Saturday, December 08, 2007


3 days 2 go! wohooo!today i worked in the morning till arvo, after that i went to city with ntep to buy 'titipan' for my sistah, but i ended up shopping for my self ahaha but i got what she wants!
Thank God my flu is getting better, but i still need to take a rest.

im @ home now, got nothing to do, my hubby is goin somewhere. and im waiting my friend to come to my house. While waiting, im looking at my fs, looking at my testimonials2, and mhmm..i think its good to keep the testimonials here in blogspot, who knows fs is closing down sumday aheuhaue so here we go, i copy n paste testimonials from my fs, of course i cant copy it all 'karna banyak banget' so i just choose some testi "yg lucu2, yg kata2nya membangun, n yg tulisannya ga panjang2 ahuehuahe"

11/19/2003 9:38 pm

si cantik yg satu ini yah...gua sih kenalnya uda lumayan baru deketnya belakangan ini...mestinya kenal dr dulu yah ren? ;) dia anaknya heboh abis deh, bae selalu perhatiin rambut, makan banyak, ketawa selalu keluar air mata..(yg ini gua bingung knp), pokoknya gak rugi deh temenan ama dia....she is a very2 nice frenz..oh ya...jgn lupa she has a sexy lips as well :p

01/7/2006 4:45 pm

hai ren...pertama kali liat lo,kesan gue lo cantik bgt and friendly abis. meski belom lama kenal tapi gue tau lo orangnya baik n cinta Tuhan banget. gue seneng pas kita bbq n dirmh ko andre,jadi bisa kenal iren lebih deh.. kalo ada waktu pengen deh gue ngobrol2 lagi ama lo. lo lucu seh ren,bisa buat g ketawa ketiwi apa adanya. iren juga enak banget diajak seru2 an. kapan2 kita ngobrol2 lagi ya....

12/4/2003 7:06 pm

Nyonkieee rennnn ... kuangen abies gue ama lo! skrg jarak memisahkan kita nih :( ahuaeaeuheauae garink ah. Temen gue yang satu ini.... rapiiiiii en bersihhhh, gue blajar dr elo untuk lebih rapih en lebih bersih.. kalo ada sampah2 langsung buang, kalo ada yang berantakan langsung rapihin :) Terus.. ini anak juga penampilan selalu ok, ga pernah tuh yang namanya keluar rumah lancai2 beler2 ehhehehe, kalo dandannnn lamaaaaaaaaaaa deh :P Kalo makan busetttt gila banget... enak nya dia ga bisa gendut (so lucky... deh )En I also just found out... kalo ini anak tuh beken banget... ampe ada yang berantem segala ngerebutin dia.. terus smua tuh temen2 cicinya terpesona ama dia .. hahahha ( agus ama pa supir juga ya ? ahhaha) Ini anak juga demen banget ngerjain alias ngeboongin 'fans' dia ... ampe kesian gue ama fans2 nya dia hahahahhahah :p Ya udah dulu deh.. udah kaya curhat jadinya... Keep growing each day ya nyong... deeper in love with our Father, experiencing more of His love real in our dayys. Luv yaaa

Indra G
12/22/2005 11:41 pm

oey gorgeous! laen x gw ke jakarta, harus bener" jalan" ma gw lo! SPECIAL! (bawa telor kalo perlu) ceritanya doank mo bela"in keluar ma gw, eeeeehhhh... taunya... PFFT! hahahaha... nyonk, temen gw ada yg naksir lo tuh, gmn? HAHAHA

12/3/2003 6:34 pm

neng rence...iren nieh tanggal lahirnya sama kaya guah hahahaha makanyah orang2 bilang kita ada potongan adik/kakak yah..cuman dia tinggi guah..sedeng hahahahah :p iren nih orangnnya seru pisan..demen makan, demen nonton sinetron n demen stylin rambutnya..pokoknya iren neh cewe banget deh :) suka masak..romantis en lady alike :) keep em up gurl..God bless u :)

08/25/2006 12:24 pm

nyonk......ini nih gue bikinin elo testi... biar di FS loeh ada pembaharuan... hohohohooo.... yah gue lagi di kantor... seperti biasa... gak ada kerjaan... bukan nya gak ada kerjaan sih... cuma udah males kerja =P hauehuehuu.... 'bout iren ya.. hmmm.... kenalnya since kelas 2smp.. tp baru main pas smp3 becoz kita sekelas.. cewe nya cm ber6 aja dikelas masih bisa cekcok.. lutu jg kalo di inget2... hauehuaehue.... iren ituh...c4nt1qu3 (jangan ge-er duonk), tinggi, putih... tapi masih pingin lebih putih lagi! , bawel , rese (khususnya dg rambutnya yg padahal menurut gue tebel n bagus bgt, apalagi kalo di bandingkan dg rambut gue yg tipis n berantakan! u should be thankful sis! ) , trus... suka nyusahain gue.... sometimes.. hauehuaheu.... , modis n selalu rapih di segala suasana kecuali kalo ke rumah gue, pokoknya kalo iren lewat cowo2 pd nengok deh... cewe aja pada nengok?! hauehuaheu... buanyak fansnya.. tp dia masih tetap setia dg miko tercinta ;) hauehauee.. udah ya.. back to work =(

11/22/2003 11:34 am

Irene.... she's my lost friend. I knew her since when yeh??? mmm SD? anyway, Irene and I goes all way back. And we were a very good friend, for sure. But then, she went to perth and basically we lost contact...:( *I miss her so much though* Because of friendster, we finally meet again.. Huehehehe. Here goes my testimony, she is a very fun person and will make you laugh all the time. And she is a very good looking girl. I'm so jealous coz she is so tall and very thin... I wish you could spare some of your height for me. hi hi hi. What else, mmmm? well, I am so glad that I finally found you. We definitely should hang out in jkt.... *can't wait for those times...*


iren...iren....dasar nih cw....kaga mau kalah mulu.... biar deh....sama cewe cakep mending ngalah aja.... ini cewe terkenal sama nicknya: chantique n cw_maniez... huhue emang aslinya oke kok! si beben pernah suka...padahal kan beben guanteng ya! heuhueue aniwe..gua suka temenan ama dia..karena dia bae...tapi sombong...manis...tapi jutek... nah lo.... terus....dia bener2 rajin beribadah...salut gua.... anaknya juga asik kok! gak rugi kenal ama cewe jutek yg manis ini...ahhahaaaha kalo maen kartu...gak tau kenapa selalu menang....mau diapain juga tetep menang....duuhhhh.....orang easy going.....tapi kalo belum kenal...judes rek!sebenernya..banyak sih yg bisa diomingin soal iren....but she is simply wonderful, kind, smiley gal...dia juga buanyak membantu temen2 laen...dlm berbagai hal...orangnya juga blak-blak-an...bisa diajak gila...hauahuhauapokoknya...banyak deh yg bisa disukain dari cewe ini!

