Thursday, November 29, 2007

spiritual food

Today's Verse
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-1

"Don't complain or argue!" We don't normally associate these things with purity and blamelessness. Paul was extraordinarily close to the Philippians and knew them well. He knew their weaknesses and shortcomings. He also knew the destructive power that complaining and arguing have on the life of an otherwise vibrant community of Christians. Let's heed his warning today, as we see church after church taken under by the negative and cynical spirit that pervades modern culture.

Forgive me and cleanse me, O God, from my argumentative spirit. Please empower me with your Spirit to use my speech only to bless and to build up, never to tear down or discourage. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

100% indo


hari ini adalah hari yg sangat melelahkan boo...pagi kerja dari jam 7 sampe stengah 2 siank, langsung buru2 pulang karna si ntep telpon udah jalan ke rumah...rencananya hari ini kita pada mau buat brownies. nyampe rumah langsung deh kita bersiap2 buat brownies, tapi kita masih nungguin satu org teman lagi, secara dia yg paling banyak bawain bahan2nya dan buku resep juga ada di dia.

bahan yang uda ada di rumah cuma coklatnya sama telurnya. Langsung deh gw bilang si ntep, "ok tep, lu pecahin telur 8 biji jadiin satu mangkok, gw yang motong2in coklatnya" bekerjalah kita bersama2. dan ga lama kemudian temen kita (tasia namanya) dateng. dateng2 dia liat telur uda dijadiin satu langsung deh "hah? emang telurnya dijadiin satu gitu? kayanya kaga de harus dipisahin" gw sama tep lngs pandang2an "hah? masa ya?? O oo" coba liat buku resepnya! *begini de kalo org suka sok teu* hahahah (ngomong ke diri sendiri)

tertulislah disitu, sediakan 8 butir telur, 4 ambil kuningnya, 3 ambil putihnya saja" ahuehauhea baru pertama uda salah...tapi yah cueklahh harusnya bisa... jd kita lanjut buat...hanya memakan waktu 15 menit lah untuk membuat adonannya...setelah itu tinggal masukin oven dan nunggu sampe jadi....hasilnya ternyataa ok jugaa! :D nyummmm....

kelar2 udah jam stengah 4 sore trus langsung cabut lagi buat latian musik di greja, sampe kira2 jam stengah 7 malem kelar latian...langsung lanjut ke toko buat renovasi, hari ini kita rencana untuk pindah2in posisi meja kasir, dan buka pintu satu lagi...

itu bener2 cape dehh!! ngangkat2 meja seberat2 bagonk, cuma bertiga. malem2 pula, sampe mungkin Tuhan kasian juga liat kita angkat2 keberatan ga nyampe2, akhirnya dikirimin org buat bantuin kita. tiba2 aja org yg punya pizza yg letaknya disebelah toko kita menawarkan bantuan. orgnya berbadan besar, jadi emang ngepek banget buat bantuin kita.

pindah ini pindah itu beres2 ini beres beres itu pokoknya kelar2 jam stengah 2 pagi...

pulang2 telerrr dan lemas abishh...langsung bobooo besok musti bangun PAGI lagii.....halleluyaa!!

"dont judge book by its cover" aheuheaueh


iyaak, bangun pagi lagiii....kuterus mandii....tidak lupa menggosok gigi...(upss ga mandi denkk, males boo ahhaha) bangun, cuci muka, langsung tancep gas ke tokoo. sampe jam stengah 10 pagi de trus saya pulang bobo lagi sebentarrr karna siang jem 2 harus uda di greja buat latian musik lagi buat kebaktian hari ini jam 4 sore.

kotbah hari ini sangatlah bagus sekali, tng HATI YANG BERSIH, intinya kalo hati kita bener, berkat juga bakal dateng terus...kalo hati kita ga bener, berkat yg dateng juga kehalang.... makanya nih lagi berusaha membersihkan hati spy berkat ngalir terus....skarang uda ngalir deras sii tapi biar tambah2 tambah2 ngalirrr banyakk teruss de ahuehauhe *amin*

abis kelar gereja langsung pegih makan ke ambassador nemenin pendeta tamu dan kluarganya, sampe jem 8an lewat dikitt, trus kita cabut duluan karna harus lanjuttt lagi pergi ketemu orang ada urusann, *bis niece boo bis niece* ahahahaha ampe kelar2 jam 10 malem....telerrr abisss!

pulang langsung zzzZzzzz.....(kayanya si...)

*badan boleh cape, otak boleh lelah, tapi hati harus tetap sukacitaa, aiiii!* :D

trima kasih seribu buat Engkau.

