Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12.15am @south perth

hi bloggiez,

its almost 12am now, i still watching sctv "kesetiaan cinta" hahah...im so tiredd after working today....

things are happening today:

1. i got interview last week with SATCH Fashion Boutique in Annex Building city, but actually they need sumeone who can also work on the weekend. I said to them "Sorry i cant work on weekend coz im a makeup artist and i have clients usually on the weekend"
and they said "ok, we'll keep ur resume if there is another position available we will contact u coz at the moment we really need someone can work on the weekend"

(there is NO WAY that i will sacrifice my clients just to work with someone, so i say "BYE BYE SATCH)

but then today suddenly the manager called me again and said this to me "Hi irene bla bla bla...(a.k.a basa basi) we think about it again, our interview last week, and we think we wanna put you to work on weekdays, i know you're a makeup artist, BUT if sumday you have no clients on weekends would you be able to work?"

i said: "oke if i have no clients on the weekend, i can work.
cool! so can you start on monday?
OK! (finally i accept the offer) :)

2. Our offer for house has been accepted by the seller straight away without bargain!
today we make an offer, the next day they let us know that they accept our offer! PRAISE GOD!
it is a good price for new house 3 x 2 x 2 :)
rite now we just wait for all the paperworks to be done.

im excited to decorate, renovate (watever u call it) my lil house soon to be.
definetly i will change the carpet to Timber. (harus nuansa kayuuu!) i loveee timberr atmosphere. looks warm n hommie.

peepz, i tell u MY GOD IS MORE THAN ABLE! about timing? RITE ON TIME (NOT TO EARLY, NOT TOO LATE) even though emang RADA2 MEPET ke TELAT bantuinnya...but in the end, HE NEVER TOO LATE.

IF i havent found a house and sign all the paperworks offer BEFORE 31st Dec, I wouldnt get 10.000 first home owner grant.

but can you see? everything is just RITE ON TIME (udah mepet2 emang), but finally we can get 10.000 for FHOG :)

PRAISE GOD!! He proves me again n again that HE IS MORE THAN ABLE TO HELP US. :)
never DOUBT on HIM.

trust me, when you SPEAK IT, BELIEVE IT then you will RECEIVE IT.

i speak & i believe: *New heart, new mind, new soul, new house, new great job, new succesful business, new stage of life will be mine in 2010!* amin!

gnite bloggiez..God bless you all


lately ive been playing a lot with "young family" group in our church apalagi kalo lagi ada special2 event kaya gini, xmas & nu year

last sunday after church, we went to bubble tea together 25 ppl in total and we were planning to go for karaoke, but then we cancelled it, we just stay in a bubble tea spots and after that we take away food from happy star then went to Kak mala house.

we were crazyy! we dance poco2, dangdut etc we sang from old songs, romantic songs and ended up we sang church song ahhaha...all the tante2 is crazyy ahhaha...it was really fun and we stay there till 1am in the morning!

i love to play with this "young and above group" hahah why?
1st because even thou they're tante2, but they still have young spirittt
2nd because everytime we hang out together, there always be a very good food hahah
3rd because i can get more useful knowlegde from their experienced.
4th no gossips, no talkin about someone behind their back (unless sumthin funny to talk about haha), peace & mature conversation, ai likee

they teach me about home, house about how to teach and take care of kids, sharing the goodness of God in their life bla bla bla....
and i thank God for that hey, every knowledge that they shared to me is very usefull.

i can see now that they are growing in spiritually, at least they wanna learn, last time they study and learn how to fast. they gathered together in one house sharing, praying until 6am in the morning. but now the mentor is in indonesia. so all that activity have to be stop at the moment hehe

thats good. God is good. :)

we're going to hang out together again on the 31st dec, after church yayy! cant wait to spending time with them again. pastinyaa food is all around! :D

having said that, new year is just around the cornerr everyone!! and im so so so excitedd to welcoming the year of HARVEST 2010! wuhuuu!

a brand new heart, new mind, new soul, new blessings, new house, new business, new level of live will be mine! :D :D

Thank You Lordd!!! You Are awesome....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


number seven is the special no that God gives to me & mike.

started from our wedding date....(we didnt asked for tanggal baik to paranormal yg tak normal)coz for us every day is a good day. before when we booked the hotel, we were request for 16th dec coz its my mom's bday. but the hotel is booked already for that day so we asked for 17th.
Note: Our wedding day is 17 Dec 06

after we got married, we temporary got place to live which is my friend's house, she rent the house to us, and the street address is 127. we're very lucky that we can live in south perth suburb. its a rich people suburb.

after we got a place to live...we bought a car. and again we're sooo lucky that we got DUAL FUEL car....(GAS & FUEL). and our car no is 1CKI 017.

i started to run a family business , we (the family) bought a business and it took place at unit 2/71 Ley st.

after tried that business, i dont like it 100% we sold it....and i started doin sumthing that i really2 passionate about...to be a hair stylish.

On the 7 August 08 i started my lil tiny business (decorated toilet) for hair style. people started asking n booked me.

less than a year, im gettin improve with my skills, now i can do make up, God sent me clients and clients, im thinking to open a bridal. Together with my partner, we applied for Business registered name and ABN (australian business no) and guess what.....i did all of that on 7th Dec 09...so in the certificate it shows that our ABN started from 7th dec.

Now, we're gonna buy a house soon....after look and look and look all the proporties, we finally met one that me n mike like. it's a new house, its not big (i dun want to have big house thou) but it can be very hommie for our lil fam. it has room that i can use for our bridal business.

and you know what? the address of that house is 77!

after we realize that the house no is 77, i said to mike: "this is it beb....i think this is the house that God gives to us" hahahha.... God likes to play with Number.

tonight we're gonna make an offer for the house @7pm!.....i prayyy if that really the House that God wants us to live...then evrything is gonna be *mulusss jalannya*

im sad coz of this i cant go back to indo for xmas....(i have to prepare for the new house, new business and wedding expo in jan) :s.......

but i Thank God, that He is good, that He is JEHOVA JIREH, God of provider. He provides me everything i need. with His perfect Timing.

*punya rumah sendiri, dengan hasil keringat sendiri, tanpa bantuan at all from parents, its hard & takes a lil bit longer, but when u did it, u will proud of ur self, even we only can afford the small house at the moment, but at least, itu karna kemampuan kt sendiri bersama Tuhan, No parents involved*

walaupun kalo ngliat org laen yg disupport atau dibantuin org tuanya (even only for deposit) rasanyaa masih "wahh enaknyaa, dibantuin org tua" but i learn to be thankful, our parents didnt help me, but God does.

