Waaa finally I got the book! Thx to my friend (anya), I really love the book say!
So today I was working at the shop at 6am till 12.30. Straight away after we finished work, I asked my hubby to get the book from Tanya! I was really curious about the book, coz she said the book was so nice, and she’s 100% sure that I will loveee the book! Hmmm…. let see!
So today I was working at the shop at 6am till 12.30. Straight away after we finished work, I asked my hubby to get the book from Tanya! I was really curious about the book, coz she said the book was so nice, and she’s 100% sure that I will loveee the book! Hmmm…. let see!

the pictures inside the book, n hair clips that i bought
Jreng jreng… when I opened the book, Oooo ooo, it’s all in Korean language! Either Korean or Japanese, hmm not sure. I thought, “How can I understand”?!! :( hikzz... But beside that, the book's really nice, all in color, have so many pictures, and there's a DVD too (to show you how to do it).But wait…”if I want to try all the hair styles that showed in the book that means I need to buy the variety of the hair clips too!”
Ok! What time is it now? 3 o’clock, mhmm still early, lets go!
I went to harbor town by my self, only to find the hair clips and mhmm little bit of shopping?! Heheh anyway, I bought 4-5 different style of hair clips and...err... of course I bought clothes too! (Only the cheap one) hohoh
I went back home @ 5.30 pm and i practiced with my hair! It wasn't easy! Believe me, it’s hard! At the moment I only can make 3 different style of hair.
But It was fun!
I went to harbor town by my self, only to find the hair clips and mhmm little bit of shopping?! Heheh anyway, I bought 4-5 different style of hair clips and...err... of course I bought clothes too! (Only the cheap one) hohoh
I went back home @ 5.30 pm and i practiced with my hair! It wasn't easy! Believe me, it’s hard! At the moment I only can make 3 different style of hair.
But It was fun!
you can see the result in my hair portfolio section :)
Msg: my hubby said: "OOHHHH NOOOOOOO!" ehhehhehe
Msg: my hubby said: "OOHHHH NOOOOOOO!" ehhehhehe
ok, i need 2 sleep now! cu later!!
5 people say:
wah nyonk.. very nice lho! udahh cepet sana belajar hair dressing di TAFE biar qualified buka salonnn :)
good work, say!
hahah makasi say! iya gw buka salon, lu fashionnya ato make upnya? gimana? kan impian dr dulu neh heheh
Baguss bgt renn.. Jempol!
Wuihhh!!...itu yang pertama rambut keong agak disasak yach ko bisa menggembung gitu seh renn? kerennnnn!!!!!!
hihih gw ga sasak sih ni kmaren,,,emang jadinya uda bisa begitu...cuma harusnya disasak kali ya biar lebih bagus heheh nti gw coba de...:D
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