P.S: ada foto2 pas lagi bikin brownies dan toko yang uda ganti posisi, tapi belun bisa upload skarang....tunggu yaaa... :D


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

floor plan

okey, now im @ my shopz, tryin to figure out the floor plan for our coffee shop to be so bingoenkk! im tryin to move things here and there, but...i dun know...i think we just need to change some of the old things to the new one! (later)... coz some of them are *makan tempat*:)
but i know we just have to take it step by step.

well, im not a patient type of person, so sumtimes i just wanna get it done quickly. i want evrything looks good, nice, & comfortable *dalam hitungan hari* ehhehe

so my lessons is to be a patient person! remember, there is a process for everything, some process are quick and easy, but some are hard and maybe takes a long time but if u can pass all the process, you're gonna be proud of ur self.

here's i put the floor plan 4 our coffeeshop to be. maybe we can arrange like this by this saturday. and i think we have to change and change and keep changing for the better aheuhuae

my plan 2nite while my hubby go to prayer meeting:

- go to ntep house and she ask me to "jalan2 sore" with her from her house to bubble tea in myaree....ritee....that's a positive activity ntep, let's do it! :D

P.S anyone has a good brownies recipe? coz we wanna make browniess on saturday :D


Monday, November 19, 2007


mhmm sedikit waktu sedang tak ada kerjaan...

i just wanna transfer/update my photos to my blog. i really like transferring photos.. of coursee! buat apa poto kalo potonya cuma dianggurin di dalam camera?? makanya i always asked the people yg bakal motoin, "are you a type of person who will transfer the photos into computer or not?" kalo gak...*malesss mending ga usa poto, u're not gonna see the result anyway* unless emang cuma poto iseng2 yang ga perlu diliat juga ga papa :D tapi kalo sedang ada event2 special, of course i want to see it! hehehe
kalo org2 yang bakal transfer, when i saw them online in msn....i always buz them just for sending me the pics!! hauhuahe thx 4 those of you who always send the pics to me i appreciate it! well, thats me! whether u like it or not! :P i likeeeeeeee photosssssssss....diffrent with my hubby, if i like taking pics, he likes to take a video! but the idea is the same, we just wanna capture evry moments.

here's i upload my photos when i attended my frens wedding here in perth.

P.S: i think i will buy a small camera when im in indo. at the moment we have a video camera, which i can use it for a video and also a camera, but thats too big & beratt! heheh


Sunday, November 18, 2007


What happened today?

As usual, I woke up in the morning to open de shopz, lucky me; I work only until 9 am every sun, so I can continue my sleep after that aheihaie
I went to church @ 2 o clock for music practice coz I served as a singer today. Actually this week wasn’t my turn to sing, this week supposes to be my day off from ministry, but because one of the singer is going back to indo, so they asked me to replace him. (See how God really likes my voice? He asked me to sing for Him again and again and again even on my day off, hauehuahuehae ** but yeah I’m really happy and grateful if I can serve Him. It’s a privilege for me to serve Him.
And also I’m really happy to see an improvement in afternoon worship team; more people now commit their self to be part of our team. (Thank God for that, He’s our provider)

After finished church, I went to de shopz to have a quick meeting with my partner. We discussed things that we need to prepare for next renovation. By this Saturday we will move and change everything, put the table n chair, moving the till, change the food warmer (bain marie), open the other door etc etc. its gonna be very busy & tiringgg….!!noooo!! hehehe but apart from the tiredness, we’re excited!! :D

So After a quick meeting, we straight away went to church to get the tables’ n chairs that we’re gonna use. (See what I mean by “God is our provider?” I got everything for free, He really knows what we need) heheheh niceee aiiiiii!

O yeah, yesterday I also had fun with the gals! New & fresh faces! Ahuehuae we curhat2, makan2, dan laen2 but yeah im really happy to hang out with them. New environment! :D and one of them ended up stayin @ my house till 11 o clock??? Ahuehauhe we should do that more often, should we?? Hauehuaheahe

Noww….where’s my hubbyy?!! Baru pulangg uda ngaburr lagii ke tokooo!! What time is it now??? 10.30pm! riteee…I think I should off now and go get him!!

Thank You for today Lord, Thx 4 your love & your blessings to me, Thx bcoz I can serve u today, thx u for sending me new friends & giving me new environment to hang out with. Thanks for our family, Thank you for the food that we can eat, thx for the clothes that we can wear, thx 4 the house that u have given to us, thank You for everything that you’ve done to me. Now I wanna sleep, please wake me up 2morrow morning, so I can work and ready to receive new blessings from you! i love You, Aminn :)

P.S: our suggestion website to read: &


Friday, November 16, 2007

choose the rite environment

Saturday Mornin @ my shopz

Im Backkk! ehhehhe....:)

thx 4 those of u who's been very thoughtful to my blog! "nyonkk mana blog lu kok matii sii? hayoo donk bikin lagi" or "Ren hayo tulis lagi donk!" hehe and i always replied "duh maless nii, capeee, ga ada ide hahah"....yeah the reason why i took a break from bloggin was because i was very busyy lately... running the shopz, thinkin of strategic planning, doin paper workss, renovation etc etc...but so far, everythin's good, under God's control :).

anyway, this time my writing will be 60% in indo language, so forgive me if u cant understand it heheh :)

"choose the right environment" or in indo "Memilih lingkungan yang tepat dan membangun anda"

did you ever wonder:
Sudahkah saya berada di lingkungan yang tepat? apakah saya berada di lingkungan yang membangun saya atau justru malah menjatuhkan ( membuat karakter saya semakin buruk)?