Thank You Lord, for always stand & help us in times of need. :)

*added note: our kingdom builder amount got number 7 as well!* dasyatt

In conclusion:

-Wedding 17 dec

-1st temporary house 127 Hensman in 2007

-1st car 1cki017

-1st business sfresh start july(07) 2007, ended july(7) 2009 adress: 127 ley st

-1st renz business 7 agustus 08

-1st renz bridal 7 dec 09

-New house add 77 make an offer today at 7pm

- KB amount got 7 in it

people said, 7 is God's perfect number. thankful me, Renz highly favoured :)

Friday, December 18, 2009


dari duluuuu gw paling sukaaa kalo ngliatin org bisa bikin cupcakes2 yg lucu2......demenn banget liatnya...walaupun rasanya ga tau enak atau kaga....tp yg namanya beli cupcakes biasanya kita beli designnya...bukan rasanya karna emang lucu2 bangettt.....
kmaren tersirat olehku ingin mencoba buat cupcakes.....trus aku cari bantuan de yg kira2 ngerti buat cupcakes....akhirnya kita coba buat cupcakes...and akhirnya dibuat xmas gift sama aku.
buat cupcakes sebenernya gampang banget cuma perlu kreatif aja....kmaren itu kita di dapur hebohhh karna kita baru pertama kali....trus alat2nya pun ga lengkap...jadilah kekacauan2 di dapur dalam menghias hahahah...but its fun thou....
abis slesai hias2...trus kita wrap itu cupcakes satu2 ke dalam plastik buat dibagi2in....(uda serasa punya anak bayi yg ngerayain satu bulanan) bagi2in ke org goody bags....hahhaha....
trus bahannya masih sisa2....sayang ga digunakan....akhirnya hari ini td aku baru aja kelar bikin banana cupcakes....its yummy jugaa....:D

cupcakess oh cupcakes....cuma demen liat tp ga demen ngebuatnya n makannya heheh :D tp yg bananaa enakk....aku suka makannya.

3rd Anniversary

Today is me & michael 3rd anniversary....I thank God for him, Thank God for what He has done for the past 3 years....

I thank God for mike who brings and strech me to the next level (mostly in my character & relationship with God) he is not only my husband, but also my spiritual mentor.
i knew it that i changed a lot. (of course for the better) hehe....
its not easy. but we started to see the result. :)

We just had a great nite together. we went for fine dining dinner, its a good food thou.....and a good place too.

Im thanking all our friends who gives us wishes trough facebook & bbm....
most of their wishes is u kno..... as usual....they looking forward to see us havin a baby...haahha...
after i move house maybe i can start to think of havin a baby...
i want everythin in order, in planning, but in the end, its up to Him, my creator. He knows what best for me.

i saw one house today, good location, but i think it is just too small, i dun have place for my bridal. so tomorro will fighting again looking for it. pls pray for us....so that we can find one good n nice house soon. :D

i'd better sleep now, once again "Happy anniversary buny, i luv you more n more each day, and its because you're getting more n more romantic to me" hahahhaha....

Thank You Lord.....for giving me the feeling of joy, content and blessed. luv You.

bye bloggiez

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hai bloggiez! :)

hi bloggiez...

its been a long long time since i wrote this blog for the last time, i dont know why i never touch or even open (the blog add). i guess im just too busy for blogging.

if you guys know,rite now im preparing my business together with my partner, we will open BRIDAL business soon in jan 2010. i cant believe that i can step into this level so quick. i still remember the first time i was decorate my mini tiny bathroom to be my salon...(at that time i was only doin hair, no makeup at all). after a year, well less than a year, i can do makeup, i started to get clients easily, every weeks, and now i can turn my dreams into reality, well i guess i received GOD'S speed.

i know for sure sure n sure, all this can happened only because of His grace and favor upon me. not because my strength, my brain, my talent, NO! only by His grace.

and now im in the middle of looking for a house. mann i thought looking n hunting house is a something fun to do, but yeahh more of headache than the fun (i think). im a lil bit picky when it comes to sumthing called "HOUSE"
but i believe God has given me n mike the nicest house for us.

today i will have a look one of the property in cannington, southern river, and beckenham...hopefully one of that house will meet my criteria hahahah!

o ya...yesterday i got message from sumone names Andrew Tamaka Barker. i dont know who he is. he just added my facebook, i accept and the next day he wrote me this message:

"pertama aku mw menyampaikan kekaguman ku sama ka irene....bbrapa hari yang lalu kan aku baca BLOGnya ka irene...dan ternyata isi di blog itu dibuat thn kemaren smua y ka?(telat bgt..haha)tpi aku ykin smpe kapan pun ka irene psti bkal ttp melangkah bersama Tuhan......
dan wktu dpt blognya ka irene pun itu ga sengaja....wktu itu aku lg search ttg apa ya di google...lupa...trus tb2 ada title Blessed Weekend...ya aku buka aja...stlah aku baca..baca dan baca....semuanya....dan disitu aku bca yg ttg ka irene di baptis....itu kejadiannya sama ka...wktu itu aku lagi bimbang2 mw di baptis selam ato ngga.....trs wktu aku lg mw tidur...baru aja pgn nutup mata....trs tb2 ada yg bilang..."kamu harus di baptis selam"...dan akhirnya aku lgsg minta di baptis selam pas ulang taunku yg k 19... :D byk juga dstu yg ka irene bagiin yg aku pernah nglamin juga...
yaaaa pokokee gitu dehh ka.....kaguum aja sama ka irene.....pinter...cantik....anak Tuhan lagi...bisa jadi berkat buat org lain(salah satunya dgn blognya ka irene)...dan aku yakin pasti Tuhan...memberkati keluarga ka irene bgt.....
aku liat foto2nya ka irene sama suaminya....kayanya penuh sukacita bgt ni keluarga,,,,aku jadi berkhayal........."bisa ga yh nanti aku punya keluarga yg kya gini?"..dpt pasngan hidup yg mgkn lbh dari ka irene pinternya..cantiknya..imannya :D.
yawd deh ka....sgtu aja dulu...nanti klo k irene dah bls dan ngijinin aku buat ngbrl lbh lagi...baru aku ngmng pnjang lebar...(padahal yg ini udah ngmng panjang lebar.. :D)
ato mgkn k irene mw jadi kk rohani ku di dunia maya...(soalnya aku punya anak rohani 2 orang ka...sapa tau aku bisa belajar dari pengalaman ka irene yg mgkn bisa aku share k anak2 rohani ku...trus ka irene jadi berkat lagi deh.. :) dan berkat pun akan terus mengalir bwat ka irene dan keluarga.... ^^ ..mudah2an aku ga ganggu y ka....
thanks yahh ka....God bless u and fam.... "

when i finished reading his msg i thought: WOW! God is awesome....He can use Any media to bless people.

im happy,yes im happy. im happy if i can be a blessings to others. the first time i created this blog, my purpose is to bless other who read it, and it did.