03/13/2004 3:43 am

Irene.... Irene tuh orangnya top banget, rame, bisa menempatkan diri di segala situasi,seru buat diajak maen and curhat. Nggak sombong lagi.Bisa jadi temen curhat, temen shopping, pokoknya kalo ada Irene jadi seru deh. Gue jadi bisa ngomong apa aja ke dia, soalnya dia bisa ngertiin gue. Dia juga modis abis, selalu rapi & cantik walaupun cuma buat dateng ke rumah gue. Dia juga baek banget loh! Sering ngejemput kita-kita yg nggak punya mobil buat pergi-pergi.hehehe :P Dia juga aktif banget pelayanan di gereja, jadi singer, Sunday school teacher. Pokoknya jd anak Tuhan yg baek deh (patut diteladani) hehehe.~God Bless U~ :)

08/3/2004 1:35 am

hai, ren, masih inget gw ga? gw paling inget tuh waktu qta di kelasnya bu raras yang "baik hati" menghadapi kelasnya, apalagi elo kali ya hehe, yang jam 8 teng pasti ke toilet untuk melakukan "panggilan alam" hehe ;p anyway, irene tuh orgnya cantik, suka ketawa, suka jalan-jalan, suka ngga pd, tapi yang paling pnting dia baek bgt. gw seneng bgt lo skrg sdh mjd real servant of God, proud of u! ok, ren, maju terus ya dalam Tuhan, God bless u always!


Oii, sodara sodari betapa bangganya aku bisa nulis testimoni tentang elica irene...,si cewe bahenol dari tanggerang :p Ren gua tuu dari dulu sirik sama lu tau ga... sama tinggi yang semampai pohon beringin, sama kurus lu yang bagaikan pipa ledeng, sama rambut lu yang seperti gorden, sama kulit lu yang seperti kulit sawo setengah mateng, sama alus lu yang kaya semut beriringan mau ke pasar :p heheheh iren iren iii kamu imuuet sekali :p Waa tapi dibalik semuanya cewe ini juga seorang yang sangat sensitif & care akan lingkungan sekitar.., Irene juga orangnya type yang mau belajar terus and aiming the best... seperti: Cewe ini juga buka salon di rumahnya untuk mengimpartasikan kemampuannya make over orang.., kapan bagian gua donk... jangan di charge ya..:)Ren gua juga bangga buanget punya temen kaya lu that love God & care for people around you & makannya banyak :p. Wish you all the best for everything you will face in the future... TC

06/11/2005 3:40 pm

to my dearest beautifuly ireneeee......hahaneng irene nih adalah temen sejati.semati,senasib(u noe wat i mean),temen gila yg bisa gila....pokoknya irene tuh 'TOP' deh.....sayang bentar lagi dikau meningalkan daku.....hiks,satu lagi......dia nih kalo manggil org.....sukanya pake nama"NYONGGG",gw jg ga tau itu artinya apa..hehehe.....well irene.....i just want to say....thax for ur friendship.....thax 4 everthing u done 4 me...and..thax 4 everyting....dats worth a lot for me.....even gw suka ga bisa bantuin lu banyak2....hehehe...thax 4 ur's advice....especialy...4 dat"blooddyyy dam Q" ma lu bener2 sama "BEGO"nya....hauhauhaaok....nyong ireneeee......well looks like i'm goingg to miss u a lothehehhee.......take care in indo....kalo balik cariin gw "Q" lg ya.....yg lebih dr pd "Q" rennn.....huahauhauahaua... j/kI'll c u soon.......FINISH.

02/24/2005 1:33 pm

ireneeee...........hmm.....sth rada lo paksa hehehe,akhirnya g isi testi lo jg d ;pktm irene d tHeRocK of course, g lom lama kenal dia. kesan pertama hmm.....cakep, centil, manizzz (gLodaKK....;p) n kynya rada somse sih tnyt ga sombong2 amat sih, cm sombong dikiT hihihi (j kidding non!!). dia ini guru sunday school yg of course baek n very hair stylist. mgkn cita2 lo jd capster salon ya ren, cm lom ksampean hihihi :))one thing 4 sure, rambutnya always keRenn....tiap minggu berganti hair style (apa ga cape tuh non??)uda ah gtu dulu, ntar kalo i already know u better i'll write some more about u ok?GBU


Cc Irene..pertama2 mau bilang terimakasih banyak..abisnya udah 2 minggu ber-turut2 aku diizinkan nebeng dari Cannington ke Applecross freely!! Hihihi senangnya..diajak makan pula =D -hanya sayang disuruh bayar sendiri- hehehe hmm Irene..she seems so perfect as a girl..feminim..modiz..cantik (sedikit banyak cantiknya seperti saya hohoho ;p) trus suka menata rambutnya, tapi kadang kalo dah kelamaan nata rambut bisa stress sendiri %-) apalagi kalo ada banyak rambut2 kecil yang baru numbuh..hihi itu kan tandanya rambutmu sehat, Ren..bisa berkembangbiak dengan lancar..iya kan?? hehe ada lagi! Irene itu baee bener..ngga tau dia makan apa koq bisa bae gitu..pastinya karena Our Heavenly Father yang udah baik juga sama dia=D tapi dibalik kebaikannya itu Irene juga sosok yang tegas dan berpendirian, jadi jgn coba2 main2 sama Irene..ya ngga si, Ren? hehe that's from my point of view..anyway, nice to know you, Ren..really want to know u more..God bless you, sis!!


kalo kata orang cantik.. er.. menurut gw sih lumayan.. oke lah.. bole bole.. hehehe.. anyway pertama ktemu dia ni ya kira2 minggu lalu lah.. baru2 ini kita merayakan 1st week aniversary di mobil.. 1st week ktemu maksudnya.. pertama ktemu langsung cocok nih sama dia. udah kaya kenal lama bgt.. padahal wkt di perth cm liat2an aja ga pernah ngomong atau nyapa. dia tuh tipenya yg anggun2 gitu kalo jalan so i tot that ya tipe2 yg alim2 de.. pemalu.. ternyataaa i salah duga.. skarang dia ini partner gw dalam berbisnis. kita sama2 punya target yg lumayan lah.. rencana awal mau membawahi seluruh green graden ya gak ren? hehehe.. jadi gak?? harus jadi lah pokoknya. yg gw suka dr loe yah, wah loe tuh bener2 ga ada malu2nya.. klop deh.. so gw jg ga perlu malu2.. cuek aja.. makan aja cuek yah hehehe.. so hopeng lah kita.. ya suwdah uda panjang.. pokoknya pertanyaan saya hanya "APA KABAR??" and "BE NuMBER ONE..."jawabannya yu tau sendiri lah hehehe

10/25/2005 8:57 am

cantik ada dua ; By order and by nature(versinya tante lhoo...)Beruntunglah irenzzzz(suka tidur kali ya....jadi ada zzzz)nya...cantiknya by nature....even pakai "gulungan" kata si "nyong".Sukses dan makin bahagia dekat dgn family lagi yaaa.Salam and God bless.

