka...aku lebih sering pergi dengan teman2ku kalo aku pulang ke indo..mungkin aku terlalu take my family for granted...
skarang kita jd lebih deket...tpi yah aku uda tinggal di perth skarang... makanya aku bilang suamiku kalo aku mau sering2 balik ke jkt buat kumpul ma family...
come on..kita ga tau kita dikasih Tuhan idup brapa lama di dunia ini..ya kan? jadi aku mau sebisa mungkin kalo bs kumpul ama mreka aku mau kumpul.
untung suamiku pengertian skali akan hal itu...makanya dia ga pernah nglarang skarang kalo aku mau balik indo hihihi :P
aku slalu b ilang dia..."beb pokoknya aku mau tinggal di indooo hehehe sambil bcanda2"
aku png ada klurga...yg bener2 kluarga sendiri..bukan klurga dari laki...walaupun itu membantu cuma tetep la...pasti png ngumpul ama kluarga sendiri...
tpi emang Tuhan baek ya....dia mungkin ngasi di sekelilingku teman2, yg bisa aku anggep sbg kluarga aku....baruu aja nih kayanya aku dikasih pengertian tng hal ini..
aku punya beberapa sahabat di greja. nah ga tau sejak kapan...anak2 ini suka manggil aku mami mamihan...hahaha isenk doank sampe skarang ketagihan dan kt emang makin deket satu sama laen. sampe kita buat nama sendiri kluarga cemara...
aku sukaaa banget sama lingkungan temen2ku ini..kt tiap ktemu have fun bareng...sharing2...kesaksian gimana baeknya Tuhan dalam kehidupan kt masing2...dalam pecarian pekerjaan..dll dan itu tuh menguatkan satu sama laen banegt...
trus nreka siap bantu kapan aja mreka bisa...aku bener2 baru ngerasain kekeluargaan dalam pertemanan...dan u kno what?
mungkin ini salah satu Jalan Tuhan spy aku ga ngerasa kesepian disini.. dengan menghadirkan org2 yg bs aku anggep sbg kluarga aku sendiri....itu dashyattt bangett...emang Tuhan ga pernah tertidur..Dia tau apa yg lagi kita rasain dan apa yg lagi kita butuhin...AWESOME GOD....! Thank You so muchhh
saat ini aku punya 5 anak perempuan namanya: Lili, ivana, christina, tere & jeselyn
3 mantu: Bm, Lebe & zefanya ahhahahaha...dan kita ga menutup kemungkinan buat adopsi anak2 lagi ahhahaha...biar kita punya BIG CEMARA FAMILY! yeahh...Thank God 4 themmm!!
i luv them so muchh skarang aku punya mreka...aku ga kesepian lagi rasanyaa hihih
ini poto2 kluarga kita

Aku sebenernya tuh lebih pengen memilih untuk tinggal di jkt ketimbang di Perth...satu alesan yg png buat aku tinggal di jkt cuma karna aku png lebih deket ama kluarga....
aku sekeluarga ber lima... cw 4 satu cowo masih skolah di San fransico. kebayang ga si kalo smua lgi ngumpul....rameee bangett apalagi kalo semua ada pasangannya masing2...ajdi bersepuluh ahhahaha....asik abishh....
kalo di perthhh aku rasanya sepiiii ...apalagi kalo suamiku lagi ga ada di rumah....
yg jelas aku tuh pengen deket sama kluarga aku...itu aja.
dulu sebelun org tuaku bertobat...aku ga deket sama mreka...aku lebih sering pergi dengan teman2ku kalo aku pulang ke indo..mungkin aku terlalu take my family for granted...
skarang kita jd lebih deket...tpi yah aku uda tinggal di perth skarang... makanya aku bilang suamiku kalo aku mau sering2 balik ke jkt buat kumpul ma family...
come on..kita ga tau kita dikasih Tuhan idup brapa lama di dunia ini..ya kan? jadi aku mau sebisa mungkin kalo bs kumpul ama mreka aku mau kumpul.