Thx to andrew who (at least) lettin me know that he is blessed by my blog.

i have so many testimony about The goodness of God in my life, but sumtimes im too lazy to write it down in my blog, so i guess God wants me to start writing again. hihihih

never worried, never stress, trust 100% with God, live joyfully. thats me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ta Daaaaaa!

wuahhhh sudahhh lamanyaaaa aku tdk pernah mengutak atik blogku.... hilang dari peredaran...
tiba2 hari ini....bangun tidur....ngecek email, bikin orderan admin...(pekerjaanku skrng kebanyakan di depan compie) my husband pergi ke araluen...nemenin hamba2 Tuhan yg datang dr indo....

aku sendiri di rumah... tiba2 kok kaya ada yg ingetin suruh kesaksian. kayanya emang sudah tiba saatnya untuk aku menceritakan kebaikan Tuhan Yesus di blog. YASH! hauehuahe.

Liburan kmaren...WOWW it wass soooooooo D**N NICEEEE.....n greattttttttttt!! i love my holiday this time! aku pergi2 ke bali, bogor, bandung, jogya, bali lagi....sama temen2 & fam juga perginya....enak banget de....wanna repeat that moment again sumday....soon....

skrng2 ini aku disibukan dengan pekerjaanku sebagai hairstylist & make up artist. dan juga baru mulai usaha buka fashion boutique. (sambil menyelam minum air) selama itu masi nyambung kan, why not? everythin about beauty :)

dan yg aku amazed sama kebaikan Tuhan tuh.... Dia bener2 banget ngebantuin aku dalam aku mengejar impianku ini.

for everyone who dont know what my dreams are. i tell you this is one of my dreams:
- havin a modern, nice, comfie, professional beauty salon (inc make up studio & boutique) in a nice & hommie house. own by me.

- after i can achive that dreams, my next dream together with my hubby is to help *anak2 jalanan, poor kids*

aku blajar banyak dr buku 40 days purpose driven life yg lagi aku baca together with mike.

everything in this world are TEMPORARY. our house, our wife husband, job, work, business, kids ALL OF THEM ARE TEMPORARY things. in one SECOND, they can GONE! because our Home is NOT ACTUALLY in this world.

aku blajar... bahwa apapun yg kita lakukan smua ini, Tuhan ijinkan itu terjadi Semuanya UNTUK SATU Tujuan. for HIS PURPOSES.

aku sadar, Tuhan ngasih aku talent, clients yg banyak, itu bukan untuk kepentingan aku doank. tp Tuhan memberi smua itu spy aku bs bawa jiwa2 (terutama dr client2ku).

dibalik smua yg Tuhan kasih buat aku, aku tau ada Tujuan yg lebih pentingnya lagi.

I believe The power of Confession. I believe when I speak, i believe & i received. (aku mengalami sendiri tng hal ini)

setiappp harii.... saat aku lagi mandi atau nyetir.... SELALU aku make confession sendiri...i just say this out loud:

"Iren terima kuasaMu Tuhan, Iren Terima kemenangan yang Tuhan sediakan, tuk iren bawa, di setiap langkah, Dimanapun iren berdiri, kemanapun iren kan pergi, disitu pasti mujizatMU terjadi. aku claim di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, bahwa aku sudah terima kemenagan demi kemenagan atas setiapp yg aku lakukan dan kerjaan. bahwa aku pasti dan sudah berhasil! karna Tuhan yg menjadikan aku berhasil! setiap yg aku kerjakan baik Renz Make up mau pun Renz boutique, Tuhan sendiri yg sudah dan terus akan ngirim client demi client. Bukan karna talentaku, bukan karna kuat gagahku, tpi semua karna FAVOR of God yg selalu mengikuti aku!" aminn

percaya gak percaya... setiap hari aku lakukan sept itu, aku perkatakan.... aku yg sampe amazedd sendiri! itu clients2 smua berdatangan man!!.... sampe2 aku kewalahan dan ada beberapa yg harus aku cancel karna waktunya bentrok! Tuhan juga pertemukan aku dngan org2 yg bs aku jadikan partner. dan luar biasanya juga.... aku juga banyak dapetin client2 dari partner2ku ini. kalo mreka ada clients mreka pasti ajak aku karna mreka ga mungkin ngerjain sendiri kalo banyak.

aku inget banget dulu waktu aku baru2 mulai make up in org......paling ada client sabtu atau minggu.....trus ga tiap minggu ada clients....

but NOW if you look at my schedule, sampe ada yg uda buking buat january 2010. Praise God!!

*aku sadarr betulll bahwa bukan karna kepinteran dan talentaku org2 pada buking, tp karna FAVOR of GOD yg menyertai aku*

trus baru juga aku mulai BOUTIQUE. Tuhan langsung ngirimin org2 buat beli, order, either dr online, or beli di home boutiqueku.

sumtimes aku cuma bs tercengang dan berkata: Tuhan baik, Tuhan itu baik!.

rite now, im in the middle of searchin for the new house. new house yg bs skalian aku pakai jd tempat proper businessku. 99% i decided to built rather than buy.

this pic below is one of my inspiration. its someone else home beauty salon.

ppl around me they asked me to open a proper salon! ga si ini si oono.

tdnya aku mikir: apa mendingan beli salon2 aja yg dijual? karna ada beberapa business salon yg dijual dng harga lumayan and my sister wanna join with me haha

tp setelah pikir2 lagi... mendingan bangun rumah yg mayan bagus....sekalian di decor salah satu ruangannya. dibikin proper salon.... toh sama aja kan?! malah ga usa bayar rent tempat...
dari pada invest di tempat laen...mending invest buat bangun rum yg lumayan bagus...n skalian bs jadi salon beneran. am i rite?

*i want to see my name "Renzstudio or Renz beauty salon" engraved in the front wall of my house*

but definetly i have to go to school again to get the certificate, so i can have lisence when i open proper salon in my house.

ill do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true. i wanna make my dreams come true becoz i wanna help homeless & poor ppl out there. so His name will be glorified. amenn! :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Bali schedule

My schedule in Bali for my Sis wedding
so excitedd :D


FRIDAY, 17 JULY 2009

GA 4102
Total Pax: 5pax (Bapak Liong Group)
Airport Pick up by Made Rent A Car (Ctc Person: Bapak Made, 0818358630)

Note buat Yohan: sampe di airport kalo belom liat ada supirnya, telp Bapak Made, bilang elo booking mobil atas nama Linda dan minta no telp supirnya langsung)

RI 592
Total Pax: 10 pax (Linda & Edward Group)
Airport pick up by Made Rent A Car (Ctc Person: Bapak Made, 0818358630)

Meet at Ayana Lobby before checking in

15.00 - 16.00
Check In & Rest

16.00 – 17.45
Prepare for Dinner

18.00 – 18.15
Leaving Ayana to Anantara
Transportation: 2 buses @24 seater, (Ctc Person: Erwin, 08123850538 or 0361 9112606)

