Tuesday, May 26, 2009


What would you do if you get stuck in a shop from 6am - 7 pm??!

1. finished all the job (ticked)
2. Eat eat and eat, seriously friends, i need diet! desperately! (ticked)
3. Chating with my friend (ticked)
4. blogging???! (gut idea)
5. Read magazine (will do it later)
6. watchin you tube? (another good idea)

its not good really, when you have to work from 6am -7pm!...you can tell me lazy, whatsoever..i dun care!! hahaah yes im very lazyy!! being in a shop for full day, do the job that i dont like to do! huh!!....

Thank God we gonna sell this very very soon! and start new job, fresh! pheww!!! :D
hopefully by the 30th of June, we can settle everything down...and ready for a new things or jobs that He has prepared for us! yayy!!

I remember Prophecy from Pastor Peter Kumar right on my bday last feb....
He said that "We will do new thingss that we never done it before!". and he said sumthin about china??! i just clearly heard he said CHINA...but didnt kno the rest of it. hopefully He didnt asked me to live in china hahahah.

yah slama ini....we stucked in shop, focus too much in shop, thats why we cant produce sumthing or learn sumthin, or create sumthin because our time is *abis* for taking care of the shop. 7 days a week! from 6-7pm.... geez... never wanna do this kind of business again!! hehehe... never!!!
once enough just to get experience and to learn but thats it!

after we sell this shop, we will free to do everything we could do, expanding and improving our skills, get a good & Fun job according to Our talents. we can do anythinggggg!!!

we're just like "Burung lepas dr sangkar" hahahhaa..... but still i thank God for everythin we've done and experienced in the past 2 year in this shop....

*Pengalaman adalah guru yang berharga* (ini salah satu yg ga bisa dipungkiri memang)

things i learnt:

1.We cant trust people 100% even thou this people is VERY very kind to us, if thats related to business, never trust ppl 100%! we have to do it proffesionally, follow the legal procedures, NO TERM such as *friend* in business. everything must be written down on paper. *hitam di atas putih*

2. having *2x lipat* capital is necessary if you wanna improve your business...otherwise u can only run it as it is. (trust me on this).

3. your brain have to work 24/7 if you have your own business. (especially here in perth) if its in indo, we can easily hire ppl, coz labour cost is very cheap, but here, u have to take care by urself.
so get ur brain ready to work 24/7! :D

4. The most important things i learnt in the past two years:
If it is possible: DO SUMTHING ACCORDING TO YOUR PASSION. ask yourself a question: "what is my passion? what is my skill & talent? what is your calling?"

because i can feel it, when you do sumthing according to your talent or you passions, you will grow and improving very fast.

5. and so on and so on....(technical things, even i learnt how to paint wall. hahaha)

Now lets movee to another Topic!


yes friends, i need diet desperately! i know most of you will say: "whatt??? YOu??? diet???? your skinnyy alreadyy!! bla bla bla"

well the things is you never see my real body under my clothes! hahaha rite now my stomach is full of samchan i think, and my arm also getting bigger! *huhh*

my cinta make fun of me, you wanna know what she said to me: "Yahhh itulahh mungkin bedanya yg perawan sama yang uda ga perawan!!" see how kursoppp she is to me!!? :p

after i think and think, maybe she's rite, there are any diffrences between virgin & not virgin, and one of them is the one i experience now!! huhuhuhuh

its not that im not a satiesfied person! ehehe i thank God for me, myself and I for being tall, not too fat and white hahah :P but i just need a lil bit of improvement hahaha!

thats why ppl, i need diet & SPORT desperatly....afterr i sell my shop, one more thing i can do with my husband, SPORTTSSS!! a rutin sports! wuhuu!!

before im goin back to jkt, i want my body looks slimmmmm and my skin whiter!! so i can show to my cintaa who made fun of me!!! :P :P!! ahhahaha.... just jokin...

but how can i diet????????!! my shop is full of fooddd, choclate, ice cream! helppp!!!

ENOUGH ABOUT DIET now lets change topic

I just saw my schedule this morning and i just realized i got clients this friday! :(
i wish i can ask my staff to replace me on friday, so i dont need to cancel my clients appointment :( (pleasee Lord)

and this comin saturday, will be excited as well coz i will attend another MAKE UP TRAINING level II! this time will be excited coz they will show us the newest make up technique, so there will be a DEMO to a model.

but the bad side is on the same day on Saturday, there is "KKR" as well in my church, and sadly i cant come & join them :(

alrite, this is my story of the day! im still in the shop, waiting for Abigail to come back to me in msn :) we have a fun discussion together in msn hahaha at least she help me from my boredom! :D


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