10/18/2005 5:22 pm

Unik ketemunya: I knew her name a year ago and just met her 2 weeks ago - but through her kind-hearted and easy-going personality, the relationship rocketing as we have met before.We are quite surprising and unbelievable. However, she'll soon be leaving back to Jakarta and we feel so regret. But I trully believe that He wants us to begin the friendship from this moment on and no boundaries for our communication..Thank you for having another good friend in Christ that can make a joyful heart. Keep encourage each other, sis and everything would be fine as God will always be there for you....^__^PS: inget2 ya...waktu kita ketawa sampe bercucuran air mata di 'Makan2' Vickpark tgl 13 Oct 05, jam 11pm..heheheHeap of blessings,~ Sylvie ~


10/1/2005 2:07 am
irene anak tuhan yang baek...cantik...asik...pinter pokoknya nyaris sempurna dah, ga tahannn coi. Dan nih cewe nih sayangg ma gue tapi ga pernah ngaku, ngakunya cuman hopeng2 doang . Dasar anak tuhan yang suka membohongi diri sendiri hehehe. Jadi kapan nih lu mo nembak gue ren??? eheheheh


IRENE....hehehehe kenalnya belom lama tapi rasanya uda kenal lama bgt, mungkin karena sifat g ada kemiripan kali yeh....we don't like small talks yeahh....irene fun abiezzzzz konyol dan apa adanya...ini sih setelah g kenal die tapi 1st impression g thd die hehehehe die tahu lah sorry nyonk...but overall she's pretty..(mauuuu) hehehehe aand yang paling penting die cinta ain't it akhir-akhir ini g paling sering ngobrol sama die and ...apa yah kayanya g mau kenal die lebih intinya sih anaknya asik bosss.... mmmm fotogenik...asligenik....jauhgenik...and deketgenik hehehehee oh ya mungkin kalo liat die dari jauh tinggi banget....tapi ternyata dia agak pendek hehehehe....orang ini penuh semangat kalo lg ngobrol seru kaya film kingkong lama 3 jam tapi ga ngebosenin. tapi kayanya ada kemiripan ga yah sama king kong =) hehehehe kiddinh rene...she's pretty inside out ...could you be the most beautifull girl int the world...straight and see ur the reason that GOD made a girl hehehe

12/14/2005 4:45 pm

Irene is...... hmmm.... let me seee...Irene itu asik, Irene itu unik, Irene itu cucok, irene itu demeeeeen banget ketawa... kadang ogut juga suka bingung cewek ini kok bakatnya ketawa dan smile every where.but that's her.and she is so special.


"selamat malam pemirsa dunia dalam berita, berikut ini laporan saya untuk warta berita petang.laporan pertama adalah adanya keberadaan group NYONKIES yang didirikan oleh seseorang gadis bernama irene muliana, sebagai pioneer perempuan dengan bibir monyong. mari, kita sedikit fokus kepada wanita ini. hobi nya mengubah gaya rambut (current:ala marcella brownies), makan secepat angin ribut, tertawa sampai menangis, juga MSN dengan para nyongkies diseluruh dunia. saat berita ini diturunkan, dia berteman dengan seorang monyong lain bernama laras, sudah dari masa2x diploma. mereka selalu bersama, bolos bareng, kerjain tugas bareng, makan mcd pagi2x bareng (walau harus pinjem duit, dibela2xin), bahkan susah senang dalam tangis dilewati bersama. konon, peraturan dalam group monyong adalah 'berteman sampai titik darah penghabisan', walau banyak tantangan dalam berteman, ternyata monyong2 ini bisa melalui itu semua sampai sekarang. semoga abadi.skian & terima kasih."

Fang Fang

halo reng...akhirnya gw isi testi loe yah..:).ngomongin irene ini gampang bgt,semua orang juga tau kalo nih anak cakep,tinggi,semampai,langsing,modis,jalannya kayak model (ato kayak robot ren?heheheh).pokoknya kalo dari segi fisik..nih anak TOP BGT.irene ini keliatannya sih feminin en lemah gemulai tp gualaknya minta ampun (kasian gw ma mikel hehe) apalagi kalo matanya dah melirik...wuihh...!!tp mbak irene ini orangnya asik bgt loh..kalo dah ma dia gak ada matinya deh..bisa jadi gila gara2 ketawa ada lg..kalo pergi makanma dia malu2in...makannya buanyak abis man!! heran masih kurus aja...makanannya lari kemana sih ren? hueheuheu...apalagi yah...dia paling sering ngomong "gigi loe monyong!!",gw heran gigi bisa monyong ren..heheh.yang pasti gw seneng bgt bisa kenal yg namanya irene..kalo gak ...gak mungkin ada kejadian "harbour town" itu ren..hehehe..:).pokoknya irene itu one of my bestest friend deh!

11/13/2003 12:02 pm

irenn.... gua kenal iren semasa di martin college dulu.. doing graphic design course.... anaknya pertama kali ketemu sih cool abiss .. gak macem2 huehue eh pas udah deket gile.. anaknya lucu, baek, seru2, kalo curhat ma dia tentang Tuhan juga enak banget... gue inget pertama kali jadi Worship Leader di yf, iren tuh bingung abis and takut.. but she has done a good job.. and everybody can feel the blessing from God... so keep on serving Him with ur voice ren !! my final tought buat elo : i am glad to have u as my fren, coz u are really unique hueue udah msn kagak pernah mati, and juga please read : I Kor 15:58 yah !! Give the best for Him, coz He will never
dissapoint u ... take care, gal!! and God bless

11/14/2003 1:46 am

only one thing to say.. Every person out there should get to know this girl.. A really wonderful personality :p

11/17/2003 2:15 pm

Gw dah lamaaaa banget ga ketemu/contact2 sama Irene.. baru belakangan ini suka ketemu di MSn yach ren! =) Hmm..menurut gw Irene tuh anaknya isenk banget! hehehe..tapi dia bae, gampang bergaul, plus enaq diajak ngobrol..Selaen ituh dia anaknya modis sekali..hehehe...seinget gw tuh dia selalu tampil cantik di segala suasana.. cie..aduh udah gr banget d dia pasti! haha..j/k =P Pokoknya i'm so happy to have her as a friend...keep in touch yach Ren..entar pas balik Indo ketemuan ok?? =)

dng baca testi2 lagi hopefully yg bagus2 bisa lebih diperbagus....

yg kurang bagus bisa dihilangkan spt:
cara makan saya yg memang cepat sekali (spt angin ribut, menurut versi Laras), kurang mengucap syukur/selalu tdk merasa puas (believe me, im improving on this one, still workin on it thou heheh) , sombong waktu pertama kali bertemu, dan laen laen.

it takes time for someone to change 4 the better, but as long as we wanna try, nothings impossible :D


Monday, December 03, 2007

another fortune cookies

what did fortune cookies tellin me today? hahah yeah i bought fortune cookies again today! i bought it because i like the cookies! not because that "fortune2" thingy hehehe

so this is what the paper said:

1. Your wisdom will find a way
2. New experiences and new friends will ENRICH your life
3. Do all you Should, not all you Could.

when i read no 2, that a coincidence?? bcoz if you see my previous post about 2 weeks ago about (choosing the rite environment) i was talkin about finding new friend and environment,(coz i think i need that desperately)
i made a decision to 'cut off' bad relationship, and try to find a new circle of friends (a friends that can bring a good impact for me)

so, is that a confirmation? well i dunno, maybee hahahha....