19.00 – Finish
Dinner at Anantara Resort
Jl. Abimanyu (Dhyana Pura) Seminyak
Phone: 0361 737773
Ctc Person: Lestari

*. Total Pax: 49 Adults and 3 Children


Wake up – 11.30
Breakfast and Free Time

11.00 – 11.30
REHEARSAL only for Bride and Groom and Parents
Location: Tresna Chapel

12.00 – 14.30
Bride and Groom Make Up
Family Make Up

Location: Bed Room
Make up by New Melati
Ctc Person: Ina
Photography: Mata Photography (Ctc Person: Edy, 0811393855)

15.00 – 15.30
Tea Ceremony

Location: Tresna Villa
Total Pax: 11 pax eldery + 9 pax to give away red pockets

15.30 – 16.30
Bride and Groom Retouch Make Up
Location: Tresna Villa

16.30 – 17.30
Tresna Chapel

Photo Session after the WEDDING CEREMONY
Photographer: Mata Photography (Ctc Person: Edy, 0811393855)
Video: Point One (Ctc Person: Chandra Wiguna,

17.30 – 18.00
Photo Session *Ed’s Family first, then Linda’s family then All the Family together then guests)

18.00 – 18.45
Cocktail Party
Changing Clothes for Family
Photo Taking for all

19.00 – 22.00
Wedding Party

MAN – White Shirt and Khakis Pants
WOMAN – White Dress

Photo Session

SUNDAY, 19 JULY 2009

07.00 – 09.00

Leaving Hotel for Ubud and Tanah Lot Tour

Starting Point for Bus Pick Up and Drop Off will be at Ayana Hotel

Transportation: Bus (Ctc Person: Erwin, 08123850538 or 0361 9112606)

10.00 – 18.00
Ubud & Tanah Lot

Lunch will be at Bebek Bengil in Ubud Area

18.00 – Finish
Free Time

Thursday, June 25, 2009

superduperngantuk and bosen

im so super duperr ngantukk benerrr!! asli de...mataa susah banget rasanya mau dibukaa .... gara2 kmarenn nonstop dr jam 7 pagi sampe 10 malem ga brenti....skarangg nguantukkk pollll!!
rasanya tar begitu pulang rumah, mandi, makan lngs bobooo!! hari ini aku minta ijin michael to close the shop earlier aheahehae.... telerr abishh....

btw updated diary....finally im gonna stayy di RITZ CARLTON BALI buat july tar...pikir2 biar sekalian satu tempat sama acaranya...jadi gak repott :) tapi pas baliknya lagi tgl 30 Agustus belun nyari ...maunya di villa enak buat hunimun lagih hihihih...:P
udah kebayang2....tar mau massage disana...ini badan udah pegel2 png di massage ...kaki jg png reflexology...muka juga png diurut2 huaaaa.....im countin my days for holiday diary!!!

next week is the last week im in shop... yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! horaaayyyy!!!! and am ready for my new business....which is beauty bisniss...

sum ppl said to me: "iyaa enakan juga ngerjain beauty bisnis..ga peduli resesi atau gak, yg namanya cw tetep aja butuh dandan, butuh cantik, apalagi tante2 girang yg kaya2, kalo di indo kramas aja musti ke salon"

sum ppl said: Buka SPA ajaa ren..... pasti laku tuhhh.... bule2 kan sukaa

sum ppl said: Buka salonnn aja renn beneran.... and i said: maless ahhhh bayar rentnya itu lhoo....and then they said: kalo rentnya murah boleh la...atau kamu beli propertynya skalian.. ga usa yg gede2.

hahahah well its easier said than done my friends. YES it is My dream to OPEN my own SALON, to HAVE A BEAUTY Business... oooohh thats is so my dreammmm!

but rite now, i just wanna do what i can do, slowly but sure. IF its God's will then i believe it will happened sooner or later :) yg penting kan SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND EVERYTHING WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU.......aii??

i just wanna grabb every opportunity yg ada di depan mata sakrang ini...every thingg! yg berhubungan dng beauty, kalo ada opportunity, i will definetely grab it!

yg jelas skarnag mauu relaxingg duluuu....refreshing.... hunimoon .....haehaeh ga mau mikir macem2 dulu... ahhhh BALI im cominggggggggg :D :D


renzstudio bday 7 Aug 08

kmaren chat sama salah seorang temen, dia salah satu pembuat cake berbakat juga.... dan dia tanya aku: renzstudio lahirnya kapan?? nanti aku buatin kuee yg tulisannya renzstudio....trus kamu bisa rayain sama model2 cantikmu....

trus aku mikir: iyaa yaa? kapan yahhh business ku ini lahir? aku ajaaa ga ingetin!! ahhahaha ga tau tgl brapa berdirinya...

and you know what? THANK GOD for my blogspot!! tiba2 aku keinget, rasa2nya aku pernah tulis waktu pertamaa kalinyaa for the first time i have website buat business kecilku ini....

trus aku coba baca2 cari2 lagi di post2ku yg dulu...and I FOUND IT.... you can see my post on 7 Augustus 2008! itu pertama kalinya i announced my website..

jadi aku menetapkan tgl 7 Augustus 2008 sebagai hr lahir Studioku. :D :D and im waiting 4 the cakee beibehh! and good idea to invite org2 yg pernah aku jadiin model buat RENZ hahaha....

aku baca lagi komen2nya yg teman2 kasih waktu tgl 7 Augustus itu:

Indra said...
nyonk, renzhair.com nya dikasih link dunk, jadi tinggal CLICK getohhh.. trus si michael hubby lo ga dikasih credit tuh udah daftarin en forward in domain? hahahahacongrats nyonk, semoga makin lancar en cepet jadi stylist professional(dimana akhirnya lo bisa membubuhkan kata "professional" di profile lo wkakaakakaka)
August 7, 2008 5:30 PM

Jeanne said...
Congrats buat Irene!!Mau dooong jadi "korban" nya.. hehe..Sukses ya Ren..(^^,)*
August 8, 2008 1:51 AM

Sanni said...
tante segera memanjangkan rambut mulai detik ini,supaya bisa antri jadi"korban" irene.. bwahahahaahah
August 8, 2008 12:45 PM

renz said...
hahaha thank u jean n tante...iya tan...tar ke prth aku maen2in rambutnya ahhaha :P
August 8, 2008 1:47 PM

AbigaiL said...
Iren.. I really envy you! I envy you because you berani melangkah.. Finally you make your dream comes true! Everything starts from scratch, it's ok, it will definitely become BIGGG one day! I rili rili rili like your great effort to make a dream comes true.. congrats and sukses slalu yahhhhh....

well, Almost one year ya aku mulai usaha kecil2anku ini...tapi God's favor & God's speed menyertai aku, kalo dipikir2, lumayan cepat juga berkembangnya belun ada setaun. tapi itu smua juga berkat dukungan dan doa dr kluarga dan teman2...

wanna give all of you thx ya!

