Saturday, August 18, 2007

between the 2 options

it's saturday! what's the plan for tonight? dinner? cafe? stay at home relax? or go to kkr?
i asked my fren through msn if he has any plan for 2nite? but then he offered me a dinner! he said he will treat me! hahah mhmm....i said "OK!" (who doesnt want to get a free dinner?)
but then, suddenly my mom in law came to the shop, she told me how good is kkr last nite, she said: "yesterday KKR was very very gutttt" and there's another one for tonite! and she gave me a flyer about the kkr. i took a look at it, and read all the informations, here's the flyer said:


Saturday, 18 August 2007 @ 6.30pm
Theme: "be blessed to be a blessing"

Pdp. DR. Janto Sikomputra, MD
Internist specialist
Rumah sakit Graha Medika
Gembala GBI PRJ Jakarta, Indonesia.

Seorang dokter specialist yang radikal, tdk percaya Tuhan Yesus
Mengalami jamahanNya dan diubahkan menjadi seorang hamba Tuhan.
Saat dia diinjili oleh teman2nya, dia berkata "bawalah Yesus kepadaku
supaya aku bisa melihat, baru aku mau percaya"
Perjalanan hidup dan kesaksian yang sangat mengubah hati dan menjadi berkat
bgi banyak orang.

i got confused for a few seconds, mhmmm free dinner? kkr? free dinner? kkr?
i want both!! hhahaha *serakah*
but i looked at the flyer again, and i saw the theme was : "be blessed to be a blessing", wow that was exactly the same as the theme on my blog! hahahha ok i chose to go to kkr! i believe God wants speak something to me!
huhuh bye bye free dinner!

i will tell you about the kkr later! cu....


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