Monday, January 11, 2010

a note for my self

Hi my Blog lovers! how are you today?
yes yes i know its monday again, time to work again...
i worked today at Satch from 10-4pm.
ive never done long hours work lately.
the last time i worked for long hours is in my x-shop. and i never like it.

with my current sushi bento job, usually i only do 3-4 hours per day.
but with SATCH, its preety much long hours work.

when i arrived today, smuanya lagi pada crangky. termasuk managernya. 
wah udah sebel aja tuh. rasanyaa dalam hati mikir "kayanya gw ga bisa kerja lama2 ni disini"
managerku tuh orgnya super duperrr DETAIL, rapih, and perfectionist.

for me, i dun mind working hard as long as the environment and the people is nice n good.
tapi walaupun kerjaannya gampang tapi orang2 sekitarnya ga enak....itu maless banget buat aku...
i dont wanna work with pressure coz of the people is not good.

but, in the end, i found out that mrka smuanya sebenernya baikkk....kt tadi juga akhirnya malah cerita ngalor ngidul....tapi kalo tentang kerjaan dan scheduling emang managerku strict banget.

one of my friend who also work there said to me "itu mungkin karna butik kita ini butik yang high class punya, jadi kita dituntut untuk selalu menyapa customer, dll"

tpi emang bener, kmaren itu aku sengaja coba masuk2 ke toko2 baju, aku sengaja png liat how they greet customers, tp kebanyakan smua toko yg aku masukin mreka ga menyapa setiap customer yang masuk. mreka diem2 aja....(tapi itu karna memang butik baju yg lebih low class dibanding satch).

phewww.... pas lagi pulang...tiba2 teman ku yg juga kerja disana msg me trough bbm....

she said: " (managerku) bilang kalo dia seneng banget sama kamu lho....she said: i like irene"

to tell you the truth: I am happy when my friend said that to me. coz i thought and im affraid that i cant reach her (my manager) standart coz she's too details strict and perfectionist. i just can say "PRAISE GOD" if she likes me.

God is good to me. i know He must have a purpose for puttin me in that shop.
He's the one who gave me this job, i believe He will make me able to do it as well.
i just have to believe n have more faith that Not because of my talents skills and abilities, but only by GRACE.

Note for my self today:
 "Jangan bersandar pada kekuatan sendiri, karna seberapapun kekuatanmu, tanpa Tuhan tidak mungkin bisa mencapai standart yg diinginkan oleh menagerku.


"Seberapa besarpun standart yang managerku mau untuk aku lakukan, semua itu Dapat aku lakukan bersama2 dengan DIA yang memampukan aku" :)


pada akhirnya aku sadar, I shoud've Thank God udah bs dapet kerjaan di tempat yg bagus dengan mudahnya.

after i finished work, 4pm teng i saw 2 my friends already in front of Satch waiting for me hhihihi
we wanna go together to eat ice kachangg yg enakk....

well thats it my story for today blover!
please keep me in ur prayer for my work etc.
Thank you blover!
nite2 and sweet dreamss :)

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