For se-fu: Yeshh now i can put *professional* di profile gw hahahahaha Gods speed :P

For Abigail: thx for your support & encouragment slama ini, i appreciated it beb! do you think it will become BIG one day? Amen to that :)

Thank you!!

1st products :)

good morning my dear diary...

im so sadd, because yesterday i cant go to do make up for the performers as i said to you, my schedule is yesterday, today dan friday.

i dont know whter i can make it or not, because i cant find sumone to work at the shop. my staff went holiday till 28 Jun :(
i just saww their photos yesterday, and i wanna be thereeeeeeeeee diary, looks like their havin so much fun together...

luckly i went to the rehearsal last sunday, at least i got one for my portfolio.

yesterday i canceled it because i just realized, wednesday is prayer meeting time for me.

i worked from 7am - 7 pm diary, and after close the shop, i feel tiredd i just wanna go home straight away, i thought: should i missed prayer meeting today? its better for me to stay at home because tomorrow i have to wake up again early in the morning.

*evil thought* rite? then i thought again n thought again...should i go to prayer meeting? or should i stay at home? coz im really really sleepy, but i know diary, when i made decision to not to go, the devil gonna win!

suddenly the bible verse told me in my heart: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all will be given and added to you"

alrite praise the Lord i made a rite decision, I WENT to prayer meeting last nite. and i felt so good, i can conquered my evil thought hehehhe eventhough now im so sleepy :P

Yesterday i got my first products from USA! yayyy..... this is the pics

This is customize blend foundation. * i know it looks like more cat air then foundation* but it is a foundation.

thats why i told you this product is so unique.

what i will do is im gonna mix those colour to match the client's skin (client's request).

and they will teach me how to do the cuztomization blend foundation & blush on this Saturday on the III training (Last training) and i will get certificate yayyy...

when i first looked at it, WOW this is interesting. its not like usual foundation that ive ever seen

and these are the empty jar. once we finished create the rite color for clients, we put it in this jar and ready for customer to buy.

The price is not that expensive, but not a chippo products as well, its a middle high quality products and it iss goodd!! u have to try it. :)

next time i will do a consultation for my clients if they wanna do this customization blend foundation and blush on....

o yeah i got one more customization product which is the blush on and shimmer, but i didnt take a picture of it yet.... will do it later.

doin my hobby, enjoyin it to the max, get well paid, what could i ask for more? :)

Thank You Dad.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is what im doin in the middle of the rain, very good weather, i lovee rain so much! ... in the shop, while eat so much of cemilan here.... just enjoying my timee and my project :P

this is rougly what im doin, all the prices still incorrect, but the hair piece, and accecories products all are mine.

all the hand made products like accecories, pony tails ribbon, it made by Andrini & her sister :)

its not finished yet though...there will be any changes and changes later on...but i just wanna keep the process noted. :)

Im trying smart (not trying hard) and tryin my best to make this happened.

*click to see larger pictures*

Monday, June 22, 2009

God's favor for me

For my Only diary....

hari minggu kmarenn hepii banget rasanya.... emang bener yah diary, kalo dapet FAVOR dari Tuhan tuh luar biasa banget.

kmaren hr minggu kan aku make up in drama performer... ini pertama kalinya dandanin muka bule... (hopefully nanti2 jdi sering ya hehe amin)

trus harusnya pas kmaren itu aku cuma jatahnya dandanin satu org doank....namanya georgina. dia berperan sebagai MS BARNIGAN, seorang guru, yang sophisticated di era 80s.

pas kmaren dandanin dia, padahal uda rada2 serem aja takut jelek, cuma aku terus bedoa dalem hati. aku satu2nya orang yg memakai bulu mata palsu atas dan bawah...make up artist2 laen ga ada yg pake gituan.

yang bulu mata bawah aku tempelin satu2 biar look natural.

eh pas lagi proses make up aja...itu anak lelakii bolak balik bolak balik ngliatin si georgina terus sambil muji2.....org2 bilang make upnya bagus... termasuk si MC D temenku yg aku minta tolong buat potoin.

Si Mc D bilang: bagus tau ren make upnya...makanya dr td tuh anak cowo bolak balik bolak balik cuma liatin si georginaa doank... sambil muji2.

eh bener aja ada satu anak laki2 dr india...lucu si anaknya....dia mati2an minta aku yg make up in dia hahaha...

dia bilang *i booked you for 3 days of performance, andd mhmm can i booked you for weekdayas as well...if sumtime i wanna go to party??!* hahah aku cuma ktawa2 ajah....aku bilang: aku usahain buat make up in kamu karna harusnya KAMU bukan bagianku yg make upin

trus pas trakhir udah kelar...nih anak2 manggilin aku, manggilnya gini:
"heyy missy! you have to take picture with me & georgina" trus aku bilang oo oke2...sure.... *KLIKKK....JEPRETTT* dah sekali....

ga lama manggil lagi: *Hey missy....take picture with us one more one more...* itu si MC D mesem2 ajah... ngliatin aku dipanggil missy ma anak2!

aku jd ga enak juga sama make up artist2 yg ada di sebelah ku...karna disitua anak2 cuma pada muji si georgina....emang harusnya kita cuma do make up doank, without hair style, cuma karna aku orgnya perfectionist kalo urusan begituan, jadi rambutnya si georgina aku styling-in sekalian sementara org2 yg laen kaga.

dan menurut aku: make up ku masihhh kurang baguss..jauhhhh dari sempurna tpi i tried my best dan yah itu dia diary, spt yg aku bilang tadi

"bukan karna talentaku, bukan karna kepinteran kepandaianku, hanya karna FAVOR of God yang mengikuti ku kemanapun aku pergi"

Luar biasa baiknya Tuhan sama aku diary. kmaren salah satu make up artist juga ada yg mintain name card aku karna dia tau aku bisa hair styling.

im not perfect diary, but He makes me perfect. My Life is PERFECT because of HIM.

aku senenggg bangett sama kerjaan aku yg skarang, makanya ill always do the best best best that i can do to make this happened.!

dan aku skarang lagi enjoy2nya, lagi fokus2nya untuk ngembangin sayap buat studioku.

and im not gonna let anyone, anything, untuk mengacaukan focus aku...NOPE.

rite now, i just need supports from my God, my Husband, Intern Family, and closest friends. i dun care bout others if they didnt supports me hahah who cares? as long as My God supports me, as long as my Beloved Husband supports me, as long as my very closests friend supports me, as long as my own family supports me, it is more than enough for me. :)

mudah2an dengan make up in drama performer ini yang kebanyakan org bule, Jalanku akan semakin lebih dibuka ama Tuhan, sehingga market aku bukan buat org asia aja, tp org bule juga smuanya. :) aminn yah diary :)

Now i just busy designing my website for the fashion boutique online shoppin.

bye diaryy....u are a good listener diary! well done haahah

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


baru aja nyampe toko....td di mobil sept biasa i confessed it again & againnn....

begitu nyampe toko cek mail......i got one client wanna booked again.....

gimana ya?? speechless....

mungkin org2 biasa aja kalo liat tulisan saya ini....tpi karna saya yg ngalamin....rasanyaa bedaa!!

when i got 1st hand experience, all i wanna do is share it to ppl around me!