7 days to go and im very very very excited! :D

Sunday, December 02, 2007

xmas celebration

yes, yesterday our church had a xmas celebration, everyone was soo busy with their part, they looked tired,but after all, i can say it was good, well done for them. :D

well, this time my job is to be a hairdresser for the dancers. it was a challenge for me, coz i never done this before, ( i mean, do hairstyle for 6 people, with a limited time). but i'll give it a try! and you know what happened? i thought i only do the hairstyle for 6 ppl, but it turned up more than 6! some ppl also asked me to do their hair. even there was one tante2 asked me to do her hair too...hahahah but that was good (i imagine one day, when i have my own salon, its gonna be this busy ahuehaeh amin)

everything looks oke at the end, well it wasn't thattt goodddd (since i wasn't a prof here), but just oke lahhhh for an amateur like me aheuhaue! :D the most important thing, i can handled them all.

you know why i thought this very challenging?
1. every person have a diffrent style of hair, the texture, the length, everything, they're all diffrent. sometimes i found it was easy, but sometimes quiet hard, especially those with a very thick n short hair.
2. i had very limited time.
Thank God, everythings turned out to be good.

P.S: especially thanks to my crew, Tania & Stephanie, for being a very good assistant to me! :D

here's i put the photos (i can only took few photos, coz no time for taking pics)

Me & my 1st assistant, Tania! i definetly will hire you when i open my own salon :Dsee, even my assistant asked me to do her hair! hohoho but u look beautiful beb

Me & ntep, my 2nd assistant, thx 4 comin n helpin me say!

Sharleen, paige & Chloe Hair Trial 1 day before. they're look gorgeous

my lil' client :D

ciaooo.... 10 more days to go! wohoooo!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

spiritual food

Today's Verse
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-1

"Don't complain or argue!" We don't normally associate these things with purity and blamelessness. Paul was extraordinarily close to the Philippians and knew them well. He knew their weaknesses and shortcomings. He also knew the destructive power that complaining and arguing have on the life of an otherwise vibrant community of Christians. Let's heed his warning today, as we see church after church taken under by the negative and cynical spirit that pervades modern culture.

Forgive me and cleanse me, O God, from my argumentative spirit. Please empower me with your Spirit to use my speech only to bless and to build up, never to tear down or discourage. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

100% indo


hari ini adalah hari yg sangat melelahkan boo...pagi kerja dari jam 7 sampe stengah 2 siank, langsung buru2 pulang karna si ntep telpon udah jalan ke rumah...rencananya hari ini kita pada mau buat brownies. nyampe rumah langsung deh kita bersiap2 buat brownies, tapi kita masih nungguin satu org teman lagi, secara dia yg paling banyak bawain bahan2nya dan buku resep juga ada di dia.

bahan yang uda ada di rumah cuma coklatnya sama telurnya. Langsung deh gw bilang si ntep, "ok tep, lu pecahin telur 8 biji jadiin satu mangkok, gw yang motong2in coklatnya" bekerjalah kita bersama2. dan ga lama kemudian temen kita (tasia namanya) dateng. dateng2 dia liat telur uda dijadiin satu langsung deh "hah? emang telurnya dijadiin satu gitu? kayanya kaga de harus dipisahin" gw sama tep lngs pandang2an "hah? masa ya?? O oo" coba liat buku resepnya! *begini de kalo org suka sok teu* hahahah (ngomong ke diri sendiri)

tertulislah disitu, sediakan 8 butir telur, 4 ambil kuningnya, 3 ambil putihnya saja" ahuehauhea baru pertama uda salah...tapi yah cueklahh harusnya bisa... jd kita lanjut buat...hanya memakan waktu 15 menit lah untuk membuat adonannya...setelah itu tinggal masukin oven dan nunggu sampe jadi....hasilnya ternyataa ok jugaa! :D nyummmm....

kelar2 udah jam stengah 4 sore trus langsung cabut lagi buat latian musik di greja, sampe kira2 jam stengah 7 malem kelar latian...langsung lanjut ke toko buat renovasi, hari ini kita rencana untuk pindah2in posisi meja kasir, dan buka pintu satu lagi...

itu bener2 cape dehh!! ngangkat2 meja seberat2 bagonk, cuma bertiga. malem2 pula, sampe mungkin Tuhan kasian juga liat kita angkat2 keberatan ga nyampe2, akhirnya dikirimin org buat bantuin kita. tiba2 aja org yg punya pizza yg letaknya disebelah toko kita menawarkan bantuan. orgnya berbadan besar, jadi emang ngepek banget buat bantuin kita.

pindah ini pindah itu beres2 ini beres beres itu pokoknya kelar2 jam stengah 2 pagi...

pulang2 telerrr dan lemas abishh...langsung bobooo besok musti bangun PAGI lagii.....halleluyaa!!

"dont judge book by its cover" aheuheaueh


iyaak, bangun pagi lagiii....kuterus mandii....tidak lupa menggosok gigi...(upss ga mandi denkk, males boo ahhaha) bangun, cuci muka, langsung tancep gas ke tokoo. sampe jam stengah 10 pagi de trus saya pulang bobo lagi sebentarrr karna siang jem 2 harus uda di greja buat latian musik lagi buat kebaktian hari ini jam 4 sore.

kotbah hari ini sangatlah bagus sekali, tng HATI YANG BERSIH, intinya kalo hati kita bener, berkat juga bakal dateng terus...kalo hati kita ga bener, berkat yg dateng juga kehalang.... makanya nih lagi berusaha membersihkan hati spy berkat ngalir terus....skarang uda ngalir deras sii tapi biar tambah2 tambah2 ngalirrr banyakk teruss de ahuehauhe *amin*

abis kelar gereja langsung pegih makan ke ambassador nemenin pendeta tamu dan kluarganya, sampe jem 8an lewat dikitt, trus kita cabut duluan karna harus lanjuttt lagi pergi ketemu orang ada urusann, *bis niece boo bis niece* ahahahaha ampe kelar2 jam 10 malem....telerrr abisss!

pulang langsung zzzZzzzz.....(kayanya si...)

*badan boleh cape, otak boleh lelah, tapi hati harus tetap sukacitaa, aiiii!* :D

trima kasih seribu buat Engkau.

