She's got married last month, still newlywed huh! and she's now in Japan, so farrr!! :(
but evryday, we're like "orang pacaran" either i called her, or she called me, or we chat in msn! (itu sudah pasti) hahah. even rite now, i'm chatting with her!
You want to know our crazy conversation? ahhah today i want to write my blog, but then i dont have any idea what should i write, so i asked her, "fen give me an idea wat should i write in my blog?! request something to me! and you wanna know whats her idea? hahah just read our conversation.
AbigaiL says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
gw jg abru abis mandi
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AbigaiL says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
mau masak nasi dulu buat laki ya
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
tar balek lagi
AbigaiL says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AbigaiL says:
gimana say
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
apanya gimana hehe
AbigaiL says:
br ngapain?
AbigaiL says:
mike mana?
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
belun pulang msh di toko td lagi pindah2in barang
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AbigaiL says:
udah mulai direnovasi?
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
ahrusnya sabti kmaren cuma kan mike sakit, jadinya sabti besok
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
tp ga tau mreka dah mula2i pindah2in barang malem ini
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
gw mau post ni
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
cuma ga tau mau nulis apa! gw critain tng customer2 gw aja de ya HAHAHAHHA
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
ada request kagaa?!!
AbigaiL says:
ttg baby dongg hoahahaha
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
hahah belun jg punya baby!
AbigaiL says:
kan blessed to bless neh
AbigaiL says:
kehidupan pribadi aja,kan yg kerjaan udah,rumah udah
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
trus apalagi? emang baru segituu.kehidupan gw,bayi belun ada ahahhaha
AbigaiL says:
hahahaha, friends, family
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
family uda bonyok gw, frens belun
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
tp ga tau mau ngomong ape ahahhahahahahaha
AbigaiL says:
ttg "what I like most" and "what I hate most"
supaya kita lbh mngenal situ haha
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
lu si geli abis pen!! dah kaya mau pedekate aje ama gw
pake2 mengenal lebih dekat ahahahah
AbigaiL says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
yg laen donk ah
AbigaiL says:
tips kecantikanmu huehehehe beneran deh aku kyk cowo nggombal
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AHUAHUAHUHuahUHUHUAH inih anakkidenya emang jalannn terusss
tp dodol2 ahhahahhaha
AbigaiL says:
loh kan kmu diberkati tu punya rambut ga pernah rusak, ga rontok walaupun disetrika trs dulu
kulit ga pernah jrawatan
AbigaiL says:
mata ga pernah sakit pdhl pk soflens trus nonstop
apa gak itu blessing??
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
ahahhahah SAPA BILANG KAGA JERAWATAN??! sapa bilang rambut ga rusak??!
lu kage tau ajee aahhaha
AbigaiL says:
lu dulu blg gt kok wkt kmu setrika roll2 trus itu,
aku nanya "emg ga rusak ya?"
kmu blg "ya gini ini bentuknya"
aku ngliat bagusss bangettt masihan gilee
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
iyaa kalo diseyrika emang ga pernah rusak gw..cuma kan gw sempet warnain pen
...and we continue talked about gurl things, mulai dr rambut (my favourite), sampe ke hal2 pribadi yg ga dikasi di post di blog ama dia hahah yg boleh di post cuma sampe situ.
when i told her "pen akhirnya gw dapet ide, dari pada ga tau mau tulis apa, gw post chatingan kita aja de ya,kocak abish! ahhaha" and she said this:
AbigaiL says:
AbigaiL says:
nyambung jg
AbigaiL says:
jangan dongg
AbigaiL says:
aku kan maluuuu, malu tapi mauu
HAHHHAHA, may be this post has nothing to do with "blessed 2 bless" but kalo mau disambung2in..."i really blessed by this one of my best gal!" HAHAHAH
I really miss youuu, miss the time we laughed 2gether, miss the time that we were like a detective, (malem2 di curtin) arghhhh...
what i like most about her:
- her lemah lembut (ealahhhh..kakiku sakit...)
mau masak nasi dulu buat laki ya
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
tar balek lagi
AbigaiL says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AbigaiL says:
gimana say
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
apanya gimana hehe
AbigaiL says:
br ngapain?
AbigaiL says:
mike mana?
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
belun pulang msh di toko td lagi pindah2in barang
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AbigaiL says:
udah mulai direnovasi?