He's awesomee!! and i dun caree what ppl wanna say about me....im not ashamee to sharee the goodness of Him evrydayy!!!


belive it, speak it, receive it :)

i had a dream last night. im not a dreamer person. usually i sleep peacefully without dreams. but yesterday i was dreamin that i opened a beauty cosmetic store in mangga 2 hahahhaha! maybe because i had so much thinkin about my "real dream" & my beauty website and my job.

In my dream, i was busy talking to my supplier. and so many clients there. and you know what cosmetic that i buy from my supplier? it was MOTIVES cosmetic.

while in my real life, my partner just offered me to use this MOTIVES product, she said it was a really good product in USA. and she said i can use that cosmetic when i do make up to ppl.

and if they like it, they can buy from you.

so its kind like...."Renz make up studio" sponsored by Motives cosmetic. heeheh....

i said "mhmm oke i will try"

my partner will teach me how to do facial, because motives not only good for cosmetic but also with the skin care. and she had a lot of clients to do facial with her and definetly buy that products.

im curious and i will try that products soon..! :)

This friday i will sign the contract that have been offered to me month ago.

as i said, before i said "yes" i pray and pray to God, because i dont wanna take a wrong decision.

I asked Him to give me a confirmation if He wants me to take this opportunity

i told Him: Lord, i dont think i can do this.
But He said: "You can do all things through Me who strengthens you"

and what happened was, few days ago, one of my friend, suddenly came to me and asked me about the skincare. she had a lil bit problem with acne, and she asked me what a good products that she can use?

and suddenly God remind me: "see? you dont even have to do anything, people will come to you and ask about kecantikan to you, I will send those people to you, and use it for the Glory of God"

and i thought: wow! He's amazing....This is could be one of confirmation He gave me.

and when i wanna make decision, i have to get permission from my husband. because im sure, if this God's will, than my husband would be Agreed as well, as i believe He is "Imam kiriman Tuhan" for my family.

so i asked him, and we sat down together, think about the advantage if i join this team. and yes we found out that *lebih banyak advantagenya dibanding disadvantagenya* so he told me to have a go!

This is the advantages if i join the team:

1. Skill improvement (for sure) (they will teach us new look every month, my partner gonna teach me how to do facial and eye lashes sambungan)

2. Getting more clients (meetin new n lots of ppl for networkin)

3. Havin a good products that i can sell to clients

4. getting more of my portfolio

5. etc etc.

based on confirmation from Him, and husband, i, finally taking this opportunity, and will sign the contract on Friday.

I know this not because of my talent, not because of my strength but because a Favor from You.

i belive, i speak it, i receive it:

"I can do ALL things Trough Christ who Strengthens me",

"Allahku akan memenuhi SEGALA kebutuhanku menurut kekayaan dan kemuliaanNYA di dalam Kristus Yesus"

"Yang lama sudah berlalu, sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang, its a new seasonn!"

you gotta believe the power of confession my friends!. after that sunday, everytime i was in the car, i speak it LOUDLY: "my RENZ business will be sucessful!, there will be clients and clients come to me, my RENZ business make up, and boutique will be sucessful! and a lot of clients will come! I repeat again and again, again and confess yg laen jg for my family.

and you know what? yesterday, 3 people had booked me! just in one day. biasa sehari dapet satu email paling, yesterday i got 2 email and 1 phone call!

believe it, speak it, receive it!

God bless you.

btw i just make another draft for my bus card, i just change a design a bit to match with the website theme.

Monday, June 15, 2009

2nd draft flash website

My 2nd draft template for my website :D yipiie

i finished them all today. On saturday nite i had meeting with my friend, and finally we bought the FLASH template! :D the layout is like the pics below, but its a flash! have voices as well.

what ive done is just for the MAKE UP SECTION, we havent done the FASHION boutique section yet, coz i still have to choose for the template as well.

so when ppl click on fashion boutique, it will go to the new online shopping template, while when ppl click make up section...it goes like the pics below :)

*the text still not really rite*

what do u think for my 2nd draft? any suggestion? :D

*click the picture to see actual size*

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Awesome sunday

baru balik dari grjea trus makan di bintang sama michael & marina

mau crita....

hari ini awesome banget di greja....

Hari ini jadwal aku untuk sharing SOAP (scripture, observation, application dan prayer) di team music.

jujur aja aku jarang menggunakan buku soap ini sebagai saat teduh.

aku biasanya membaca bible dan manna surgawi...

tapi karna hr ini aku yg kebetulan tugas, lalu aku buka bukunya pagi hari... ada beberapa ayat di hari ini, tapi aku memilih untuk mengambil yang dari filipi.

aku berdoa ama Tuhan, apa yang harus aku sharingkan hari ini? karna aku paling ga suka kalo cuma baca ayat trus tulis observation, lalu application dan prayer...

aku lebih suka based on kesaksian yang aku alami.

lalu Tuhan ingatkan aku untuk sharing tng apa yng aku dapati dari doa rabu malam.
(kalian bisa baca post aku mengenai ini di rabu tgl 6 may & 13 may). itu yg aku sharingkan. intinya rhema tng filipi 4:4-8 dan filipi 4:19 (Allahku memenuhi segala keperluanku menurut kekayaan dan kemuliaanNYA di dalam Yesus kristus)

lalu aku sharing beberapa hal & sharing dikit tng proses penjualan toko, yang kliatannya Tuhan bekerja lambat. tapi sesungguhnya waktu Tuhan ga pernah kecepatan atau kelambatan tetapi TEPAT waktunya.

slesai sharing, pas offering time, ternyata AYAT PERSEMBAHAN juga diambil dari FILIPI 4:19! denkkk otomatis temenku yg denger sharingku td langsung liat2an sama aku....

trus kita hari ini kedapetan pdt dari BEthany di jkt, namanya Pdt Andi Cokro.
dia berkotbah tng: BELIEVE IT, SPEAK IT, RECEIVE IT! God's weapon is in our tongue.

beberapa hal yg dia kotbahin, itu sama dengan apa yg aku sharingkan sebelunnya di team music.
im amazed.

trus abis dia kelar kotbah, our youth pastor take over, and do the altarkol, jd org2 yg mau didoain disuruh maju kedepan....

aku maju ke depan, michael juga maju ke depan, TETAPI kami TIDAK BERSEBELAHAN. (INGAT, KAMI TIDAK BERDIRI BERSEBELAHAN)
disebelah aku org laen, disebelah dia org laen..

