Monday, May 18, 2009

Blessed Sunday :)

Menarilah, karna Tuhan suka melihat engkau menari dan memuji Dia, Tuhan suka engkau girangkan. Bersukacitalah, jangan ada yg membuatmu sedih. jadilah pemuji, karna engkau adalah pemuji yang disukai Tuhan.trima urapann!...
-Noted, 17 May 2009 Pdt Robert-

Thats roughly what i heard when he prayed for me yesterday at church, i tried to noted every prophetic message that has been given to me from a pastors, because saya Meng-Aminkan every single word of it :)

Yesterday was a blessing for me. we have a guest pastor from indonesia, and from the first time he preached, i know and i told my friend who sat beside me, that this pastor is a worshipper, his talent is to be a worshipper.coz everytime he preach, he must be sing with his guitar. and he sang quiet often when he preached.


-Its not that because you are going to church every sunday, that makes ppl think you are live closed with Jesus.

-Its not because you are a LEADER and SERVING GOD at church, that makes ppl think you are live closed with Jesus...

You might go to church every week, you might be a leader, you might serve Him in every area,but it doesnt mean you are LIVE CLOSE with HIm.

These are the 3 signs if you are live close with Jesus:

1. You have PEACE (damai sejahteraa)
If problems comes to your life, you still calm, not panicking, not stress, but
you stay calm, coz you know He never leave you or forsake you, He gives you peace.

2. Leave your Old behaviour (matikan kedagingan)
Kedagingan: Hawa nafsu, iri hati, roh pemecah, gossipin ppl, anger, etc

coz if you dont leave your old behaviour, they will produce somthing bad to you.

example: HIV virus, knapa begitu banyak ahli2 doktor profesor2 tapi belun ada satupun yang bisa menemukan obat untuk HIV virus?

karna sebenarnya HIV virus is not a desease. bukan penyakit. TAPI merupakan SENGAT akibat KEDAGINGAN.

3. another last sign if you live close with Him: AUTHORITY, ada otoritas. in a bible say: "kamu akan menerima KUASA kalau roh kudus turun ke atas kamu.."
so for example when you sick, you can pray for yourself in the Name of Jesus, and you will be healed, coz there is POWER in you.

After he preached, he do the altar call, most people came forward, i didnt coz i just help them from the back, jaga2 if they fell down.

but after a while, while i just stood in the back with some of people there, the pastor called us to come forward, he wanna pray for us.

and he prayed for us one by one. i can feel holy spirit is there with us.

He is so good to me, coz He gave me Joy in my heart. :)

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