Tuesday, August 21, 2007

good and bad

I was sitting at the shop, while suddenly I had a thoughts and I just realized, having this business, (your own business) has impacted some part of my life so far. There are goods and bad impact from having your own business.

Good impacts:
-my life being more organized (wake up early in the morning, sleep before 12 o’clock)

-I can earn my own income now! And my current hobby now is to save, save and save!
And sometimes I’m being too pelit to spend my money hahha (u can ask my huby bout this)
And that’s not good! I don’t want being a mammon who loves money very much! No no no! (I know everything that I have is not mine, it’s HIM), so forgive me if sometimes im being too pelit! heheh

-my English & communication skill (with other people) are improved since I own this business.

- God process our (me & my hubby) communication through this business. Even though the process is not easy, we often had argue and everything’s, but hey this is what you called “process” and when God’s process you, it’s not easy man! Heheh what we need to do is always pray and surrender to Him, and it becomes so easy! :D

- I became an antisocial person, (well this can be either a good or a bad impact) the good side about this was Less gossiping! You know when you often meet ur girl friends, and have a chit chat here and there, usually 99% of them, either they do it on purposely or un purposely, they ended up talking about someone (sometimes a good one, but most of the time the bad one. (And that’s gurl! ahhah my suggestion is dont meet ur gurl frens too often! hihihi n get ur self busy)

I have a good tip for you, if you are the victim of gossiping! Just change your mindset.
Ada pepatah mengatakan “semakin tinggi pohon semakin kencang angin yang menerpanya”
If people gossiping about you, you have to be proud! That means you’re in the high position now! (Maybe they’re jealous with you, so they gossip about you) but, If people are not gossiping about you, maybe, you’re still in the same level, you didn’t improve anything yet. Hahah (I have this quote from one of our leader in church when he did the offering time), so instead of feel angry, “kesel, dendem” you can think of other way! :D

If You are a girl who likes to gossip about people, well i can only say, "bertobatlah kedatangan Allah sudah semakin dekat" ahuehaheuahe :D

Now, since i have this business I don’t have time to do (to think) that kind of things anymore, my life is peace now, far from hearing the gossips, (unless celeb gossips hahah I still read that everyday in my shop) , so yeah that’s one of a good impact for me for being “antisocial” person.

-Another good impact from having ur own business is u learn a lot of things (in business area) and I can also expand my creativity. (makin the shop more looks good, or changing it into café, coffee shop, etc2 anything! Any creativity that u have, u can express it through the shop.

Bad Impacts:
-I need to wake up early everyday! (err, is that a bad impact?) YES!! At least for me! Coz I really HATE to wake up in the morning! Im not a morning person!

- I dun have much time to see and socialize with my frens! The only day that I can socialize with them is on Sunday night! After church!

- I can’t have my holiday anytime I want! Huhuh

- I dun have much quality time with my huby ( I mean like watching dvd together, coz he often fell asleep while we’re watching, too tired)

Yeap, that’s the good things and bad things that impacted my life so far.
Anyway, I cut my hair today! Yeay! Coz my hair is too heavy now, it’s not really good when u curl it, so I re-styled my hair again today, make it thinner and more layers. It looks better!


5 people say:

Anonymous said...

welcome to the real word, girl :)

same thing happening to me too. Now that I'm on my full time job and maintaining my own business, I hardly have time for everything else.

At night though, I usually maintained a few hours of private and leisure time to do my hobby (else I'll gone crazyyy! :P) so yea, balance in life is important I guess, don't work too hard.

As for Michael, I knew how he feel, since sometimes it happens to me too. Too darn tired to just do anything. But then again, here's another nice saying.

"Think about the money, not the work"

Anyway, good to hear from ya :) keep the blog alive!

Anonymous said...

are u indra my "lovely se-fu"??? hahahahah im preety sure yes! waaa how r u nyonk?! dah lama ga chat with u...;)

Anonymous said...

haha iya laaa sapa lagi yg ngomong ky gw AHAHAHAHA

pa kabar nyonk?

iya nyonk, kl mo chat ma gw skrng mah di yahoo.. gw jarang pake MSN (ga pernah malah).. add aja indra_masribani@yahoo.com

gw di Banjar la, sibuk ngurusin bisnis gw jg, things going out pretty well actually :)

Blessed to bless said...

hihihi i miss you se fu! business apa dikau skarang? inget2 ma gw loe yah kalo dah kaya! awas! ahhaha...ok2 gw add..gw jarang pake yahoo malah! heheh

Anonymous said...

bisnis security solution nyonk. alarm system, cctv, dll, kaya di rumah" oz itu lhoo.. lumayan seh :) ama maen saham gw, saham US :) beda banget lah ama gw yg di OZ, tp kegokilan gw tambah parah AHAHAHAHA gitu deee.. keep in touch ya nyonk.. wouldn't want to lose your friendship :)