untung suamiku pengertian skali akan hal itu...makanya dia ga pernah nglarang skarang kalo aku mau balik indo hihihi :P
aku slalu b ilang dia..."beb pokoknya aku mau tinggal di indooo hehehe sambil bcanda2"
aku png ada klurga...yg bener2 kluarga sendiri..bukan klurga dari laki...walaupun itu membantu cuma tetep la...pasti png ngumpul ama kluarga sendiri...
tpi emang Tuhan baek ya....dia mungkin ngasi di sekelilingku teman2, yg bisa aku anggep sbg kluarga aku....baruu aja nih kayanya aku dikasih pengertian tng hal ini..
aku punya beberapa sahabat di greja. nah ga tau sejak kapan...anak2 ini suka manggil aku mami mamihan...hahaha isenk doank sampe skarang ketagihan dan kt emang makin deket satu sama laen. sampe kita buat nama sendiri kluarga cemara...
aku sukaaa banget sama lingkungan temen2ku ini..kt tiap ktemu have fun bareng...sharing2...kesaksian gimana baeknya Tuhan dalam kehidupan kt masing2...dalam pecarian pekerjaan..dll dan itu tuh menguatkan satu sama laen banegt...
trus nreka siap bantu kapan aja mreka bisa...aku bener2 baru ngerasain kekeluargaan dalam pertemanan...dan u kno what?
mungkin ini salah satu Jalan Tuhan spy aku ga ngerasa kesepian disini.. dengan menghadirkan org2 yg bs aku anggep sbg kluarga aku sendiri....itu dashyattt bangett...emang Tuhan ga pernah tertidur..Dia tau apa yg lagi kita rasain dan apa yg lagi kita butuhin...AWESOME GOD....! Thank You so muchhh
saat ini aku punya 5 anak perempuan namanya: Lili, ivana, christina, tere & jeselyn
3 mantu: Bm, Lebe & zefanya ahhahahaha...dan kita ga menutup kemungkinan buat adopsi anak2 lagi ahhahaha...biar kita punya BIG CEMARA FAMILY! yeahh...Thank God 4 themmm!!
i luv them so muchh skarang aku punya mreka...aku ga kesepian lagi rasanyaa hihih
ini poto2 kluarga kita


Thursday, August 07, 2008
I present....
haiiiii evryonee...long time no see! ehhehe
yeah i was very busy making my new website! yeayyy thx to my dearest se-fu who made it for me! he's awesome!! its getting there.....please be patient heheh...
Thank God finally, i can start doing sumthin that i really2 like to do it! it is my dream since long time ago to open our own salon. it doesnt have to be big! but at least, i have sumthin to do (& produce money) hahaha when i have my own babyy :)
so ill be working @ my own house..
I believe this will happend only by Grace...without HIM i cant do anything!
so Ladies & Gentleman, i present: WWW.RENZHAIR.COM! hohohohohhoh check it out!
and the award goes to......MR.INDRA my SEFU who made the website 4 me!! WOOOOOOO!!! (ppl clapping their hands) HAHAHHAHAHAHA
Thank youuu for the encouragement, support etc2....muach2
yeah i was very busy making my new website! yeayyy thx to my dearest se-fu who made it for me! he's awesome!! its getting there.....please be patient heheh...
Thank God finally, i can start doing sumthin that i really2 like to do it! it is my dream since long time ago to open our own salon. it doesnt have to be big! but at least, i have sumthin to do (& produce money) hahaha when i have my own babyy :)
so ill be working @ my own house..
I believe this will happend only by Grace...without HIM i cant do anything!
so Ladies & Gentleman, i present: WWW.RENZHAIR.COM! hohohohohhoh check it out!
and the award goes to......MR.INDRA my SEFU who made the website 4 me!! WOOOOOOO!!! (ppl clapping their hands) HAHAHHAHAHAHA
Thank youuu for the encouragement, support etc2....muach2
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