“ 6 org yang paling sering anda temui, orang2 itu yang akan mempengaruhi kamu” “kamu ada seperti sekarang ini ada, itu mungkin disebabkan oleh karena lingkungan dimana kamu berada sebelumnya”

Jikalau kamu bergaul dengan seorang pemabuk, Maka lambat laun engkau akan seperti pemabuk, jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Suka iri hati, maka kamu akan menjadi seperti demikian, apabila kamu bergaul dengan orang yang suka berbohong, kamu akan menjadi suka berbohong, apabila kamu bergaul dengan seorang yang Moody, kamu akan menjadi moody, bergaul di lingkungan orang2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaannya, kamu juga akan menjadi spt demikian dan jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Malas dan kerjaannya hanya hura2 , shopping (boros), ngomongin org alias gossip, sirik apabila melihat temannya lebih dari padanya, AND U WILL BECOME LIKE THEM.


Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang rajin, kamu akan menjadi seorang yang rajin,
Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Wise dalam mengatur keuangan, kamu juga akan menjadi seperti mereka.
Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang rendah hatinya, Baik sikapnya, kamu juga akan menjadi seperti mereka
Jika kamu bergaul dengan org2 yang sukses dalam businessnya, Kmu juga akan bisa menjadi sukses seperti mereka

which one will u choose? if u wanna be a sucessful person, ga mungkin donk bergaul dengan orang yang pemabuk, malas2an, sirik ,iri hati, boross dan suka gossip? ;)

It is important for us to find the Rite environment. Sometimes we just have to "cut off" our relationship with our friends because they just bring a bad impact for us, it’s not easy thou, but if u wanna have a good quality of life, u just have to CHOOSE the rite environment. RITE circle of friends. (cut off doesnt mean you make them become your enemy, no no no heheh just keep the distance (jaga jarak) and pray for them, still say hi to them if u meet them

*remember, the idea of "cuttin off" is just to keep the distance, not becoming an enemy*

well, God's been very very good to me. 2 days ago, i just thought " mannn, kalo gw ada di lingkungan kaya gini terus, how can i grow and have a good quality of life?" i think i really need to find a new n fresh environment to hang out with. and i prayed to God, "God i want to meet new people, people that can bring a good impact/influence for me."

and after that, i got an sms from my longgg lost friend ahhah we've known each other long time ago, but we've lost contact for long long time.

suddenly she sms me and said this: "renn lagi ngapain, ketemuan yuk kapan2"

and i was like "riteee on timee!" i replied "suree hayoo kapan lu tentuin aja waktunya" and she replied: "ok this fri ya" sippp!

so yesterday we met and had dinner @ ohnamiya, had a good chit chat, and amazingly, she had the same thought as mine. she also wanna have & meet new friends, that's why she sms me hahaha...we wanna go together again today and bring other friends as well.

God's timing is always perfect! No DOUBT :D

so here's the list of ppl who gives a good influence to me:

- my Hubby, through his leadership, visionss that he has, he's the one who feed me with the article2 about our amazing God, he's the one who tought me to see evrythings not from your point of view, but from God's point of view.
He's the one who help me to strecth my faith more n more. he tought me to forgive someone who makes mistake to me, and even pray for them! (it's not that easy bby! but i'll try hehehhe), he asked me to pray together evry nite, he's the one who always asked me to think n talk positively,etc.

-my Mom & Dad, bro & sis in law (enso) they're so mantappps...hehehhe thank God for them :)

-my Lovely Atomerz caregroup: You guyzz Rockss! i just realize i think i need to hang out more often with you guys! huhaueh

-my Best fren yg uda pada ninggalin gw :deponkk!(your very lucky nyonk!you find a good environment now in syd heheh) penita, lala, yen2 ,laraz, & my only se-fu si monyonk! huhuhuh

and i hope, the new friends that i will meet, will also have a good influence for me :)

updates from me:
current mode: 'cutting of' bad environment and find the rite one :), (makin new frens)
25 days to go to jkt!! can't wait!

updates from de'shopz
so far so good, we're doin renovation slowly...but our target is makin deshopz as a coffeeshop by the end of this year...

that is it from me 2day!

P.S: if you wanna have a GOOD QUALITY of Life, Choose the Rite environment.
- always give thanks to the Lord, for what you have and for what u dont have, do not be jealous of other people if they are looks better than you, coz everyone has their own portion that God's already prepared for each one of us.
