Today is prayer meeting day, i should go too but i felt a lil bit unwell. so i decided not to go. thats why i can searched for hotels n villas before...otherwise we didnt have time to seach it.
well my sis asked me to help her searching thou... coz until now we havent booked any hotel or villas yet!!
Here's my husband story:
When he arrived at church, he still need to wait for other people (who was meeting about Mrs Yen2 an team who will come to perth again soon).
while he waited for them, unpurposely he was looking at books there (you know he loves to read and reads book! books are his teacher)
and then he found this one book titled: FILIPI 4:19 yg berbunyi: "Allah akan mencukupi SEGALA keperluanmu sesuai dengan kekayaan dan kemuliaanNYA"
and when prayer's meeting was about to start, he entered the room, sat at his usual chair with his keyboard there....
Deep inside his heart Holy spirit told him to sing: "JADIKAN AKU RUMAH DOAMU" but when he started to play, the keyboard suddenly error, no voices comin from the keyboard (and at that time he didnt tell anyone about the song)
he tried to fix the keyboard and suddenly his mom told him: "let us sing this song, Jadikan Aku rumah doaMU" exactly the same as what he thought.
and this song is very old song, we havent sing this song for long time...
and my husband got 1 Rhema: "Jadikan aku rumah Doamu, This year is a year of praying"
and later on....someone wanted to share. and he said this to all of ppl there:
I wanna share sumthin, but the point is from filipi 3 or 4? i forgot, but the verse said sumthing like this: "Allah akan mencukupi segala kebutuhanMU...."
and michaels straight away said: FILIPI 4:19!!!
how amazing is that?! he just took the book called FILIPI 4:19, and suddenly someone shared about that verses!
He just thought to sing that song....and suddenly someone also asked him to sing this song!
And michael said that this is the rhema that God wants to gives him, so He brought the book home, and he will read it. (this book is belong to him longg time ago when he opened library at church)
He said: amazing, amazing...and YES He is amazing! few weeks ago we got Filipi 4:8 as a rhema, today got Filipi 4:19!
and he said if we have son, should we give his name Filipi??!!
Now i can sleep again...:)
Me, blessed by You
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