cant thinkin anything rite now, except food...i am lil bit hungry now :)
thinking bout food, as you guys kno i had this catering business with my mom in law called MOMS'COOKIN CATERING... Of course she's the one who cooked not me! hahah well i can cook, of course! and my cooking is gooddd! u can ask my husband if you dont believe me! ehhehe...
but cooking for a lot of ppl is a diffrent story! its not as easy as you thought,
Thank God i have my Mom & My mom in law who really really Good at cooking!
i think i just got my Mom's gen, coz she only likes two things as well, HAIR andd COOK! about hair & beauty sheworst than me! one day she told me that when she was young and dating with my dad, SHE ALWAYS LOOK BEAUTIFUL, NEAT, CLEAN! never ONE DAY she was look messy without MAKEUP, evryday even in the house SHE ALWAYS PUT HER EYE SHADOW.
so...NO WONDER if i became like her now hahaha ... sumtimes i cant get it when ppl told me like this : "Ren lu rapih banget sii...." coz for me i just feel: "apanyaa sih yg rapihh?? biasaa aja ahh"
Back to MOMS'COOKING, Thank God that the number of clients is increasing slowly....just with a words of mouth. and i think we just a bit to "ROYAL" to customers....
for $15 you can get 3 dishes + crackers and sumtimes + compliments... good deal isnt it?? so you guys HAVE TO TRY our MOMS'COOKING food :)
we have a website as well, you can visit, and tell me what you think!
here's i upload some of Moms'cooking food, and im the one who took every photograph with my CUPU camera...
i also feel i have a lil bit talent in photography as well (sebenernya) but at the moment i dont have time to improving my skill in that area....i focus now more to HAIR & MAKE UP ARTIST. who knows one day i can be a photographer too??? i see a lot of photographers are MAN... why woman cant??? :)
agree se-fu??? hahaha hopefully sumday u can teach me more about photography, yesss se-fu???? ahhaahah
Me, a lil but hungry, & receive new blessings today :)
3 people say:
I'll support you nyonk :) Amin amin kalo gw ada kesempatan kesana, gw mau capture indahnya Perth lagi. Kalo lo seh gw rasa pas banget, tataan rambut lo, client lo, trus food photography juga.. kebetulan gw lagi mau nyoba food photography hehehe
duhhh sayang banget kita beda negeri nyonk LoL
ember! lu si pake2 4 gut to indo? lu pi ar ga btw? kalo iya lu abis kawin ama si jean bawa jean tinggal sini aja! ahhahahah
hahaha kaga lah! gw mana ada PR.. ada juga homework :) lagian kayaknya gw lebih cinta indo wakakaka lebai banget. Perth is a beautiful city, sayang dulu gw blm minat di photography.. Banyak banget tempat yang pengen gw datengin n abadikan
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