Friday, November 16, 2007

choose the rite environment

Saturday Mornin @ my shopz

Im Backkk! ehhehhe....:)

thx 4 those of u who's been very thoughtful to my blog! "nyonkk mana blog lu kok matii sii? hayoo donk bikin lagi" or "Ren hayo tulis lagi donk!" hehe and i always replied "duh maless nii, capeee, ga ada ide hahah"....yeah the reason why i took a break from bloggin was because i was very busyy lately... running the shopz, thinkin of strategic planning, doin paper workss, renovation etc etc...but so far, everythin's good, under God's control :).

anyway, this time my writing will be 60% in indo language, so forgive me if u cant understand it heheh :)

"choose the right environment" or in indo "Memilih lingkungan yang tepat dan membangun anda"

did you ever wonder:
Sudahkah saya berada di lingkungan yang tepat? apakah saya berada di lingkungan yang membangun saya atau justru malah menjatuhkan ( membuat karakter saya semakin buruk)?

“ 6 org yang paling sering anda temui, orang2 itu yang akan mempengaruhi kamu” “kamu ada seperti sekarang ini ada, itu mungkin disebabkan oleh karena lingkungan dimana kamu berada sebelumnya”

Jikalau kamu bergaul dengan seorang pemabuk, Maka lambat laun engkau akan seperti pemabuk, jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Suka iri hati, maka kamu akan menjadi seperti demikian, apabila kamu bergaul dengan orang yang suka berbohong, kamu akan menjadi suka berbohong, apabila kamu bergaul dengan seorang yang Moody, kamu akan menjadi moody, bergaul di lingkungan orang2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaannya, kamu juga akan menjadi spt demikian dan jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Malas dan kerjaannya hanya hura2 , shopping (boros), ngomongin org alias gossip, sirik apabila melihat temannya lebih dari padanya, AND U WILL BECOME LIKE THEM.


Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang rajin, kamu akan menjadi seorang yang rajin,
Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Wise dalam mengatur keuangan, kamu juga akan menjadi seperti mereka.
Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang rendah hatinya, Baik sikapnya, kamu juga akan menjadi seperti mereka
Jika kamu bergaul dengan org2 yang sukses dalam businessnya, Kmu juga akan bisa menjadi sukses seperti mereka

which one will u choose? if u wanna be a sucessful person, ga mungkin donk bergaul dengan orang yang pemabuk, malas2an, sirik ,iri hati, boross dan suka gossip? ;)

It is important for us to find the Rite environment. Sometimes we just have to "cut off" our relationship with our friends because they just bring a bad impact for us, it’s not easy thou, but if u wanna have a good quality of life, u just have to CHOOSE the rite environment. RITE circle of friends. (cut off doesnt mean you make them become your enemy, no no no heheh just keep the distance (jaga jarak) and pray for them, still say hi to them if u meet them

*remember, the idea of "cuttin off" is just to keep the distance, not becoming an enemy*

well, God's been very very good to me. 2 days ago, i just thought " mannn, kalo gw ada di lingkungan kaya gini terus, how can i grow and have a good quality of life?" i think i really need to find a new n fresh environment to hang out with. and i prayed to God, "God i want to meet new people, people that can bring a good impact/influence for me."

and after that, i got an sms from my longgg lost friend ahhah we've known each other long time ago, but we've lost contact for long long time.

suddenly she sms me and said this: "renn lagi ngapain, ketemuan yuk kapan2"

and i was like "riteee on timee!" i replied "suree hayoo kapan lu tentuin aja waktunya" and she replied: "ok this fri ya" sippp!

so yesterday we met and had dinner @ ohnamiya, had a good chit chat, and amazingly, she had the same thought as mine. she also wanna have & meet new friends, that's why she sms me hahaha...we wanna go together again today and bring other friends as well.

God's timing is always perfect! No DOUBT :D

so here's the list of ppl who gives a good influence to me:

- my Hubby, through his leadership, visionss that he has, he's the one who feed me with the article2 about our amazing God, he's the one who tought me to see evrythings not from your point of view, but from God's point of view.
He's the one who help me to strecth my faith more n more. he tought me to forgive someone who makes mistake to me, and even pray for them! (it's not that easy bby! but i'll try hehehhe), he asked me to pray together evry nite, he's the one who always asked me to think n talk positively,etc.

-my Mom & Dad, bro & sis in law (enso) they're so mantappps...hehehhe thank God for them :)

-my Lovely Atomerz caregroup: You guyzz Rockss! i just realize i think i need to hang out more often with you guys! huhaueh

-my Best fren yg uda pada ninggalin gw :deponkk!(your very lucky nyonk!you find a good environment now in syd heheh) penita, lala, yen2 ,laraz, & my only se-fu si monyonk! huhuhuh

and i hope, the new friends that i will meet, will also have a good influence for me :)

updates from me:
current mode: 'cutting of' bad environment and find the rite one :), (makin new frens)
25 days to go to jkt!! can't wait!

updates from de'shopz
so far so good, we're doin renovation slowly...but our target is makin deshopz as a coffeeshop by the end of this year...

that is it from me 2day!

P.S: if you wanna have a GOOD QUALITY of Life, Choose the Rite environment.
- always give thanks to the Lord, for what you have and for what u dont have, do not be jealous of other people if they are looks better than you, coz everyone has their own portion that God's already prepared for each one of us.


2 people say:

Anonymous said...

agree se agree agree nya nyonk!

emang pergaulan itu pengaruh banget ama kehidupan kita. Banyak orang ga sadar. Makanya, kalo mau sukses, banyaklah bergaul dengan orang sukses, karena lambat laun lo akan belajar cara berpikir mereka, pertimbangan" lainnya, dll.

gw maapin lo lama ga posting, tp posting lanjutannya bagus banget. ntar gw respon di blog gw deh ahahaha.

btw nyonk.. gw punya nama. INDRA! kursop lo, yg lain disebutin nicknya, gw cuma dipanggil monyonk! haahahahahahahahaa

Anonymous said...

hahaha maapppp monyonkk!! ehh indraa...upsss hahahha...gitu2 kan i always remember u nyonK! hahaha thank youuuu anyway...:D