jadi aku ga tau apa yg pdt bilang ke michael, dan michael pun jg ga tau apa yg pdt itu ngomong ke aku.

pdt itu ksih prophetic msg buat aku seperti ini:

"Thank you Jesus, thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus (sambil memegang kepalaku) lalu dia berkata, It's a new season for you! its a new season! yang lama sudah berlalu sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang. Urapi anakmu ini Tuhan, Kecap lah dan lihatlah kebaikan Tuhan."

nah pas mau pergi makan....

aku tanya sama michael: beb td didoain apa sama pendetanya?
trus dia jawab: "wahh kerennn de pokoknyaa, dia bilang pertama2 thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus Thank You jesus trus bilang yang lamaa sudah berlalu yg baru sudah datang....new season"

aku langsung kaget: HAH?? KOK SAMA SI???? aku jg tdi diomonginn kaya gitu PERSIS! SIS SIS

apa jangan2 smua org diomongin sama? tapi kaga ah!!!!...aku denger org2 disebelahku pas lagi didoain....tpi dia ga ngomong begitu sama skali....

WOW ini bener2 dasyatt!! kt bener2 amazed banget and blessed banget hr ini.... Tuhan emang dasyat!!

we believe, we speak, and we will receive! Thank You Lord!!! You're awesome!!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

luv him 2 the max :)

Saturday, 13 Jun 09

Friday, June 12, 2009

Prewed hair & make up

hoaa just finished doin my job... i did yessy hair n make up for her prewed shoots today... she wanted a natural make up, and she request to put more shading on her cheek, coz she felt she had chubby chick.

I took this picture with my cupu digital camera...so the results is not that good :)
but its ok...

now i wanna get ready for my father in law bday dinner.... nyummmm


thx u

Thursday, June 11, 2009

still too happy

ehehe still feel happy till now! i imagine what can we do after 1st of July (things that we wanna do but we cant do becoz of the shop)"

- regular excersice with michael
- Saturday can be a relaxaxing day yay! (or the day that i can do my hobby)
- Sunday: i can go to both services in church again, mornin & afternoon coz i used to attend both of services)
- Mike to focus to his study, Job & skills improvement (this must be sunthin to do with computer, networking, or even piano)
- Me to focus on RENZ boutique & make up studio & jobs
- can go for nite shopping more regularly hahaha
- Holiday! hahah
- Michael to serve again on sunday afternoon with playin keyboard :)
- i think i can do more socializing with my friends again, after ive been an antisocial person ehhe

What else?? could you help me to think?? what can i do after i dont have to work 7 days a week in my shop?? :D

should be a lot of things ...:D

well tonight i have to cancel my appointment to meet for the website...coz michael ask me to go for nite shopping! :D we wanna find a present for his father (my father in law) coz tomorrow is his bday... and we're gonna have a dinner party tomorrow at his house.

there gonna be a lot and lots of ppl who come tomorrow. lets party and be merri :D

forgive me but i have to say this, coz quiet annoyed with sum1? uppss
quote for copycat-ers: U are born original, pls dont die as a copy, instead just be your self aii? :)



pls xcuse me to speak in indo languange....

aduhh senangnyaa hari ini....! rasanyaaa legaa plonggg....ngrasain Tuhan baikkk banget, emang bener2 ga pernah terlambat pertolonganNYA

ada apa sih???

My shop is finally SOLD! hari ini....buyernya uda deal, uda agreed sama agreement2nya....

padahal kmaren itu sempet pusink juga....karna posisi kita di tengah2 antara buyer and landlord...kita harus menyamai keinginan mreka masing2 dan cari jalan tengahnya.

walaupun kmaren buyernya sempet minta ini ono (dan landlordnya tdk menyetujui), kt dah mulai mikir "duh gimana ni kalo sampe buyernya ga jadi mau beli?"

tapi kita tetepp teruss doain....pribadi, with family, and di persekutuan doa...trus kita doain...spy kedua belah pihak (buyer & landlord) ada titik temunya... dan ga merugikan kita tentunya....

Puji Tuhan bener2!....akhirnyaa finally at last, buyernya setujuu untuk menyetui agreement2 yg dikasih landlord....phewww!

dan proses penjualan kita ini termasuk salah satu yg prosesnyaa termasuk cepat skali....(karna puji Tuhan, Dia ngirim buyer yang ga rewel)

jadi skarang smuanya udh OK, tgl 30 juni kita trakhir di toko, penyerahan kunci etc2....
and im....FREE :D

THX You Lord!!! :D

And i will start looking for a job yang sesuai dengan keinginan, dan kemampuanku sambil doin my side business... tpii di perth dikit skalii yg nyari hair stylist or make up artist....di melbb or syd yang banyakkk....!! should i moveee???!! hahahahaha

and ive been praying for the offer that my partner offered me. i know there will be a benefit for me if i join them, even she already booked me for some wedding comin up. (if i join them)

tapi saya ga mau kehendak dan keinginan saya yg jadi BUT I want Your will be done in my life Lord...

satu batu gede udah berhasil diatasi dan dilewati dengan PertolonganNYA. im preety sure there will be more of BATU2 gede yg harus dilewati di masa mendatang... (but im not afraid! i will say to those batu2 : 'TRY ME")

instead of saying: "why this happend to me? WHY ME? but try to say: TRY ME! ;)

coz i know who stands beside me! :D

*i wanna say thx to all my family, friends who supports me with their prayer, spy proses penjualan berlansung lancar, thx u. He did answer our prayers* :)

have a nice dayy ppl....its raining over here and i loveee it! :D

*got meeting 4 website tonight* :)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


In my boredom, i opened my friendster. geez friendster is now terlantar bcoz of facebook. (poor friendster)

i just saw my old pictures....and i saw my wedding pics in there....it makes me wanna repeat the party again...i still can feel how much i enjoyed the party! really really enjoyed to the max....i dun even care anymore about the heavy dress,the band, the cake, the decor or everything...i dun caree all of them....

one thing i remember, i was really really enjoyed and happy to the max, im not even feel tired....not only me who was happy, but i can see all the faces of the guests, all of my family member, they showed their happiness in their face, and it made me feel even overjoyed!!

i wish i can repeat the moment again....haha!

here's i put the pics of the happiest faces! (click the pic to see larger pic)

Talents vs Passions

when i was in bus meetin last saturday, i got this quote that i like. btw im happy to met new people...they are so friendly, potential people, and of course a positif minded ppl, i know if i have a ppl like that in my ecircle, it would be a lot of benefit for me, (for my character).

this quote says :


many ppl even didnt know what their passion are. me too. i used to be blankk about my self. everytime people asked me...what is your dream? your passion? and i just said err.....dunno....i think i dont have any dream, just go with the flow with my life.