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
ahrusnya sabti kmaren cuma kan mike sakit, jadinya sabti besok
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
tp ga tau mreka dah mula2i pindah2in barang malem ini
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
gw mau post ni
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
cuma ga tau mau nulis apa! gw critain tng customer2 gw aja de ya HAHAHAHHA
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
ada request kagaa?!!
AbigaiL says:
ttg baby dongg hoahahaha
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
hahah belun jg punya baby!
AbigaiL says:
kan blessed to bless neh
AbigaiL says:
kehidupan pribadi aja,kan yg kerjaan udah,rumah udah
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
trus apalagi? emang baru segituu.kehidupan gw,bayi belun ada ahahhaha
AbigaiL says:
hahahaha, friends, family
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
family uda bonyok gw, frens belun
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
tp ga tau mau ngomong ape ahahhahahahahaha
AbigaiL says:
ttg "what I like most" and "what I hate most"
supaya kita lbh mngenal situ haha
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
lu si geli abis pen!! dah kaya mau pedekate aje ama gw
pake2 mengenal lebih dekat ahahahah
AbigaiL says:
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
yg laen donk ah
AbigaiL says:
tips kecantikanmu huehehehe beneran deh aku kyk cowo nggombal
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
AHUAHUAHUHuahUHUHUAH inih anakkidenya emang jalannn terusss
tp dodol2 ahhahahhaha
AbigaiL says:
loh kan kmu diberkati tu punya rambut ga pernah rusak, ga rontok walaupun disetrika trs dulu
kulit ga pernah jrawatan
AbigaiL says:
mata ga pernah sakit pdhl pk soflens trus nonstop
apa gak itu blessing??
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
ahahhahah SAPA BILANG KAGA JERAWATAN??! sapa bilang rambut ga rusak??!
lu kage tau ajee aahhaha
AbigaiL says:
lu dulu blg gt kok wkt kmu setrika roll2 trus itu,
aku nanya "emg ga rusak ya?"
kmu blg "ya gini ini bentuknya"
aku ngliat bagusss bangettt masihan gilee
.:: E l i c a I r e n e ::. says:
iyaa kalo diseyrika emang ga pernah rusak gw..cuma kan gw sempet warnain pen
...and we continue talked about gurl things, mulai dr rambut (my favourite), sampe ke hal2 pribadi yg ga dikasi di post di blog ama dia hahah yg boleh di post cuma sampe situ.
when i told her "pen akhirnya gw dapet ide, dari pada ga tau mau tulis apa, gw post chatingan kita aja de ya,kocak abish! ahhaha" and she said this:
AbigaiL says:
AbigaiL says:
nyambung jg
AbigaiL says:
jangan dongg
AbigaiL says:
aku kan maluuuu, malu tapi mauu
HAHHHAHA, may be this post has nothing to do with "blessed 2 bless" but kalo mau disambung2in..."i really blessed by this one of my best gal!" HAHAHAH
I really miss youuu, miss the time we laughed 2gether, miss the time that we were like a detective, (malem2 di curtin) arghhhh...
what i like most about her:
- her lemah lembut (ealahhhh..kakiku sakit...)
- she's not a sensitif person
- her blogspot
u want to kno the truth say? (i only read your blog!)
- she's very business minded! (so kapan ni kt bisnis breng?) heheh
What i hate most about her:
- the way she dressed before.
(so encim2 celananya, celana bahan gitu) ahhahaha upss
but she changed now!!! now she becomes a very modis gurl! wuhuui :D
- her blogspot
u want to kno the truth say? (i only read your blog!)
- she's very business minded! (so kapan ni kt bisnis breng?) heheh
What i hate most about her:
- the way she dressed before.
(so encim2 celananya, celana bahan gitu) ahhahaha upss
but she changed now!!! now she becomes a very modis gurl! wuhuui :D
7 people say:
Rennn.. lu gila! Beneran dipost to?? Omong2, itu poto kita berdua jelek bgt seh, kayak tengkurep duaan gitu.. nganten2an sendiri?? *NGakak berat wkt ngliat potonya itu lohh..nggak kuat de!*
hahahahah jelek2 tp kamu terhibur kan? pas liat ketawa2 ngakak sendiri?? ahhahaha! jd ga ngantuk kan huhuhuh
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