P.S: ada foto2 pas lagi bikin brownies dan toko yang uda ganti posisi, tapi belun bisa upload skarang....tunggu yaaa... :D


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

floor plan

okey, now im @ my shopz, tryin to figure out the floor plan for our coffee shop to be so bingoenkk! im tryin to move things here and there, but...i dun know...i think we just need to change some of the old things to the new one! (later)... coz some of them are *makan tempat*:)
but i know we just have to take it step by step.

well, im not a patient type of person, so sumtimes i just wanna get it done quickly. i want evrything looks good, nice, & comfortable *dalam hitungan hari* ehhehe

so my lessons is to be a patient person! remember, there is a process for everything, some process are quick and easy, but some are hard and maybe takes a long time but if u can pass all the process, you're gonna be proud of ur self.

here's i put the floor plan 4 our coffeeshop to be. maybe we can arrange like this by this saturday. and i think we have to change and change and keep changing for the better aheuhuae

my plan 2nite while my hubby go to prayer meeting:

- go to ntep house and she ask me to "jalan2 sore" with her from her house to bubble tea in myaree....ritee....that's a positive activity ntep, let's do it! :D

P.S anyone has a good brownies recipe? coz we wanna make browniess on saturday :D


Monday, November 19, 2007


mhmm sedikit waktu sedang tak ada kerjaan...

i just wanna transfer/update my photos to my blog. i really like transferring photos.. of coursee! buat apa poto kalo potonya cuma dianggurin di dalam camera?? makanya i always asked the people yg bakal motoin, "are you a type of person who will transfer the photos into computer or not?" kalo gak...*malesss mending ga usa poto, u're not gonna see the result anyway* unless emang cuma poto iseng2 yang ga perlu diliat juga ga papa :D tapi kalo sedang ada event2 special, of course i want to see it! hehehe
kalo org2 yang bakal transfer, when i saw them online in msn....i always buz them just for sending me the pics!! hauhuahe thx 4 those of you who always send the pics to me i appreciate it! well, thats me! whether u like it or not! :P i likeeeeeeee photosssssssss....diffrent with my hubby, if i like taking pics, he likes to take a video! but the idea is the same, we just wanna capture evry moments.

here's i upload my photos when i attended my frens wedding here in perth.

P.S: i think i will buy a small camera when im in indo. at the moment we have a video camera, which i can use it for a video and also a camera, but thats too big & beratt! heheh


Sunday, November 18, 2007


What happened today?

As usual, I woke up in the morning to open de shopz, lucky me; I work only until 9 am every sun, so I can continue my sleep after that aheihaie
I went to church @ 2 o clock for music practice coz I served as a singer today. Actually this week wasn’t my turn to sing, this week supposes to be my day off from ministry, but because one of the singer is going back to indo, so they asked me to replace him. (See how God really likes my voice? He asked me to sing for Him again and again and again even on my day off, hauehuahuehae ** but yeah I’m really happy and grateful if I can serve Him. It’s a privilege for me to serve Him.
And also I’m really happy to see an improvement in afternoon worship team; more people now commit their self to be part of our team. (Thank God for that, He’s our provider)

After finished church, I went to de shopz to have a quick meeting with my partner. We discussed things that we need to prepare for next renovation. By this Saturday we will move and change everything, put the table n chair, moving the till, change the food warmer (bain marie), open the other door etc etc. its gonna be very busy & tiringgg….!!noooo!! hehehe but apart from the tiredness, we’re excited!! :D

So After a quick meeting, we straight away went to church to get the tables’ n chairs that we’re gonna use. (See what I mean by “God is our provider?” I got everything for free, He really knows what we need) heheheh niceee aiiiiii!

O yeah, yesterday I also had fun with the gals! New & fresh faces! Ahuehuae we curhat2, makan2, dan laen2 but yeah im really happy to hang out with them. New environment! :D and one of them ended up stayin @ my house till 11 o clock??? Ahuehauhe we should do that more often, should we?? Hauehuaheahe

Noww….where’s my hubbyy?!! Baru pulangg uda ngaburr lagii ke tokooo!! What time is it now??? 10.30pm! riteee…I think I should off now and go get him!!

Thank You for today Lord, Thx 4 your love & your blessings to me, Thx bcoz I can serve u today, thx u for sending me new friends & giving me new environment to hang out with. Thanks for our family, Thank you for the food that we can eat, thx for the clothes that we can wear, thx 4 the house that u have given to us, thank You for everything that you’ve done to me. Now I wanna sleep, please wake me up 2morrow morning, so I can work and ready to receive new blessings from you! i love You, Aminn :)

P.S: our suggestion website to read: &


Friday, November 16, 2007

choose the rite environment

Saturday Mornin @ my shopz

Im Backkk! ehhehhe....:)

thx 4 those of u who's been very thoughtful to my blog! "nyonkk mana blog lu kok matii sii? hayoo donk bikin lagi" or "Ren hayo tulis lagi donk!" hehe and i always replied "duh maless nii, capeee, ga ada ide hahah"....yeah the reason why i took a break from bloggin was because i was very busyy lately... running the shopz, thinkin of strategic planning, doin paper workss, renovation etc etc...but so far, everythin's good, under God's control :).

anyway, this time my writing will be 60% in indo language, so forgive me if u cant understand it heheh :)

"choose the right environment" or in indo "Memilih lingkungan yang tepat dan membangun anda"

did you ever wonder:
Sudahkah saya berada di lingkungan yang tepat? apakah saya berada di lingkungan yang membangun saya atau justru malah menjatuhkan ( membuat karakter saya semakin buruk)?

“ 6 org yang paling sering anda temui, orang2 itu yang akan mempengaruhi kamu” “kamu ada seperti sekarang ini ada, itu mungkin disebabkan oleh karena lingkungan dimana kamu berada sebelumnya”

Jikalau kamu bergaul dengan seorang pemabuk, Maka lambat laun engkau akan seperti pemabuk, jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Suka iri hati, maka kamu akan menjadi seperti demikian, apabila kamu bergaul dengan orang yang suka berbohong, kamu akan menjadi suka berbohong, apabila kamu bergaul dengan seorang yang Moody, kamu akan menjadi moody, bergaul di lingkungan orang2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaannya, kamu juga akan menjadi spt demikian dan jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Malas dan kerjaannya hanya hura2 , shopping (boros), ngomongin org alias gossip, sirik apabila melihat temannya lebih dari padanya, AND U WILL BECOME LIKE THEM.


Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang rajin, kamu akan menjadi seorang yang rajin,
Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang Wise dalam mengatur keuangan, kamu juga akan menjadi seperti mereka.
Jika kamu bergaul dengan orang yang rendah hatinya, Baik sikapnya, kamu juga akan menjadi seperti mereka
Jika kamu bergaul dengan org2 yang sukses dalam businessnya, Kmu juga akan bisa menjadi sukses seperti mereka

which one will u choose? if u wanna be a sucessful person, ga mungkin donk bergaul dengan orang yang pemabuk, malas2an, sirik ,iri hati, boross dan suka gossip? ;)

It is important for us to find the Rite environment. Sometimes we just have to "cut off" our relationship with our friends because they just bring a bad impact for us, it’s not easy thou, but if u wanna have a good quality of life, u just have to CHOOSE the rite environment. RITE circle of friends. (cut off doesnt mean you make them become your enemy, no no no heheh just keep the distance (jaga jarak) and pray for them, still say hi to them if u meet them

*remember, the idea of "cuttin off" is just to keep the distance, not becoming an enemy*

well, God's been very very good to me. 2 days ago, i just thought " mannn, kalo gw ada di lingkungan kaya gini terus, how can i grow and have a good quality of life?" i think i really need to find a new n fresh environment to hang out with. and i prayed to God, "God i want to meet new people, people that can bring a good impact/influence for me."

and after that, i got an sms from my longgg lost friend ahhah we've known each other long time ago, but we've lost contact for long long time.

suddenly she sms me and said this: "renn lagi ngapain, ketemuan yuk kapan2"

and i was like "riteee on timee!" i replied "suree hayoo kapan lu tentuin aja waktunya" and she replied: "ok this fri ya" sippp!

so yesterday we met and had dinner @ ohnamiya, had a good chit chat, and amazingly, she had the same thought as mine. she also wanna have & meet new friends, that's why she sms me hahaha...we wanna go together again today and bring other friends as well.

God's timing is always perfect! No DOUBT :D

so here's the list of ppl who gives a good influence to me:

- my Hubby, through his leadership, visionss that he has, he's the one who feed me with the article2 about our amazing God, he's the one who tought me to see evrythings not from your point of view, but from God's point of view.
He's the one who help me to strecth my faith more n more. he tought me to forgive someone who makes mistake to me, and even pray for them! (it's not that easy bby! but i'll try hehehhe), he asked me to pray together evry nite, he's the one who always asked me to think n talk positively,etc.

-my Mom & Dad, bro & sis in law (enso) they're so mantappps...hehehhe thank God for them :)

-my Lovely Atomerz caregroup: You guyzz Rockss! i just realize i think i need to hang out more often with you guys! huhaueh

-my Best fren yg uda pada ninggalin gw :deponkk!(your very lucky nyonk!you find a good environment now in syd heheh) penita, lala, yen2 ,laraz, & my only se-fu si monyonk! huhuhuh

and i hope, the new friends that i will meet, will also have a good influence for me :)

updates from me:
current mode: 'cutting of' bad environment and find the rite one :), (makin new frens)
25 days to go to jkt!! can't wait!

updates from de'shopz
so far so good, we're doin renovation slowly...but our target is makin deshopz as a coffeeshop by the end of this year...

that is it from me 2day!

P.S: if you wanna have a GOOD QUALITY of Life, Choose the Rite environment.
- always give thanks to the Lord, for what you have and for what u dont have, do not be jealous of other people if they are looks better than you, coz everyone has their own portion that God's already prepared for each one of us.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

wedding stuff part II

still in the mood of wedding, here's i put the song that i used in my wedding day :)
i do this so when i turn to 60, 70 or even 80 years old, i still can remember all things. (hopefully blogspot still exist by the time im 80 years old ahhahahah)

i love all the songs, and the lyrics :)

wedding song for Reception
(when we walked on the red carpet)
if you wanna hear this song, just simply click the play button below

By Jim Brickman

what if i never knew
what if i never found you
i never had this feeling in my heart
how did this come to be
i dont know how you found me
but from the moment i saw you
deep inside my heart i knew

baby your my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
ill give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see
you were always meant to be my destiny

oooohhhhh i wanted someone like you
someone that i could hold on to
and give my love until the end of time
oohhh but forever was just a word (just a word)
something id only heard about
but now you're always there for me
when you say forever i believe

baby your my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
ill give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see
you were always meant to be my destiny
oooooohhhh baby all we need is just a little faith
cuz baby i believe that love will find a way heyyyyyyyy ohhh

baby your my destiny
you and i were meant to be with all my heart
and soul ill give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see from now
until eternity you were always meant to be
my destinyyyy you're my destiny

wedding song for ceremony
(when i and my dad walked on the aisle)
if you wanna hear this song, just simply click the play button below

Father we commit to You

(i looked tired n my dad looked nervous hahah)

God before us
God beside
God within us abide
God in heaven
and in this place
Father we commit to You this day

God in pleasure
God in pain
God will ever remain
God in gladness
and God in strive
Father we commit to You our lives

For in love
for You are faithful
through the stillness and the storm
For You've been with us from the start
Father we commit to You our heart

if you wanna hear the song, just click this play button below :D

by Jim Brickman

it's not the flowers, wrapped in fancy paper
it's not the ring, i wear around my finger
There's nothing in all the world i need
when i have you here beside me,
here beside me

so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall
or pull the stars down from the sky
so i could wish on them all
but i couldnt ask for more
cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

in your arms, i found a strength inside me
and in your eyes there's a light to guide me
i would be lost without you
and all that my heart could ever want has come true

so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall
or pull the stars down from the sky
so i could wish on them all
but i couldnt as for more
cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

you could offer me the sun, the moon and
i would still believe you gave me everything
when you gave your heart to me

so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall or pull the stars down from the sky
so i could wish on them all but i couldnt ask for more
cuz your love is the greatest gift of all

at the first place, i want to use this song for the reception, but it's too late, i used this song for the wedding clip. i will try to put the wedding clip in youtube so you can see it. but not now! heheh

ok thats all for now, to be continued (with the craziest wedding pics ever! :D)


Monday, September 17, 2007

Wedding stuff part I

By helping my friend to do her wedding stuff, it just reminds me how important for us to keep all of our wedding stuff, apalagi kalau buatnya dengan hasil keringat sendiri heheh so here’s i upload some of my wedding stuff.

The wedding gown by New Brides

wedding invitation & souvenir by Avesta, my sister designed it for me

i also made this by my self :D

The colour of the ribbon should be green like the envelope (forgive my butut camera! heheh)

Inside wedding invitation, photograph taken by cucu photo

hand bouke (for matrimony)

The Liturgy book

Marriage certificate

Wedding ring by Rosy Blue Jewelry

photo frame made by Nikko Hotel, Jakarta (my hubby really like this photo :)

My Make up & hair stylish by Riana New brides (she's the best :))

Our Dads! :D

wedding cake by Nouvelle (if u can see the renda2 and the pita there, i chose that
design so it match with the wedding invitation :))

The car

Our suite room @ nikko hotel

well, if only i could turn back time, i wanna be in my wedding party again! huhuhuh time flies!
i felt like i just got married yesterday! but its 9 months already! almost one year! heheh

ok gotta sleep now!


arghhh cant wait!! :D

woHooo It’s been a while since I posted my last blog. Yup, I’ve been quiet busy with my work (as usual) and busy helping my friend with her wedding stuff! A lot of my friends are getting married this year! [congratulation for them ^-^]

Anyway, here’s an update from me, you still remember my posted blog which I told you that I really wanna go back to indo for holiday? And I prayed to God, I asked Him whether He allows me to go back or not. It seems that He opened the way for me! yayy!

