Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear Diary....
Lagi males cerita saking capenya...
jadi ceritain aja hari ini ngapain aja....

bangun pagi2 jam 6.30am
bus ku buat ke tempat kerja itu jam 8am
aku kerja di Satch hr ini dari jam 9-4pm

kerja pagi2 berdua doank sama managerku...
(kebayang donk uda seremnya kaya apa)
but it turned outt really well....
jadi ngobrolll sana sini ngalor ngidul sama dia....
i teach her some indo vocab...

i think i like her now....

and she likes me as well....she told my friends many time that she likes me...and she wants me to work there Saturday or Sunday if i got no clients....

all i can say is PRAISE GOD. :)

ok, cut the story off, after finished work at 4, straight away i went home to prepare to go to burswood.

finished around 9pm, and got home 9.30pm

Lucky, my husband had prepare dinner for me....Best Husband Eva! and i Thank God for him hey...:D

now im really tired...tomorrow i have to be there at 8.30am

in this tiredness time, i suddenly had this song in my heart..i like this song very much

the title is "Kaulah Harapan" by Sari simorangkir.

click this link if you wanna hear the song, its a really nice song! trust me

well, nite2 Diaryy.....
Pray for me tomorrow ya!

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