Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In love with Amsal'omo.

if you have my Msn, u might had read this sentence in my nickname. yup its true that im in love with Amsal'omo. (since my husband, evrynite, *nye-kok-in* or forced me to read before we slept. eventhough i fell a sleep, he still wake me up, just to read this proverbs.

because proverbs has 31 chapter, so we just read day by day following the date. so we read 1 chapter a day, and after that we read psalms.

what i like about Amsal: the wisdom wordd is very powerfull! *permainan kata2nya cantik sekali*, singkat, padat dan MENGENA sekali.

first time we read, we didnt understand some of the words, but after a while, after 2 times, 3 times read, we're gettin there. and slowly we remember some of the words. (even thou cuma yg pendek2 heheh )

After we read proverbs every nite, my husband slowly see my character has been changed. bit by bit of im more calm, hahahah...

and sometimes with his proud he said to me: "see, u change because of the SEED that i SOW to you everynite, eventhoug sumtimes when you read, you dont even know what you read coz you felt sleppy, but its oke, "yg penting benihnya uda ketabur dulu" (ya ya ya alritee babee)

and its funny few days later, in an email, one of my friend, said the same thing to me. she said " hey ren, u've change a lot now, more calm, more pengertian, more .... bla bla....and in the end she said, "bukannya brarti dulu enggak ky gitu, tapi sekarang jadi lebih" (and i said: halleluya!)

hahha ga denk, i just replied her: "masa ya?" maybe because lately my husband forced me to read proverbs everynite, so automatically it changed me hahaha

im not sayin this to be proud of my self: if you think that way, you'd better not read my blog! ahhaha coz you will have a negative thinking of me. (psst: negative thinking is not good for ur health haha)

im still far far far far far away from perfect, infact, no ones can be perfect! thats why i have to learn character building for the rest of my life.

but my point to share this story with you is if you want to change your character to be a better one, you can read proverbs, psalm. it will changed u automatically.

This morning i was read Amsal chapter 28 (coz the date today is 28th) and this is some of the verses i like.

28:13 Siapa menyembunyikan pelanggarannya tidak akan beruntung, tetapi siapa mengakuinya dan meninggalkannya akan disayangi.

28:14 Berbahagialah orang yang senantiasa takut akan TUHAN, tetapi orang yang mengeraskan hatinya akan jatuh ke dalam malapetaka.

28:20 Orang yang dapat dipercaya mendapat banyak berkat, tetapi orang yang ingin cepat menjadi kaya, tidak akan luput dari hukuman.

28:26 Siapa percaya kepada hatinya sendiri adalah orang bebal, tetapi siapa berlaku dengan bijak akan selamat.

Have a good day today Friends! God bless you... :)

My Quote for de day
*It is more blessed than to give that to receive*


1 people say:

Anonymous said...

upss sorry i think i just got a wrong date! today is 27Th not the 28th haha....maybe becoz i cant wait for my holiday heheh :)
