just to killin my time before going to prayer meeting tonight, i just read & read again my blog stories since 2007, and if i look back again, all the stories that i wrote, it is amazing!!
so writing blog is a good things peepz! so one day you can read again your old post. and you can see God's guidance towards you all the day of your life.
i also just found out comments from visitor whom i dont kno where they come from, they didnt even write their name there. But i just wanna say thank you to these people!
knowing that people are blessed with my writing is the most happiest things for me.
These are the comment made by people who feel blessed with my blogspot:
1.Greetings! I was looking for images of Nikko Jkt as I am going to have my wedding there this Dec.
And fortunate enough, I come across your blogs. I read a few of your posting and it is a true blessing for me.
My situation is more or less similar to yours (after getting married, move to other country, visa stuff bla bla bla) And through your posting somehow I feel He gave me more strength and realize that nothing (definitely NOTHIING)
is imposible for Him. Thank you for your testimony. May God use you even more for an even greater purpose.
Your faith, hope, and love through your writing is really an inspiration especially for me. Thank you. Be blessed!
I don't know you and you don't know me.. Haha... Tadi aku lg iseng2 cari gambar di google.. Then, i see the link name "Blessed to Bless".. Foto ptama, foto married kalian (Congratz btw ;)..) well, i ignore it.. coz i need different photo.. then when i went to 2nd page, ada foto kalian lg.. hihi.. i dont know why... there's just this dorongan buat aku... aku mesti buka...
well.. then aku buka donk.. :p.. there's one of ur stories.. iseng2, aku baca.. yg ttg 3 hari kegiatan apa gtuu.. (sorii.. aku cepet lupa.. hehe) the story touched me.. i feel enlightened by ur story... 1 uda kelar, penasaran.. jd lanjuutttt trus... ahaha.. padahal, bsok ada bacaan buat my management class 3 chapters... n my teacher likes to cold call.. @_@.. i must study.. hahaa... but somehow, aku ketarik ama cerita cici.. :p. then i continue reading dehh...
I am a Christian dr kecil, but I begin to have a closer relationship since I moved to US.. aku uda 2 taon dsini.. ada saatna aku deket,, trus jauh ma Tuhan.. trus deket lg, jauh lg.. but now, I want to make a commitment to myself... watever it is, I have to maintain my relationship with God... I started to read Bible.. baru dikit sih.. but it's kemajuan yg lumayan for me.. hihi...
well.. I just want to say THANKS... thanks a lot for sharing.. =] aku jd lbi motivated to have a better n closer relationship with God..
God can do anything.. Even have people from Sydney buat motivate anak di amrik.. :p..
Thank you,, and God bless you two.. in everything.. =]
3.pertama aku mw menyampaikan kekaguman ku sama ka irene....bbrapa hari yang lalu kan aku baca BLOGnya ka irene...dan ternyata isi di blog itu dibuat thn kemaren smua y ka?(telat bgt..haha)tpi aku ykin smpe kapan pun ka irene psti bkal ttp melangkah bersama Tuhan......
dan wktu dpt blognya ka irene pun itu ga sengaja....wktu itu aku lg search ttg apa ya di google...lupa...trus tb2 ada title Blessed Weekend...ya aku buka aja...stlah aku baca..baca dan baca....semuanya....dan disitu aku bca yg ttg ka irene di baptis....itu kejadiannya sama ka...wktu itu aku lagi bimbang2 mw di baptis selam ato ngga.....trs wktu aku lg mw tidur...baru aja pgn nutup mata....trs tb2 ada yg bilang..."kamu harus di baptis selam"...dan akhirnya aku lgsg minta di baptis selam pas ulang taunku yg k 19... :D byk juga dstu yg ka irene bagiin yg aku pernah nglamin juga...
yaaaa pokokee gitu dehh ka.....kaguum aja sama ka irene.....pinter...cantik....anak Tuhan lagi...bisa jadi berkat buat org lain(salah satunya dgn blognya ka irene)...dan aku yakin pasti Tuhan...memberkati keluarga ka irene bgt.....aku liat foto2nya ka irene sama suaminya....kayanya penuh sukacita bgt ni keluarga,,,,
aku jadi berkhayal........."bisa ga yh nanti aku punya keluarga yg kya gini?"..dpt pasngan hidup yg mgkn lbh dari ka irene pinternya..cantiknya..imannya :D...
yawd deh ka....sgtu aja dulu...nanti klo k irene dah bls dan ngijinin aku buat ngbrl lbh lagi...baru aku ngmng pnjang lebar...(padahal yg ini udah ngmng panjang lebar.. :D)
mgkn k irene mw jadi kk rohani ku di dunia maya...(soalnya aku punya anak rohani 2 orang ka...sapa tau aku bisa belajar dari pengalaman ka irene yg mgkn bisa aku share k anak2 rohani ku...trus ka irene jadi berkat lagi deh.. :) dan berkat pun akan terus mengalir bwat ka irene dan keluarga.... ^^ ..
mudah2an aku ga ganggu y ka....thanks yahh ka....God bless u and fam....
whoever write that comment, i just wanna say thx u and hopefully my stories can always be a blessings to you guys!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
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