Few weeks ago suddenly my hubby said this to me.
Mike: “eh beib, I think we need to go back to indo this Dec”
Me: (im very surprised, but tried to keep cool) really? Why?
Mike: “coz there is a ‘family matter’ (urusan keluarga) which quiet important, so I think we have to go back on Dec”
Me: WOHOOOOO!!!! God is gooddd to me!!!! He answered my prayer!! Ok, let’s book a ticket tomorrow! (very excited :D)

See? When you want something, just ask and pray to Him! Aheuhaheuahea

If I’m going back to indo that means I can:
- (Of course) meet my family!
- Meet my Lovely friends (cinta, acuan, pemprot, de el el)
- Meet my nyonkies (heyy can we kumpul-kumpul on dec? I know Tazh is goin back as well, how about the others? Yen, la, raz? I hope we all can meet on dec!!:D
- I can shoppin! hahahah
- I can eat whatever I want to eat (so many good foods there)
- My hubby asked me to have a singing lesson.
- I can bring my wedding photos to Perth!
- And last one, hopefully I can find a good business opportunity there.

Arrggghhhhhhhhhhh can’t waittttttt!!!!!! :D :D

And also I can’t wait for my parents in law to come back here! (They’re in Israel now)
I miz them! And I’m quiet sengsara when my mom in law is not here! (No food to eat! Hahahah)
O yeah, when they come back here they will bring something for me such as my clothes, shoes, my video wedding! And lovely foods from my mom! Horeeee!!

Update From de’shopz:
- So far so Good! :D
- More and more people come (even it is raining)
- We thinking to make a huge renovation for making a proper coffee shop.

Msg: all i can say is Thank You! ^---^

Monday, September 10, 2007

Change 4 the better

He slapped me once
And I tried to change
But I failed…
He slapped me again (even harder)
And I tried to change again…
Hopefully I won’t fail again this time..
Sometimes it just harddd, but I know I have a BIG God who will help me to change.
I’m very happy when He slapped me! I just smiled to Him, and said “Thank You, u still love me, even when I failed You” (Dia menghajar anak2 yang dikasihiNYA)

Thanks to Pastor D sermon yesterday.
He speaks to me through him.

The sermon was about, changing your Mind.
Based on Roma 12:2 (and be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God)

3 Things that can help you changing your mind:
1. Tuhan tau apa yang terbaik untuk kamu, melebihi apa yang diri kmu sendiri tau.
2. Tuhan adalah PEMILIK SEGALANYA, everything that u have (ur house, ur kids, ur car, etc) EVERYTHING is belong to Him.
3. Berpikirlah bahwa SEMUA orang yang kamu temui, Tuhan telah mati untuknya. EVERY person is precious in His sight. (Don’t hate people around you)

No 1: Ok, checked! I have no problem with this
No 2: Ok, checked! I have no problem with this as well
No 3: hmmmmm…..*Plakkk!!!* ok, it’s hurt Lordd, don’t slapped me again hahahah. I will try my best to change!!

Talking about changing your mind, I can see my self changing slowly in some area.
The obvious one is about my tithing and ministry.

Before I got married, I struggled with tithing *u can count with your fingers how many times I gave my tithting* But after I experienced the Love of God in time of my wedding preparation, (*u can read my testimonial about this in older post titled “He is our provider”) I totally changed.
Now I will give everything that I have (the best that i can give), to God, and I don’t worry about anything at all.

The second one is about my ministry; I am a singer in our church. I used to be so grumpy when they asked me to sing for every week. Or if some one asked me “ren can you replace me to sing this Sunday? Because blab la bla” and I used to replied like this “hmmm, emang yang laen ga ada yang bisa ya? Can you plis find other people first, kalo sampee buener2 ga ada baru de gw gantiin”

But now, after I experienced his amazing Love for me, hey! Serving Him is the best thing that have ever happened to me! I’m very proud if He wants to use me!

So now, when people asked me “hey ren, can you please sing this Sunday, coz si A blab la bla, si B ga bisa karna bla bla bla” then I answered “OK, I can!” and deep inside my heart I said “praise the Lord, You want me to sing for You again Lord!, Do you really like my voice?! Maybe He likes my voice! *uppss oo, not that one!* hahahaha but one thing I believe, He Likes it when His children come& Serve Him with a joyful & sincere heart.

Everyone can change for the better.
The question is not “BISAKAH anda berubah? Tapi MAUKAH anda berubah?”
If You willing to change, then God will help you :)

i wanna try my best to change 4 the better. will you?


Thursday, September 06, 2007

Forgive me Lord...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Thank God 4 evrythin! :D

Yeay, I have good news! 99% I will cancel the purchasing of “mini house” in Cannington! Why is it good news?? Because after I took a look the house few weeks ago, I was very disappointed! It’s far from my expectation! 375 just for that tiny mini house?? I’d better save up more and buy the bigger one! Or I can find other house with the same price but have the bigger space?! (That’s what I thought when I saw the house few weeks ago) then I said to my hubby, “u sure still want the house? I think we better find the other one” but he said “just wait and see how it goes”

Yesterday as I told u, I had an appointment to see finance people, we had a chit chat, then he said “because we had the business baru 2 bulan, so kita ga bisa pake business ini sebagai jaminan/asset buat beli rumah” the business has to run at least 1-2 years, if u want to put that as an asset that can support your financial. Or u can say that ur an employment! (But still, at least you have to work for 1 year cause they’re gonna ask for your pay slip, but then I just work less then 3 months!!)

OR unless you have financial support from your parents (to pay for your deposit), and that’s could be the best way ever!
Well, maybe I could try that way, ask my parents to help me, but then I just felt guilty, and plus I don’t like the house!! (Too small) grrr…

Maybe what we can do is looking for another land/house, and waits until this business running for 1 year???! yeah i can wait for that (slowly but sure :))

But apart from that, I felt happy coz I dun need to buy that small, tiny little house! I know God’s has beautiful plan for me! i believe He wants 2 give us a bigger house (compare to this one)hahahhaha (aminn) of course In HIS time, not my time!

Once again, We thank God for evrything that happened to us :D


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

schedule for today

I’ve got so many appointments /things to do 4 today:
1. I worked at 6am-1pm
2. Appointment with finance people.
3. Appointment with 2nd hand stuff seller, still try to look at the food warmer etc
4. Appointment with hair mannequin seller. (My hubby tries to find a mannequin for me, yeay! thx chubby)
5. Apply 4 medibank private

Do I have enough time to do all the things above? Err… I don’t think I have. I think I can only do number 1-4 for today. Times go fast. Even we have 24 hours a day, sometimes it’s not enough for us, is that rite??!
But like my se-fu said to me, it’s good to learn to make a schedule for your activities day by day, so u won’t forget things that u need to do. And u can manage ur time more wisely.

