Thursday, May 22, 2008

good morning sunshine :)

slamat pagi smuaa... :)

hari ini saya bangun pagi2 buat bikin breakfast buat suami tercinta nii .... dia brangkat kerja jem stengah 8 jd saya jem 7 deh baru buat...karna bahan2 bnayak yg ga ada...jadi bikin ala kadarnya dee hehhehe saya cuma buat bacon digulung pake telor yg dicampur onion...trus kasi cheedar...dan segelas orange juice/susu.. :) nih dia potonya tpi potonya butut karna cuma pke foto hp aheuhahea...

trus hari ini aku baru baca renungan pagi dari joel osteen, karna aku emang ikutan member dia buat dikirimin terus2an renungan pagi ke email kita.... if u guys wanna join as well please go to renungannya singkat, and good for a reminder :)

nah hari ini renungannya tng KUASA LIDAH, lidah kita sangat berbahaya... "The tongue of the wise brings healing"

Are your words bringing healing to the people around you?

The Bible clearly tells us that life and death are in the power of our tongue. We can use our tongue to build people up and encourage them with words of healing, or we can just as easily sow negative seeds with our words.

The Bible says that the tongue of the wise brings healing. Choose to be wise today by choosing healing words. Choose to look for the best in others and build them up. Choose healing words over gossip; choose words of freedom and peace over anger and judgment. Let your words uplift and encourage the people in your life. Speak strength and hope to others.

As you use your words to bring healing, God will pour out more of His wisdom in your life. You’ll reap the harvest you’ve sown with your words. God will pour out His blessing and increase in your life so you can live the abundant life He has in store for you.

A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, today I choose to be wise and bring healing to others with my words. I ask for increase of Your power and ability in my life so that I can live to honor You in all I do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

a good reminder 4 today rite? :D

so jangan tunggu2 lagi, ikutan jadi member ya? biar tiap hari bisa diingetin teruss hehehhe

oyaa...aku tuh lagi sukaa banget sama sandra dewii artis indonesia yg paling cantikk menurutkuu...mulai dari muka cakep, kulit putih bersih, tinggi, rambut indah menawan, humble, arghh perfectt de pokoknya kalo dr physic n karakter hehheh...kenal Tuhan bosen2 liatin dia di ternyata hopenkkkk baekuuu si se-fu indra jugaa sama sukanyaaa ahhahahah....sandraaa sandraaaa sempurna sekali kamuuuu jadi wanitaa :D

okeee, Have a nice day peepz, God bless u all :)

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