Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Rhema Filipi 4:4-8

Wuhu...Finally got my BB! it was a bit confusing at the first time, but i learned fast hahaha...

i enjoyed *ngutak ngatik* my BB! my sis, cousin, friends all of them added my PIN straight away & msg me trough BBM and my cinta was the one who tought me anything hahha! including sending a voice note! my cinta so sweettt...hahhaha


Today's prayer meeting was very good, (well it was good every week, but today it was a lil bit diffrent)
we really felt the presence of God which made everyone of us cried! everyone in that room.

before we prayed, some of us give testimonies about their own "Goliath" (a.k.a pergumulan) it was awesome.

we started to pray & worship Him with song. and suddenly all of us cried one by one...

Pastor Iwan suddenly said: "God wants to give message for all of us in this room, He is here with us now, and this is what He wanna say to all of us here... he read the bible from Filipi 4:4-8 which said:

"Bersukacitalah senantiasa dalam Tuhan! sekali lagi kukatakan: BERSUKACITALAH! hendaklah kebaikan hatimu diketahui semua orang, Tuhan sudah dekat!
Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah keinginanmu kepada ALlah dalam doa permohonan dan ucapan syukur

Damai sejahtera Allah yang melampaui segala akal, akan memelihara hati dan pikiranmu dalam Kristus Yesus.

Jadi akhirnya saudara2, semua yang benar, semua yg mulia, semua yg adil, semua yg suci, semua yg manis, semua yg sedap didengar, smya yg disebut kebajikan dan patut dipuji pikirkanlah smuanya itu"

after He finished read that chapter we all sang Thank You Jesus and suddenly he cried very loud.

Michael who was play the keyboard, first he wasnt cry at all, but he felt Holy Spirit changed the melody that he played, so he started cry as well.

Amazing.... then Pastor Iwan said again: "He proud to all of you here, all of you facing your own problems, but you still keep strong, stand still and keep looking 4 Jesus, Jesus happy to see all of you, Dont worry He will be by your side, Rejoice in HIM"

Thank You Father! Your amazing! :)

Now times to sleep...ill cu 2 morrow morning...


Me, Joyful, Blessed, & content

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