Sometimes we got stressed easily coz we think of too many things at the same time. “oo I need to do that, oo I need to do this, oo I haven’t done this things, ooo I haven’t done that etc etc etc”
Making agenda/schedule is really help you :D (It works well se-fu! :D) heheh

Am I Tired? Yes! Exhausted? Yes! Sleepyyy??? U dun have to ask me this question, coz I am a sleeping beauty, I really like to sleep!! Even I had sleep for 9 hours, I will still feel sleepy! hahahahha

I’m at the shop now, rainy day today, I feel really sleepy! But there are 2 people who MADE my day today! *ditengah2 kengantukan dan kesibukan* someone (everyday customer) gives us a compliment about our foods, he said this to me: “haha I always bought the same thing! Coz your food is the best around here, I tried so many places, in vic park, Karawara, etc etc, your food is the best”

I asked him “you mean for the burger??” and he replied “yeah for anything, the salad, the burger, u have the best, that’s why I always come back here”
Then I said: “reallyyy??? Thx uu :D” [sometimes i need that kind of compliment, for sure! hahahah]

And the second thing who made my day, my kitchen hand, she worked really hard, tried making smoothes, milkshakes, etc and today she made for me, a glass of mix shake! *it really nice, lumayan menyegarkanku dr kengantukan* hahaha

So yeahh, that’s update from me! Gotta back to work again.

Msg: my kicthen hand said she gives marijuana in the burger, so people kept coming back sstttt ahahahhahaa (j/k)


Friday, August 31, 2007

my Fortune cookies

I bought a fortune cookies today! i dont even know that was a fortune cookies, when i want 2 eat it, i saw a paper in each cookies, i thought, "is this a real cookies?" i told my friend, and she said "yeah that's a fortune cookies" then i replied "ooooo" hahahah *so kampungan kah??*

anyway, i never believe about the fortune2 an! only for fun, i had 3 papers in 3 cookies! when i read it, "mhmm not bad! good positive words"

so this is what the fortune cookies told me today:

1st paper : "you are careful and systematic in your business arrangement.

2nd paper: " Keep your head and your heart in the RIGHT DIRECTION and you will NOT have to WORRY about your feet.

3rd paper: "knowing without doing is like plowing without sowing"

I like the words in those papers! very positive and encouraging!

ciaooo :)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

want 2 order?

WoHoooo i feel better now, better than yesterday! i dunno what happened to me yesterday, suddenly i felt home sick! *lucky me, i have a very konyol husband who always cheers me up when i was sad*

I tried to keep my self busy so I won’t remember things that could make me sad. I started to make a menu for the coffee shop (soon to be :D) coz my customer Ian, asked me again whether I have finish the menu yet or not, so I'd better finish it as soon as possible.

But becoz of my busyness time and a very tiring body, I won’t bother to make a “good, fancy” menu; I just made a really basic menu, as long as people know what sort of food we have.
Yesterday at the shop I looked at quokka, tried to find a food warmer and a bean Marie. We found 3-4 advertisement that we thought suitable enough for our requirements. So I made an appointment with them to see their equipments. So far there is only one that we think its good enough for our shop. We still put that on hold; hopefully we’re not too late heheh (we have to give the answer by tomorrow, before somebody will come and buy it!)

I finished with the menu, but still have to make a flyer. O yeah, we had bought the milkshake mixer, and hot dog warmer heheh, tomorrow I will try to make a milkshake! Today I tried making “soda gembira” and the taste was really nice… (It’s so easy to make).

Here’s I put the pic of the menu. Anyone want to order? Just gimme a call ahhahaha

Msg: Time is money! I used to waste my time with un-useful things (playin around, shopping, chating ha hihi haha hihi with my frenz every single day, etc2). but now i wanna change! i gotta do sumthing USEFUL everyday, i dun wanna waste my time anymore.

Now i feel happy when im busy, coz i know i investing my times for a great things. (things that He Prepared for me :D)

Thank God, He opened my eyes, & He changed my mind :D

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

home sick :(

finally, i got my hubby's bday pic from adee! ehhehe

i dunno what to say.... all i can say is i wanna go homee to jkt!! very homesick :(
i still got one way ticket to jkt with "garuda" which expire on dec. im planning to "buang" that ticket, since my mom didnt allowed me to fly with garuda anymore!
should i use that ticket? so i can go back to indo asap? (one week is enough 4 me!) i really miss my family, miss my friends, miss home, miss everything in jkt! huhuhuhh hikzzz

we prayed to God this afternoon, just to tell Him what we NEED and what we WANT. i told Him that i WANT to go back to jkt, i dunno if He allows me or not...heuhhh.
i have to wait for His answer...

-im feelin' blue-

Sunday, August 26, 2007

tired but blessed :)

phewwww... Finally, the floor is done! yesterday (saturday), started from 5pm my hubby+my partner Started doing the floor, and @ 6pm i came to the shop to help them. I asked my friend (edwin) to help us, and he came @ 6.30pm.
My mom & dad in laws also came to help us and they brought us food :D
and all my bro in laws with their partners (my en so and calon en so) also came to made"keributan" hahahah j/k2

and i really wanna give Thanks to Edwin! he finished @ 1am! (he done a good job), and my parents in law, who really support us (they're de best), and pasukan penggembira (my bro in-laws + partners)! thank youuu :D

My hubby and my partner finished the whole things @ 6am in the morning, they didn't sleep at all! finished @ 6am in the morning, then continue 2 worked there until 12.30 and after that straight away went to church 2 practice music, and joined the afternoon service.

can u imagine how tired are we? hehehhe hehehhe from 6pm (saturday) - 7.00pm (sunday) non-stop! but the amazing thing is when we sang and played music at church, i didn't feel tired at all! i was filled with joy!, and that's the best praise n worship that i ever felt. and the sermon was about "bless others" awesome!

Here are the pics of the new floor. (before & after)

Kicthen area only

one down! still have a lot to go! aza aza fighting!

next things to do:

- remove the hot food place (in the middle), and the useless fridge, to give more spaces so i can puttables n chairs there

- if u can see the closed door there, i will open that door as soon as we can get the tables n chairs

- and so on and so on....huhuhuh it's hard to built a business if you start from zerooo!

things should be done by tuesday:
- menu menu and menu!

i think i have to cancelled my booked tiket to indonesia this dec due to my busyness for renovating this shop, and because my family want to come here on dec! hikzzzzzz i wanna come homeee to jkt!!!!

Msg: for my friend who often asked me to have a baby, if u read this, hahah you see the reason why i dun want to have a baby yet?! i still have soooo manyyy thingsss to do to built this business, and this shop is just like my baby! i need to make sure it will grow and grow and grow until it become bigger. i cant imagine if i have 2 babies @ the same time hohoho...

ciaooo time to take a rest :)