Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hai bloggiez! :)

hi bloggiez...

its been a long long time since i wrote this blog for the last time, i dont know why i never touch or even open (the blog add). i guess im just too busy for blogging.

if you guys know,rite now im preparing my business together with my partner, we will open BRIDAL business soon in jan 2010. i cant believe that i can step into this level so quick. i still remember the first time i was decorate my mini tiny bathroom to be my salon...(at that time i was only doin hair, no makeup at all). after a year, well less than a year, i can do makeup, i started to get clients easily, every weeks, and now i can turn my dreams into reality, well i guess i received GOD'S speed.

i know for sure sure n sure, all this can happened only because of His grace and favor upon me. not because my strength, my brain, my talent, NO! only by His grace.

and now im in the middle of looking for a house. mann i thought looking n hunting house is a something fun to do, but yeahh more of headache than the fun (i think). im a lil bit picky when it comes to sumthing called "HOUSE"
but i believe God has given me n mike the nicest house for us.

today i will have a look one of the property in cannington, southern river, and beckenham...hopefully one of that house will meet my criteria hahahah!

o ya...yesterday i got message from sumone names Andrew Tamaka Barker. i dont know who he is. he just added my facebook, i accept and the next day he wrote me this message:

"pertama aku mw menyampaikan kekaguman ku sama ka irene....bbrapa hari yang lalu kan aku baca BLOGnya ka irene...dan ternyata isi di blog itu dibuat thn kemaren smua y ka?(telat bgt..haha)tpi aku ykin smpe kapan pun ka irene psti bkal ttp melangkah bersama Tuhan......
dan wktu dpt blognya ka irene pun itu ga sengaja....wktu itu aku lg search ttg apa ya di google...lupa...trus tb2 ada title Blessed Weekend...ya aku buka aja...stlah aku baca..baca dan baca....semuanya....dan disitu aku bca yg ttg ka irene di baptis....itu kejadiannya sama ka...wktu itu aku lagi bimbang2 mw di baptis selam ato ngga.....trs wktu aku lg mw tidur...baru aja pgn nutup mata....trs tb2 ada yg bilang..."kamu harus di baptis selam"...dan akhirnya aku lgsg minta di baptis selam pas ulang taunku yg k 19... :D byk juga dstu yg ka irene bagiin yg aku pernah nglamin juga...
yaaaa pokokee gitu dehh ka.....kaguum aja sama ka irene.....pinter...cantik....anak Tuhan lagi...bisa jadi berkat buat org lain(salah satunya dgn blognya ka irene)...dan aku yakin pasti Tuhan...memberkati keluarga ka irene bgt.....
aku liat foto2nya ka irene sama suaminya....kayanya penuh sukacita bgt ni keluarga,,,,aku jadi berkhayal........."bisa ga yh nanti aku punya keluarga yg kya gini?"..dpt pasngan hidup yg mgkn lbh dari ka irene pinternya..cantiknya..imannya :D.
yawd deh ka....sgtu aja dulu...nanti klo k irene dah bls dan ngijinin aku buat ngbrl lbh lagi...baru aku ngmng pnjang lebar...(padahal yg ini udah ngmng panjang lebar.. :D)
ato mgkn k irene mw jadi kk rohani ku di dunia maya...(soalnya aku punya anak rohani 2 orang ka...sapa tau aku bisa belajar dari pengalaman ka irene yg mgkn bisa aku share k anak2 rohani ku...trus ka irene jadi berkat lagi deh.. :) dan berkat pun akan terus mengalir bwat ka irene dan keluarga.... ^^ ..mudah2an aku ga ganggu y ka....
thanks yahh ka....God bless u and fam.... "

when i finished reading his msg i thought: WOW! God is awesome....He can use Any media to bless people.

im happy,yes im happy. im happy if i can be a blessings to others. the first time i created this blog, my purpose is to bless other who read it, and it did.

Thx to andrew who (at least) lettin me know that he is blessed by my blog.

i have so many testimony about The goodness of God in my life, but sumtimes im too lazy to write it down in my blog, so i guess God wants me to start writing again. hihihih

never worried, never stress, trust 100% with God, live joyfully. thats me.

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