but i realized that it is important for people to have dreams, or passion. even my pastor in a church said that we have to dream big!

lucky now i know what my dreams are. what my passion is.

maybe some of you think my passion is to be a make up artis have my studio, have this have that....but i say NOPE....my passion is much more than that. yes i would love to have all of that, but thats not what my passions are.

not long after i got married, when me and my husband shared each other, we decided *apa yg menjadi our vision*
so being a hair stylist, make up artist, fashion boutique-rs is only tools for me. so through that, i can finally makes my passion comes true.

and i dun mind at all to do all of that coz i love doin that. i loveeee to be a make up artist, hair stylist, fashion boutique-rs. for me its just like doing hobby but *menghasilkan* (sekali mendayung 2-3 pulau terlampaui) :D

infact, im excited now to do make up for the drama musical performance...

the theme is back to 80s, so last week , my trainer had given us all the performer names and character, the skin colour. i choose the fair skin people hahahah....

and on the 21st June on Sunday, we will do a make up rehersal as well as a dress rehersal and ill bring one of my friend to come with me to take a picture for me while i was doin make up....(for my portfolioo) so happy.... Thx to my good friend, Mc D! i hire u to be my photographer ahhahah.

you see the picture above? thats my good friend when she was havin bday dinner with her friends.

rite now i becomin a fashion hunter!! heheh before i dun care about fashion...but now i have to. im fallin in love with her kimono batik. she got it from our friends as well.

Do you think people will buy if i sell that kimono batik cantik???! im preety sure yes!

so i asked my friend to buy it for me. (hopefully someone will go to pekalongan again) they got it from the city called pekalongan.

im planning to go to Jogya, with my husband on july, coz he wants to see his best child buddy in klaten. I thought maybe i should go to pekalongan as well to hunting all those batik cantik. heheheh

my talents can helps me to makes my passion come true.
*Now i know what my passion is. and i will do whatever it takes to make it comes true*

of course with His help in times of need :)

cia yooooo

Sunday, June 07, 2009

My fringe back! :)

Very tired. Just came back from church. today's got R O C K S department meeting together with team leader. Thx God im in one team2 with om2 and tante2 Funkeh...its so seru...and the important things is food always ready....very yummy tofu beef soup....still want more :(

i met my friend yesterday, and we had meeting for my website plan....finally we decided to make a full flash online shopping website... will launch hopefully in early of August, when i came back from my holiday.... :D yayyy! cant waiit for my holidayy!!! :D really really really really really really cant wait! :P

and today im very happy as well...coz i got my fringee backkk!! heheh....finally i cut my long fringe...and i just realized, fringe is the best!! :D first i wanna try to grow my fringe...but it looks terrible! so i cut it this afternoon....

i put before after pic of my fringe :)

now i can say that i lovee my fringe!! :D

gutniteeeee :D

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

1st draft homepage

This is my 1st draft for home page.this is the concept that i want, divided into two section, boutique & make up.....so when people click my web address...they can click either boutique or make up section

if they click make up this will appear

when they click boutique section:

but this is just a draft, maybe the final wont be like this :) just wanna have a note for my draft to draft process :)

hopefully i can buy the flash template from monster :)

any suggestion will be appreciated :)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Good He is good :)

When i say God is Good, He is Good!

not Long after i've done my post, and *sibuk sana sini cari org buat ngerjain web* suddenly a friend of mine *menawarkan diri buat bikinin my website* and this person is a good dedicated person, i kno him well :)

sbelunnya i was thinking kalo suruh org di indo buatin website, pasti yg ada tar makan ati de, either orgnya lelet kerjanyaa....dihubungin susah....janji tinggal janji...janji kelar hr ini tp molor...(that was my experience before) tpi...skarang ga perlu kuatir lagi! i have my friend to do it for me...(of course i will pay him as well proffesionally) tpi i know kerjaannya pasti Ok! :D

so happy! at least i dont need to wait till i go back to indo....i can start my project now. (for the website), for the products, of course i have to wait till i go back)

tra lala lala...... :D

God is so Good :)

merealisasikan mimpi

since the first time i have the urge to have my own boutique, my mind cant stop thinking about that....how to makes my dream *terealisasi*

1. i need to change the name of my website, and make a total changes for the design as well.. i know the design already in my head, i just need some time to make it in photoshop. (but since last nite when i was trying, my potoshop is doggy!) i think i have to re install the software again...huh! hopefully can do it today.

2. Im still looking for a very good web designer to do all the upgrading (incl online shopping). (anyone knows?)

3. I asked my friend in Hongkong to work together with me, because i need a supplier from there. and luckly i got one. She said she would love to help me since she has a desire to do export-import thingy.

4. I have to browse & searching for fashions from now on.

5. when i have desire to do something, i will do it as soon as possible, and i wanna get it done asap...hahah but i still have to wait till i go back to my country....*poor me*


I got this email this morning from my Make up trainer:

Dear Motives Consultants,

I am proposing our Motives makeup team to sponsor and help out the young Year 12 girls/boys in Canning Vale College to prepare their makeup on their performing nights.

I believe it is an excellent opportunity for us to experience stage makeup for the drama performers. Stage makeup is different from day to day makeup. You can be creative, but always stick to strong and sharp features.

Can you remember when Madonna became famous with ‘Like a Virgin’ and Cindy Lauper with ‘Girls just want to have Fun’; their fashion was a huge impact to the 80’s young girls. Everyone wanted to look like them.

Please email me as soon as you decided to join the fun. Don’t miss the chance! I need feedback for the drama coordinator by the end of next Friday.

If any changes emerge, I will inform you immediately.

If you’re worried that you have no idea what the makeup is supposed to look like, we will organize a time to practice together.

Drama theme: “Back to the 80’s”
Look for the night: 80’s
lookDate: 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th June 2009.
Time: 7pm to 10pm.

So we need to be there at 5 or 530pmNumber of performers: 15 girls, 10 boys

Number of makeup artists per night: 5 to 6

Please let me know if you can help more than a night.


"Yes Im in! may be i can do it for two nights only" thx u


Haha, you are already on my list. Can’t get away from it huh!!

I really want all of us, as a Motives professional, should experience all kinds of makeup and to learn different skills.

A REAL makeup artist cannot be fully competent to the best of their ability if she can only do very few styles of makeup.

Surely you have shown that you are willing to learn and become the best you can be! Irene, welcome aboard.

Thank you!



Im so excited yea?!

God is good to me. He prepared evrythin new for me....:D

This saturday I will attend Business meeting with a great speakers...

and This Sunday i Got fully booked from Tante Lany (indo hairdresser)....She asked me to join her to do make up and hair for her clients....

Praise God. Almost every week now i have clients, except if i have training day, i sadly had to cancel or rejects all the appointments.

*wanna do design for my website* but dun have my laptop here :(