Monday, May 18, 2009

New Song

I just finished the 1st draft of my new song.

Just started it this afternoon when i took shower, suddenly He gave me a new song....usually i will forgot the song i sing after ive done taking showerm but today the song is *terngiang2 terus* in my ears, so i tried to write it down the lyrics and started to record in my BB.

and i feel like Holy spirit helps me, so it was quiet fast for me to get the lyrics and the melody.

Actually He often gives me a new song when i took shower or when im driving in a car.but i never write it down or record it so i forgot again.

last time Me & michael trying to make a new song, Im the one who wrote the lyrics & find a melody, and michael do the editing part with his keyboard...
but Making or create a new song its not easy!! heheh unless Holy Spirit helps you

The song is in indo.

this is my very 1st draft!! :)

i know maybe i have to ask sumone to do the lyrics editing for me....
for the Melody, dun worry, i have my talented hubby to do it. hahah

i also still not sure with the TITLE....if sumone can give me idea, it would be great and ill really appreaciate it.


Aku rindu memuji Tuhan
Dalam roh dan kebnaran
Kupercaya Tuhan pasti hadir
Dalam setiap pujian

Ku mengangkat tangan-ku
Kubrikan semua hatiku
Kupercaya Kuasa Tuhan nyata
Dalam setiap pujian...


I.Hanya Kau Yesusku
Allaku yang setia
Kepadamu kupercaya

Sampai bumi berlalu
Sampai semua lenyap
Hanya janji Tuhan yang kupegang...
(Reff II) or

II.Disaat kujatuh
Tanganmu menopang
Kau brikanku kelegaan....

Takkan pernah kau biarkan
Aku sampai tregletak
Besar kasih setiamu Tuhan
(back to Reff I)

This will never happened without His *campur tangan* :)

so Thank You Lord for giving me new song in my heart

All dedicated for You...


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